
16.Valuable Old Houses(198)

2024-3-8 20:53| 发布者: admin| 查看: 77| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Valuable Old Houses

Sometimes, the most interesting things in tourist spots are the old houses and trees.

The worth of some places comes from the value of the old houses and trees.

Antiques are really valuable things, and these old houses and trees are like antiques that can't be moved. They can make a lot of money for the local people who own them.

Lately, people who collect and sell antiques are very interested in these old houses.

My grandpa's house is really old, like 200 years old, and it leaks when it rains.

The other old houses in our neighborhood got taken apart a long time ago, and new houses were built where the old ones used to be.

My grandpa says we can't take down the house because it has too many memories for him.

Last month, someone who sells antiques really liked his house and offered him 8 million yuan for it.

They would carefully take the house apart and then move it to a new tourist spot where they could put it back together just like it was before.

Whether my grandpa wants to sell it or not, the house is really valuable now.





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