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6.The Green Banana(365)

2024-5-26 08:44| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 60| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Sixth grade rewrite

The Green Banana

1Once upon a time, in the heart of Brazil, a traveler named Donald Bechelder found himself in a bit of a pickle. His old jeep was struggling up a steep mountain road when suddenly, the radiator started leaking. He was miles away from the nearest mechanic, and the engine was getting too hot to handle.

2In the next village, he stopped for help. The villagers gathered around, and a man said, "That's easy to fix!" He sent a boy to fetch some green bananas. The traveler was puzzled but kept quiet, not wanting to seem ignorant. Instead, he admired the beautiful landscape around them.

3The man pointed to a tall rock and said, "That rock marks the center of the world." The traveler was surprised but nodded politely. The man seemed serious, and everyone around him agreed.

4The boy returned with green bananas, and the man cut one in half, pressing it against the hot radiator. To the traveler's amazement, the banana acted like glue, stopping the leaks instantly! The villagers laughed at his surprised face and helped him refill the radiator, giving him extra bananas for the road.

5Later, the traveler reached his destination and met a mechanic who asked if he knew about the green banana and the rock marking the center of the world. The mechanic shared that his grandfather was from that village, and everyone there believed in the special rock.

6The traveler realized that the green banana was not just a fruit but a clever solution he had never considered. He learned that every place has its own special meaning, and every person's center of the world is unique. He understood that there are many centers in the world, and each one is special.

7The traveler's adventure taught him that sometimes, we need to step out of our own world to discover the unexpected treasures and wisdom of other places. Just like the green banana, waiting patiently for us to find it, there are many wonders in the world waiting to be discovered.














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