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19.Shape Song (158words)

2024-2-1 19:23| 发布者: admin| 查看: 938| 评论: 0

摘要: .

shape songs

What shape is this?

What shape is this?

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s got three sides, it’s got three corners

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s a Triangle!

What things can we find that are triangles?


What shape is this?

What shape is this?

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s got four sides, it’s got four corners

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s a Rectangle!

What things can we find that are rectangles?


What shape is this?

What shape is this?

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s got one side, it’s got no corners

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s a Circle!

What things can we find that are circles?


What shape is this?

What shape is this?

What’s the name of this shape?

It’s got five sides, it’s got five corners

What’s the name of this shape? It’s a Pentagon!

What things can we find that are pentagons?






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