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2024-4-1 09:38| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 28| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Passage Thirty-Five

AI and Cancer


1AI better than biopsy in assessing(evaluating) some types of cancer, study finds.Artificial intelligence is almost twice as accurate(exact) as a biopsy at judging the aggressiveness of some cancers, according to research that experts(specialists) say could save the lives of thousands.



2Cancer kills 10 million people globally every year, according to the World Health Organization. But for millions more patients the disease can be thwarted if detected(discovered) promptly(timely) and dealt with quickly. A key challenge for health workers is to find patients with high-risk tumours and treat them early on.



3A study by the Royal Marsden NHS foundation trust and the Institute of Cancer Research suggests an AI algorithm was far better than a biopsy at correctly grading the aggressiveness of sarcomas, a rare form of cancer that develops in connective tissues, such as fat, muscle and nerves.



4Researchers hope AI will improve outcomes for patients by giving clinicians a more accurate way of grading tumours. Because high-grade tumours can indicate(show) aggressive(invasive) disease, the tool could help ensure those high-risk patients are identified(insured) more quickly and treated promptly. Low-risk patients could also be spared unnecessary treatments, follow-up scans and hospital visits.



5Researchers say the algorithm could be applied to other types of cancer in future . Their findings were published in the Lancet oncology journal. The team specifically looked at retroperitoneal sarcomas , which develop at the back of the abdomen and are difficult to diagnose and treat due to their location.



6They used CT scans from 170 Royal Marsden patients who had the two most common forms of retroperitoneal sarcoma-leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma .Using data from these scans they created an AI algorithm, which was then tested on 89 patients in Europe and the US. The technology accurately graded how aggressive the tumour was likely to be 82% of the time, while biopsies were accurate in 44% of cases.



7AI could also differentiate between leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma in 84% of sarcomas tested, while radiologists were able to tell the difference in 65% of cases. Christina Messiou, the study lead, is a consultant radiologist at the Royal Marsden and a professor in imaging for personalised oncology at the ICR.



8She said: “We’re incredibly excited by the potential of this state-of-theart technology, which could lead to patients having better outcomes through faster diagnosis and more effectively personalised treatment.“As patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma are routinely scanned with CT, we hope this tool will eventually be used globally, ensuring that not just specialist centres - who see sarcoma patients every day-can reliably(responsibly) identify and grade the disease. ”



9The study was funded by the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the Wellcome Trust, and the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone sarcoma Group .Richard Davidson, chief executive of sarcoma UK , said the results looked“very promising(hopeful)”.

这项研究是由皇家马斯登癌症慈善机构、美国国家健康与护理研究所NIHR、惠康基金会和欧洲癌症研究中心软组织和骨肉瘤小组资助的。英国肉瘤组织首席执行官理查德·戴维森表示,研究结果看起来 “前景广阔


10He added: “People are more likely to survive sarcoma if their cancer is diagnosed early-when treatments can be effective and before the sarcoma has spread to other parts of the body. One in six people with sarcoma cancer wait more than a year to receive an accurate diagnosis, so any research that helps patients receive better treatment, care, information and support is welcome.






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