
15.One Good Turn Deserves Another(189)

2024-3-8 20:52| 发布者: admin| 查看: 75| 评论: 0

摘要: .

One Good Turn Deserves Another

Huang Kaiming, who is twenty-four years old, found a little snake injured in a garden where betel nut trees grow. He took it home to help it heal.

Once the snake got better, Kaiming returned it to the garden. However, it came back to his house and didn't want to leave.

When a girl named Xiaolan from the nearby village heard about the snake living with Kaiming, she and some other girls came to see it.

After that, the girls often helped catch mice for the snake.

A year later, Xiaolan married Kaiming.

When they had a baby, the small snake, which was only one foot long before, had grown into a big four-meter-long snake. It played with and took care of the baby.

One night, the couple saw the snake catch a burglar who was trying to steal betel nuts.

The story of the snake was shown on TV, and more and more people came to visit it.

Now, Kaiming and his snake are often invited to different cities to perform.

The snake has become the main source of income for the family.





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