
10.Contemporary Slave(156)

2024-3-8 20:42| 发布者: admin| 查看: 72| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Contemporary Slave

Sixteen-year-old Zhangxiao went to Shanxi to find a job.

A job person took him to a brick factory.

He had to work really long days, 15 hours, carrying bricks into a hot oven and then taking out the hot bricks with a small cart.

He got hurt a lot from the hot bricks, and he has scars all over his body.

If he worked too slow, a boss would hit him with a big stick.

He had to eat food meant for animals, and at night he slept in a shed with bricks for a bed, and no covers.

There were bosses and dogs watching them, so he couldn't leave.

One day, he saw a boss hurt another worker really bad, and then bury him.

He lived like this for three years until a brave journalist saved him and lots of other workers by telling everyone what was happening, even though it was dangerous.





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