
5.A Brave and Smart Mother(141)

2024-3-8 20:23| 发布者: admin| 查看: 76| 评论: 0

摘要: .

A Brave and Smart Mother

There was this lion chasing a little zebra near a river in Africa.

Instead of running away, the zebra mom bravely stepped in between the lion and her baby.

The lion gave up on the baby and attacked the mother, biting her neck really hard.

Despite the pain, the brave mom zebra dragged the lion into the river and dunked her neck underwater.

The lion couldn't breathe in the water, so she had to let go.

The mom zebra fought hard, leaping out of the river onto the bank, followed closely by the lion.

She kicked the lion's face really hard and then bolted away.

The lion tried to chase her, but she was too fast.

The lion looked shocked and just stared as the zebra mom reunited with her baby, then she walked off to find some shade and rest.





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