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2024-6-20 17:40| 发布者: admin| 查看: 223| 评论: 0

摘要: .
"Alright, let's begin. So, could you tell me your full name, please?"

"Hi, my name is Yun Lee, and I go by the name Yun."

"Okay, Yun, are you working, or are you a student?"

"I'm actually both. I'm currently attending Gongo University, and I'm majoring in stem cells. I'm also doing a part-time job at various places. I'm doing interviews for new members at an English Academy, and I'm also teaching middle school students English."

"Yeah, okay. And could you tell me about your hometown?"

"Hometown... um, I lived in Mapu when I was young, near H University. It was a loud, very lively place, but since I was a young girl myself, I really liked that town. So, that's one of the reasons I'm visiting there very often. Mm, so like I said, I work at the English Academy, and actually, that English Academy is near Hung, and that's one of the reasons I chose to work there. The hometown I'm living in right now at the moment is in Kel, near Partisan Station. It's not as lively or loud as the place I used to live, but it has a lot of great foods and um, stores. So yeah, I really enjoy living there."

"Okay, now we'll talk about collecting things. So, do you collect anything?"

"I actually collect photo cards, you know, like when you buy an album, there are either one or two photo cards, and I really like those exclusive photo cards. So, that's actually one of my hobbies."

"Mm, okay. And are there any things that you keep from your childhood?"

"Oh yes, I still have my doll that I got from my eighth birthday. So now, I'm 21 years old, so the doll is now 13 years old. So, it's quite old, but I actually went to a doll doctor once, like two years ago, yeah, in it's actually near here, in Shin Station. So, they have a doll doctor for animal dolls. My doll is a bear, so I got it totally fixed, so it's like almost good as new now."

"Great. And what are some common things that people usually collect?"

"One of my friends collects books, and I think actually that's a very common thing to collect. Maybe like comic books or series of books like Twilight or like Harry Potter."

"Okay, uh, now we're going to talk about money. So, do you prefer to save money or spend money?"

"I prefer to save money, so I try to save money as much as I can. I usually save money for a six-month plan, mm-hmm, 'cause every six months I usually go on a trip, and while going on a trip, I kind of like spend most of the money that I've saved. So in those six months, I try to save as much as I can."

"And how do you save money?"

"I have this account only for saving. The money never comes out unless I go on a trip. So I have that account, so when I get my monthly paycheck from where I work, I put about 80% of the whole money in that account, and I only spend that 20% leftovers. And when I get some little amount of money from my grandparents or my parents or any other relatives, I also collect that money and like put it at that account."

"Okay, and do you usually use a card or cash?"

"I usually use cards, but in winter season, I carry a little amount of cash, maybe like 5,000 Won or so, 'cause you know, at winter, there are lots of winter-only food such as Pang or hot dog, and I really love those stuff, and those people usually only get cash only. So I try to carry some money around those times."

"Okay, perfect, that'll do us for part one. Now we'll move on to part two, so here is your question, and I'll give you a pencil. There you go. So now, I'll give you one minute to do some note-taking. Okay, so you can begin now. Okay, that's one minute."

"Alright, so could you describe a time when you found an item that someone else lost?"

"So, I found a wallet near Kung. It was about two years ago. I found it near a bench in front of Kuk, and when I found it, I asked my friend if we should take it to a nearby police station, but we were really worried because right before going to Kung, we saw news about lost and found items because in the news, someone picked up a wallet that someone just like put somewhere, and there were like drugs in it, yeah, and the person who collected the wallet got into a serious problem. So, we were worried we might go

 through similar stuff. So, we discussed what we should do about the wallet, but we decided to take it because the wallet seemed really fine, and it was not a fabric wallet. It was one of those see-through wallets, you know, like very clear, made out of rubber. So we thought it would be just safe to like take it and put it at the police station. So yeah, that's exactly what we did."

"Okay, very nice. That's a minute and 20 seconds total. Alright, okay, so how did you feel about this situation?"

"I was thinking about the person who lost the wallet, 'cause inside that wallet, we were able to see through the wallet, right? So, we were able to see about 10,000 Won, and that's quite a lot, right? So if I ever lost 10,000 Won, I would be like so frustrated. So I really wanted to like give it to the right person, and one more thing was I was worried if there might be drugs in it."

"Yeah, okay, great. Uh, now let's move on to part three of the test."

"Alright, okay, so let's keep going. So, yeah, uh, what kind of people tend to lose things more often than others?"

"Um, in my opinion, I think people who carry small bags tend to lose stuff more than people who carry big bags because when people have small bags, they have to put their stuff in their pockets, and you know, like most pockets are like not very safe to put 'cause some pockets have zippers, but usually, they don't. So, when they run or like walk really fast, the thing that they put in could like easily fall out, but when people carry really big bags, like the bag I actually carry today, they can like put it wherever in that one big bag, so it's very unlikely to lose something."

"And what's the first thing that people should do if they realize they have lost something?"

"I guess it depends on what that item is. If it is an electrical device, such as maybe an iPad or iPhone, you could check it on Google or other iPhone-related apps, mm-hm, so that's how they can like easily find their electrical item. But if it's not an electrical item or if they have never put those Apple tags on that item, then I think they should ask their companion who went through the day with because they might be able to remember where they put it. So, I think that could be one nice way to find what they lost."

"And how can people prevent losing things?"

"Prevent... um, I think labeling stuff is one nice way. I have like pouches for each stuff, and on that pouch, I have like labeled stuff, like, um, for example, chargers. In that pouch, I have a phone charger, and iPad charger, and heater charger for like winter season. And another labeled pouch is like for makeups. I have like my cosmetics in there, and also my hand sanitizer. And yeah, that really makes me help not to lose stuff."

"Mm, yes. And why do some people find their lost items more easily than other people?"

"Oh, I guess some people just have really nice memories, and I guess some people keep track of stuff they carry around. So people with good memory, maybe, or like I said before, a companion might remember where I put my stuff. So people who go through the day with many people might be able to easily find their lost items."

"Right. And why do you think some people just walk by a lost item and not pick it up?"

"Well, like I said before, there are news about the dangers of picking up lost items, so they might have actually seen the same news and decided not to just pick it up because it could be dangerous. There could be like drugs, or they could get into a serious crime by just picking up a lost item, so just to prevent crimes."

"Yeah. And do you think there is any difference between losing something in an urban area and losing something in a rural area?"

"It depends on where you live. So, if the rural area is like the place you actually live in, then you'll really get to know all where is where. In rural areas, it could be just my thoughts, but people are really close to each other because there are not many people living in that area, so people could easily know which stuff belongs to whom, and that could really help someone find their lost items. But if someone is not a person from the rural area, I think that would be really hard to find their lost item because not many people would be eager to find that someone's lost item, and it's really hard to find direction in rural places. So yeah, but if the person is someone from an urban area, then it'll be just the same as the person who lives in a rural area; they could easily find stuff."


Okay, perfect. That'll do us for part three. Alright, so we're done there. Nice."

"Alright, so yeah, that was a nice test, so we'll give you some feedback. We'll go through it. I would estimate your score to be, I'd say, 7.0. Yeah, you're very fluent, with good pronunciation, and most of your answers were very clear and easy to understand. Like, there are some small grammar errors or phrasing errors that we could improve on. I'll just go through a few of them with you, right? We'll talk about them. Um, when you're talking about areas in Seoul, you talk about Mapu or somewhere like that. You mentioned the word 'town.' I probably wouldn't say 'town.' I would say like 'area' or 'neighborhood.' A town is somewhere that's smaller than a city; it's not inside the city. So yeah, I would say like Gangnam is a busy neighborhood or it's a busy area. I think that's better to say. Uh, when you talked about your gift that you got, uh, I think he got from my eighth birthday, I would say like 'got for my eighth birthday.' Uh, from—you would say like the person, 'I got it from my parents for my eighth birthday,' right? Um, few prepositions here—when you talked about your savings account, you said, 'Put it at that account.' It should be 'in that account.' Yeah, when you talk about bank accounts, 'put it in the account,' right? Um, when you mentioned maybe like winter also, winter is a season, so for seasons, we must say 'in.' Yeah, so for months and seasons and years, we should say 'in.' So 'in winter,' you know, 'in July,' 'in 2024.' All right. Um, just some word choice here as well. When you talked about cash, you know, you talked about hot or like that, you said some places they 'they get cash only.' I would say better verbs to use would be like 'take' or 'accept.' Oh yeah, they like, you could say 'they don't accept card,' 'they don't take card,' 'they only accept cash,' right? Um, okay, part two was good, you spoke for a minute and 20, so the maximum speaking time is 2 minutes, so if you've got more details to add, I would add to it. I think after your speech, I asked you again, like, uh, the last part, like how you felt about it, so you could maybe give a little bit more detail there, but that was nice. Um, what do we see here? When you talked about taking it to a police station, you said 'a near police station.' In that case, you should say 'nearby,' 'cuz nearby can be used as an adjective, 'a nearby police station.' Um, and also, we saw 'news.' Make sure 'news' is uncountable, okay, so we saw, we saw 'news.' You could say, 'we saw a news story.' You could say it like that. Mm, what else we got? So yeah, for the police station, like, 'put it into the police station.' I think a better term there would be, uh, 'hand it into.' So 'hand it into the police station.' Yeah, so like, we considered 'handing it into the police station' or just leaving it there. Um, yeah, that was great. Um, in part three, when you talked about one thing, you talked about if you lose AirPods or electronic device, uh, you said like 'check it on Google.' Maybe a better word than 'check' would be 'track.' 'Track it.' If you use an electronic device, you should 'track it.' Yeah. Uh, also in part three, make sure that you don't talk about like your personal story, but part three is more like, uh, people in general. So you'll notice in the part three questions like 'What kind of things do people often use?' 'Why do some people find lost items?' So rather than your personal story, you should speak generally. Okay, yeah, but that was a good test overall. Really nice. Alright, thank you for coming in."

"Thank you."
















































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