
8.Compensation for Demolition(165)

2024-3-8 20:38| 发布者: admin| 查看: 75| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Compensation for Demolition

A really fast train track is going to be built through our village, so everyone who lives here has to move to brand-new apartments.

To get paid for our houses being torn down, each family started building new ones in our yards.

The government said we can't do that, but we're not planning to listen.

So, they made a rule to help out: if you're a couple, you can get a 90-square-meter apartment; if you're a kid over 16 and not married, you can get an apartment for just a quarter of what it costs normally; and if you're under 16, you can get a 40-square-meter apartment.

I went to college a few years back and moved to the city.

I'm not getting any money for this, and it's a really big loss for me.

I wish I hadn't moved to the city because I could've gotten an apartment worth 300,000 Yuan, which would've taken me 20 years to save up for.





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