
6.Wisdom of Bear Wood(476)

2024-6-24 20:50| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 61| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Sixth grade rewrite

Wisdom of Bear Wood

1Once upon a time, when I was twelve years old, my family moved to England. It was my fourth move in my short life, and I was used to saying goodbye to friends.

2We lived in a beautiful old farmhouse in Berkshire, surrounded by ancient castles and churches. But what I loved most were the farms and woods that stretched out behind our house.

3I spent a lot of time exploring these woods alone, pretending to be Robin Hood, dreaming, catching bugs, and watching birds. It was like a paradise for me, but it was also a bit lonely. I kept to myself to avoid getting too attached to places I would have to leave again soon.

4One day, an old farmer named Crawford let me explore his big property. I started going there every weekend, hiking up a hill to a place called Bear Wood. It was my secret place, a magical forest where I could be alone with nature.

5One spring day, I was exploring near a pond when I almost bumped into an old lady. She was as surprised as I was, but she quickly smiled and made me feel at ease. She had binoculars around her neck and knew a lot about the birds in the woods.

6We talked about the birds and the woods, and she invited me to her cottage for tea and jam tart. I was a bit nervous about going with a stranger, but I felt she was nice, so I went with her.

7At her cottage, I saw lots of books about birds and insects, and even a stuffed eagle owl. We talked about nature and her husband, who had passed away. She gave me two big books about birds and insects to borrow.

8I started visiting her every weekend, and she taught me so much about nature. I even got a nickname at school, "Prof," because of my knowledge. I learned that she was lonely and not well, but I didn't realize how sick she was.

9One day, my mother told me that Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow had died. I was very sad because she had become a good friend to me. I remembered all the things she taught me and the times we spent together.

10I kept the tin of shortbread she gave me, and I filled it with leaves, stones, and other things I found in the woods. I still have it, and I remember the wisdom she shared with me. It's about nature, about change, and about how even though we're all different, we can still be friends. That's the wisdom I carry with me from Bear Wood.

















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