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2024-6-25 18:27| 发布者: admin| 查看: 205| 评论: 0

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Okay, from here it starts. This is the speaking test of the International English Language Testing System, taking place in RWS Academy. The candidate is Fernando Alonso Lopez. Candidate's number is 0143278. The examiner is Marafi, examiner number 443533.


Good afternoon, my name is Magi. Would you please tell me your full name?


Sure, my full name is Fernando Alonso Lopez Velasco.


What can I call you?


You can call me Fer.


Fer, sure. And Fer, can I see your identification, please?




Thank you very much. Great, thank you. Welcome. Very well, so we can now get started with the first part of the exam. In the first part, I will ask you some personal questions. First, let's talk about your accommodation. Do you like a house or a flat?


Um, to be honest, I prefer living in a house than a flat. As in a flat, that will take me to live with people around, like I really don't like neighbors. Um, I like spacious places, so that's why I prefer houses. Um, I like having my own bathroom, and the house I'm living in right now is pretty big, so I always like houses.


Perfect. And, uh, how long have you lived there in your house?


I've been living there for like five years so far. Um, as I said, it's my grandfather's house. Um, it's pretty big, spacious, and at the back, it has like a big yard. Um, it also has like a separate place from my bedroom, which is like across the yard.


Okay, great. Would you plan to live there for a long time?


I'm not really sure about it. Um, I would like to have my own place at some point, so I think I will be working right now more time, um, unless I have enough money to buy my own place.


Thank you very much. Now let's talk about music. Do you like listening to music?


Um, I do love listening to music. Um, I think music, uh, basically cures your soul. Um, I love listening to music after work and before I go to sleep, especially to catchy tunes.


And how much time do you spend listening to music every day?


Um, I haven't thought about that until now. I guess that I listen to around like two, three hours of music a day, that, uh, especially when I'm working. But I try not to work with, uh, with songs that I can sing, um, because that would distract me.


Great. And do you also like to listen to live music?


Honestly, I don't, um, because when I listen to live music, you can hear old people singing or trying to, like, then you can listen to encore, and I don't like it. Uh, but, um, basically I love when it's like a band I do like, um, a singer.


Great, perfect. Now let's move on to talk about travel. Do you like traveling?


I do love traveling. Um, I love knowing new places, meeting new people, um, making new relationships. Um, that's like just, uh, I imagine that I can have a friend in another country that, uh, at some point, this friend can just say, "Come on and spend your summer here."


Right, and do you often travel by air?


Not as much as I would like to, but I do like traveling by air. Uh, however, I don't like turbulence because that makes me feel nauseous and sick sometimes.


Um, and which country would you like to travel to in the future?


Um, actually there are two countries that I would love to visit at some point. Uh, one is Italy, and the other one is Japan. Japan especially for their food, because I love Asian food here in my city. Uh, I like trying that kind of food, so I would like to try the original one.


Great, thank you very much. Great, now we are done with the first part of the exam, so we can move on to the second part. In the second part, I will give you a card with a topic and you will have to talk about this topic for two minutes. But before you do so, you will have one minute to think about what you're going to say, and you can make some notes to help you if you wish. Do you understand?


Yes, I do.


Perfect, so now I'm giving you your cue card and a piece of paper for you with a pen to make notes. In this part, I would like you to describe an ambition that you have had for a long, long time. So here you go with the cue card, here's the paper to make notes, and here's your pen.


You're welcome. So now you have one minute to think about this topic, and it starts now.


Okay, now your one minute is over and you may talk about this topic for two minutes. Do not worry if I stop you. So you may start talking now.


Alright, well, this is kind of funny, uh, because when I was writing this, a lot of things came to my mind, but I chose this specific one. Um, I am planning to participate in a dancing contest in February, um, which is kind of curious. I didn't dance before; like, I started dancing like four years ago. Before that, I thought that I was not able to dance. I was actually at parties sitting down and just watching people. And when people invited me, I was saying, "No, I'm not able to. I don't like it." Um, but this actually took me out of my comfort zone. It was pretty funny the way it worked out. Um, and I think that just participating in this contest will move me to another level in my life. Um, I'm going to create like evidence that I can do things that I have always thought that I was not useful or good at. So, um, I have been participatingwell, I have been practicing for this contest for the last three months. So it's kind of difficult, not because of practice, actually, but it's more about being in front of a lot of people, getting, um, all these comments, and I don't know, like, not knowing what they're thinking about me dancing. Um, it's kind of like curious because I am used to being in front of people because that's what I've been doing for 10 years in my life. That's my job. But this is different because this is not what I'm comfortable with. So this ambition is important for what I said. Uh, it's going to, toI think I'm going to feel that I'm growing as a person.


Thank you very much. Now your two minutes are over.


Okay, great. Can you please hand me back the cue card?


Thank you so much. Wonderful. Okay, now that you're done with the second part of the exam, we can move on to the third part. In the second part, you talked about an ambition that you have had for a long time. And now in part three, I want to ask you some questions related to this topic. Do you share your ambitions with other people?


Uh, yes, I do. Um, but as I am a shy person or not a very extrovert person, I do share my ambitions with very specific people in my life, especially family and friends.


And which one do you prefer, like sharing your ambitions and your thoughts with your friends or with your family members?


I think that depends on the thing that I want to share. Sometimes it's easier to share with friends, um, expecting like they're going to say something useful, maybe giving some recommendations. Um, on the other hand, your family gives you a different kind of information, like, or they talk to you in a different way, maybe because it's your family. So, I don't know. I think it depends on how I feel, like what kind of, uh, information I want.


Okay, and how about the children? Do you think that children should consult their parents before setting their goals?


Well, it's funny because children, um, what kind of goals would they have? Like being a firefighter, maybe policeman, astronaut. Uh, I think it's a little bit different from the goals that we have as adults.


And how about the people in your country? What kinds of ambitions do they normally have, like where you live?


Now I think here where I live, people just want to be happy. Like from the last 10 years, I think people's minds and thoughts have changed. I think people just see themselves in the future just being happy. Like, "I don't care how. I don't care about money. I don't care about what job I'm performing. I just want to be happy."


And now that we're talking about accomplishments and being happy, let's talk a bit about failures. So what can be the result of failures in your idea?


That's, um, kind of an interesting question because failing is a very important part in your life. I think everybody has failed at some point, and you can either learn from it or just cry about it. But in the end, it's just experience that you learn. Um, you just want to take it in a positive way or a negative way. If you take it in a positive way, you just grow as a person, you become more mature.


Um, but what if some people do not have any ambitions? Like, do you think that without any ambitions, our growth may come to a standstill or nothing will change in a negative way?


I think they will stay wherever they are. Um, I don't think that's negative, but they're not going to know like what life has for them. Um, I think when you don't have ambitious goals that take you out of your comfort zone, as I said before, just you're just going to be there in a


 known place where nothing happens.


So why do some people lose their ambitions gradually as they grow older?


Because it's more comfortable to just stay there where you are. Um, and it's scary to try to look for new personal growth. Personal growth hurts, that's for sure. Going to psychology therapy, coaching, because they will always ask you and recommend you to try different things, but people who are not ready just won't.


Thank you very much. Great, now this is the end of the speaking test, and I will just need a minute or two to add up your score in different criteria, and then I'll give you the feedback based on those criteria.


Okay, thank you.


You're welcome.


Speaking course: this course is made up of five offline speaking videos in which you will learn all the necessary tips and techniques to take the IELTS speaking test with a high score. Tell me about your family. Do you like... In addition to that, you will have access to useful grammar and vocabulary resources. Once you finish your course, you will have one online mock test of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same exam conditions. Interesting question... Join us to become our next successful candidate.


Okay, now let's see what you did. But before I get started, I would like you to tell me what do you think of your performance? Like, was it a familiar topic to you in part one, part two, and part three, or was it kind of difficult to answer the questions?


Well, the first questions were easy. Um, I found them kind of easy, but the second part, I was not sure about what ambition I was going to talk about, so it took me a while to think about that one.


But you managed it well. Like, you talked about one of your ambitions and you covered the bullet points, and you covered the two minutes.


So yeah, um, okay, I want to start with the first criteria to talk about your fluency and coherence. I can say that what I liked about your fluency and coherence, the first thing was how you were developing the topic. Like, whatever question I was asking you, whether it was familiar or unfamiliar, you were able to give explanations and examples on that. As you said, part one was easier because normally part one is all about short questions and short answers, so you find it much easier to answer some personal questions. But part two, yeah, I do agree with you, it's much harder because you have to cover the two minutes and you have to cover the bullet points, and you did so. So how you answered the questions and how you covered your ideas, I really liked that. And, uh, you had some hesitations, especially in part two, because you were trying to come up with the next idea, but your hesitations were mostly content related, like it was because you were trying to think of the next idea you want to elaborate on. And, uh, you had some self-repetition, uh, in part two and part three, like you repeated several words or several ideas. Maybe you could just refer to some newer ideas, but basically, I can say that what you did regarding your fluency and coherence was really good. And, uh, of course, the last thing that I should mention here, um, I can refer to the range of connectives and discourse markers that you are naturally using. For example, you used the words "also," "either," "this one or the other one," "basically," "at some point," "on the other hand," "unless," "however." So it was really good how you were using these words in all the three parts and not just one part. It was used very flexibly and naturally, and that was a good performance.


Now to talk about your lexical resource, your vocabulary. I can say that how naturally you were using the fillers and boosters to start your answer or to buy some time to just move on to the next idea was really good. And, uh, you were kind of paraphrasing the question I was asking you or even your own words or structures that you were using. And, uh, I could also hear some, um, some less common idiomatic vocabulary and collocations in different topics. For example, you used the word "spacious" instead of "big," like a spacious house, a spacious place of my own. And, uh, also it camesomething comes to my mindto take out of the comfort zone, something worked out, or the personal growth. So you referred to these words to, um, give more explanations on your answers, and that was a good one. Maybe just you could use more idiomatic vocabulary and reduce your self-repetition by using a wider range of words to talk about the topics.


And, uh, now to talk about your grammatical range and accuracy. Your grammar, I can say, is really to the point and neat, the way you're using the complex grammatical structures and a range of tenses. Like you showed awareness to the different styles and the different tenses. I could hear your present perfect, present perfect continuous. You just, like, talked about the chain of events that happened to you from past to the present to the future, so that's a very good thing. And the most important thing here is that you were error-free when you were giving me those sentences. There are some minor mistakes here and there, but generally how you used the grammatical structures was really good.


And finally, to talk about your pronunciation, um, I can say about your pronunciation that, um, how you were using the pronunciation features was, uh, really, really good because it was all natural. You were not trying to, uh, speak too fast or too slowly or maybe use an accent where the intonation is not really correct. So, um, for example, the pace of your speech was fine and the hesitations were not really negatively impacting how you were speaking to me. Uh, your intonation, how you were playing with your voice naturally, and how you were linking up some sounds or some words, that was also a good one. And your own accent, uh, had no negative impact on being understood and everything was clear here to understand. So this is also about your pronunciation.


Generally, I can say that I liked your performance even though, I mean, even if you said that maybe the first part was kind of unfamiliar and I didn't know what to say, but anyways, you maybe by going off the topic or faking your answer or referring to something just to keep talking and having that flow of speech, you did a really, really great job.




好的,从这里开始。这是国际英语语言测试系统的口语测试,地点在RWS学院。考生是Fernando Alonso Lopez,考生编号是0143278。考官是Marafi,考官编号443533




当然,我的全名是Fernando Alonso Lopez Velasco










































































































是的,嗯,好吧,我想从第一个标准开始,谈谈你的流利度和连贯性。我可以说,我喜欢你的流利度和连贯性,首先是你如何展开话题。无论我问你什么问题,无论是熟悉的还是不熟悉的,你都能给出解释和例子。正如你所说,第一部分更容易,因为通常第一部分都是简短的问题和简短的答案,所以你发现回答一些个人问题要容易得多。但第二部分,是的,我同意你说的,它更难,因为你必须覆盖两分钟并涵盖所有要点,而你做到了。你如何回答问题和展开你的想法,我真的很喜欢。而且,你在第二部分特别是有一些犹豫,因为你在试图想出下一个想法,但你的犹豫主要是内容相关的,因为你在试图想出你要详细说明的下一个想法。而且,你在第二部分和第三部分有一些自我重复,比如你重复了几个词或几个想法。也许你可以参考一些新的想法,但基本上,我可以说你在流利度和连贯性方面做得很好。而且,当然,我应该提到的最后一点,我可以提到你自然使用的连接词和话语标记。例如,你用了"also""either""this one or the other one""basically""at some point""on the other hand""unless""however"。所以你在所有三个部分中使用这些词的方式非常好,不仅仅是在一个部分中使用。它们使用得非常灵活和自然,这是一个很好的表现。


现在谈谈你的词汇资源。你的词汇,我可以说,你自然使用填充词和增强词来开始你的回答或争取一些时间继续下一个想法的方式非常好。而且,你有点在解释我问你的问题,甚至是你自己的词或结构。我还听到了一些不太常见的习惯用语和搭配在不同的话题中。例如,你用了"spacious"代替"big",像是宽敞的房子,宽敞的私人空间。还有"something comes to my mind""take out of the comfort zone""something worked out""personal growth"。所以你用这些词来进一步解释你的回答,这是很好的。也许你可以使用更多的习惯用语词汇,并通过使用更广泛的词汇来减少自我重复。











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