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2024-4-1 09:29| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 27| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Passage Thirty-One

Even better than the real thing


1Virtual influencers look great and they don't bully their colleagues,South Korean television presenters have been causing trouble. Within the past year one was fired for swearing on live television and another for slandering a dead comedian. A third stands accused(charged) of abusing junior colleagues. A solution is to hand: virtual humans.



2Increasingly common globally, computer-generated influencers are proving especially popular in South Korea. The country’s first, Oh Rozy (“One and Only”), was created by a Seoul-based firm, Locus-X, and appeared on Instagram in 2020.

全球范围内,虚拟网红越来越普遍,它们在韩国尤为受欢迎。韩国第一个虚拟网红Oh RozyOh Rozy在韩语中有唯一的意思由首尔公司Locus-X创建,于2020年在Instagram平台上展露头角。


3She purports(claims) to be a beautiful 22-year-old who works as a singer, model and a sustainability champion. Appearing in adverts for companies including Calvin Klein and Tiffany, and in television shows, Rozy, as she is known to fans, is estimated to have made more than 2.5bn won ($1,8m) last year.

Oh Rozy宣称自己是一名22岁的漂亮女性,是一名歌手、模特和可持续发展倡导者,粉丝称Oh RozyRozyRozy出现在Calvin KleinTiffany等公司的广告中,还参加电视节目,据估计,Rozy去年的收入超过25亿韩元180万美元


4She is perhaps best-known for an advert for an insurance company in which she danced across the rooftops of Seoul.



5After Rozy’s debut more than 150 other digital humans hit South Korea’s social-media and advertising channels in less than three months, according to Baek Seung-yeop, the boss of Locus-X. Virtual K-pop singers are also becoming popular.



6This year the debut single of a computer-generated girl band, MAVE:, featuring four avatars called Siu, Zena, Tyra and Marty, racked up over 26m views on YouTube. South Korea’s tourism board recently made Yeo Lizzie, another digital confection, its honorary ambassador, replacing Son Heung-min, captain of the national football team.

SiuZenaTyraMarty等虚拟人物组成了名为MAVE的女团,今年,MAVE发行的首支单曲在YouTube上浏览量超过2600万。韩国旅游局最近任命一位虚拟女性Yeo Lizzie担任名誉大使,以代替韩国国家足球队队长孙兴慜。


7Generated with 3D-modelling technology and AI, the avatars are stunningly(wonderfully) realistic. Rozy’s 800 expressions are based on a human model. The technology has long been used in films and video games, both South Korean strengths, and is becoming more sophisticated(advanced).



8An even bigger change is the avatars’ ability to interact with their audience. Rozy responds to social-media comments(remarks) and holds Q&A sessions with fans. (Asked how she is so stylish(fashionable), she answered that you need to know your body type and to have self-esteem.)



9Apart from being cheaper, virtual celebrities have other advantages over human ones. “They don’t complain” and firms “don’t have to worry about them ruining(destroying) their reputation(fame)”, says Kim Sang-kyun from Kangwon National University in Gangwon province.



10Rozy’s success has spawned a sister and twin brothers. Lucy, a virtual face of Lotte, a conglomerate, has booked her first acting gig. South Korea’s newest celebrities may not exist in flesh and blood, but their influence is all too real.






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