陈雷英语 门户 学会读书短故事 查看内容


2023-9-4 13:33| 发布者: admin| 查看: 618| 评论: 0

摘要: .

I choose to work hard


1.I choose to work hard, in everything that I do.

2.I don't work because others ask me,I work hard because I want to.

3.working hard feels good, I like practicing my music and art.

4.I get a feeling of accomplishment, Especially,when I do things from the heart.

5.some say working hard is boring, but if you have the right attitude, it doesn't have to be, if you love learning like I do!


1.I like to do my morning chores --feeding the dog and making my bed.

2.I feel happy to take care of these tasks, even before my mother says.

3.I choose to work hard, to study and do well in school because learning about the world is really really cool!

4.At school, I tidy my desk, so I can easily find my books.

5.I carefully keep them in order, and hang my backpack on the hooks.

6.Before long, the bell rings, I can't wait to work hard in class.

7.So that when I take tests, I can do better than pass.


1.After the day is done, it's time to return home. I help with chores around the house, even if I'm doing it alone.

2.I choose to help around the house, because I live there too.

3.Helping means it gets done faster.

4.Afterwards, there are fun things we can do!

5.Before I go play with my friends, I make sure my homework is all done.

6.I know finishing my work will allow me to have more fun.


1.Sure, there are days I don't want to, when I want to go outside instead.

2.Or even days when I want to do nothing, and just curl up in my bed.

3.But then, I remember how nice it feels to accomplish and feel pride, knowing that I worked hard brings me happiness deep inside.

4.I choose to work hard to make myself proud as can be.

5.To feel those happy feelings that live inside of me.






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