
7.Not worth a dime(290)

2024-4-2 19:39| 发布者: admin| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Lesson 7 Not worth a dime

I've always wanted a digital video camera.

I picked out a specific brand and model, but it was way more expensive than I could afford.

Every time I went to the department store, I'd check to see if the price had dropped.

Meanwhile, I started saving my money as much as I could.

A few months later, I had saved up almost two-thirds of the camera's cost.

One day, I saw a commercial for a DV camera on TV.

It could do everything the one I wanted could do, but it was smaller and seemed easier to use.

The best part was its price was only one-third of the one I'd seen in the store.

At first, I didn't believe it, but after seeing the ad several times over a few days, I couldn't ignore it anymore.

I sent the money and soon got a package in the mail.

When I opened the package, there was a fancy box, and inside was the DV camera.

When I picked it up, I felt a bit let down because it was as light as cardboard.

It did have the shooting and filming features like the ad said.

But the video quality was poor and the images were blurry.

Recording time was limited by both the battery life and the memory.

After just a few minutes, the camera would either run out of memory or battery.

Since getting it, I've never really used it.

It's still in a drawer of my TV stand.

I spent one-third of my savings on this toy and lost another one-third while waiting for it to arrive.

It looks like having the fancy camera I wanted is still just a dream.





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