
3.The Rite of Spring(648)

2024-6-15 18:14| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 66| 评论: 0

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Sixth grade rewrite

The Rite of Spring

1I've always wondered why we have gardens, especially since I started one when I first moved to the countryside over 36 years ago. It seems easier and cheaper to just buy vegetables from the store, but there's something special about growing your own. It's like a game that's hard to explain, but it's part of being human.

2I'm not a big fan of eating vegetables. I'd rather have something juicy and tasty, like hot dogs. But if you could grow hot dogs in your garden, that would be amazing! For now, I can't help but look at my garden every April, even though I tell myself I won't plant it again.

3When spring comes, I smell the earth and see the sun shining brighter. The birds are so excited, and I think about how the worms are moving in the soil. It's not just fun that makes me want to garden; it's also a challenge. Every year, I have to decide how to plant my garden. I used to use black plastic between the rows, which kept the soil moist and free of weeds. But it didn't look very pretty, so now I use hay mulch. It's free and makes the garden look nice

4Gardening teaches me how delicate and precious our planet is. In my small garden, there are many different types of soil. Some plants love one kind of soil but not another. I use a little bit of fertilizer, but not too much, because I don't want to help the weeds grow.

5Gardening is a bit like a game for some people. When life feels hard to understand, you can always go to your garden and do something. You can feel like a parent, taking care of plants that need you. Sometimes, like with beans and cucumbers, they grow so much that they seem to want to take over your house!

6Gardening is also a good thing to do because it helps you keep your garden looking nice, like in the pictures. But by July, it can get messy. That's when my wife takes over. She eats a lot of vegetables, so she helps by thinning out the plants and taking care of them.

7My wife's mother, who is a botanist, visits our garden in the summer. She looks at it with a critical eye. She used to tell us what we were doing wrong, but now she waits until she goes back to Europe to say things like, "Tomatoes in damp soil can get sick." By then, we don't care because the garden is over for the year.

8I think I garden because I have to. It would be strange to see an empty garden every day. There are good things about gardening, like seeing the vegetables in the morning, all shiny and green. It's much prettier than a row of hot dogs.

9In April, I sometimes get annoyed with gardening again. I don't understand people who say they "love" gardening. A garden is like a part of you, and it's always changing. You have to keep trying, even when things don't go as planned. You have to be willing to start over. That's what gardening is all about—learning and growing.

10I think Adam, the first person, was a gardener. And we all know what happened to him. But could he have been anything else? Only a gardener can keep hoping that this year, no matter what happens, they will do it right. God chose the right job for us, the ones who can dream and try again.

11I should say, though, that I wrote this on one of the coldest days in December.


















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