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2024-6-25 18:50| 发布者: admin| 查看: 204| 评论: 0

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Okay, from here it starts to the speaking test. This is the speaking mock test of the International English Language Testing System taking place in Ross IELTS Academy. The candidate is Carlos Samudio Ortega. The candidate's number is 0143251. The examiner is Miracle Shafi. The examiner number is 443533.


Good afternoon. My name is Shafi. Would you please tell me your full name?


Of course. Good afternoon, my name is Carlos.


What can I call you?


Carlos is perfect.


Sure, perfect. You're welcome. We can now get started with the first part of the exam. In the first part, I will ask you some personal questions. First, I'd like to ask about your job. What do you do?


Okay, so that's easy. Nowadays I'm working in a German company. I'm doing something totally different from what I studied, for example. So this company is about software, and what we do is scan different documents from different companies.


Do you prefer to work in the morning or in the evening?


Well, from my perspective, I will tell you that I like to work in the mornings, but I've been discovering the advantages of working in the evenings, and I think it works with me really well.


What are the ways that you can improve your skills at work?


Well, to my concern, I think there are different ways. You can socialize, for example. You need to be a team player, and once you talk to more people, you know, you get more skills from them, so you're constantly learning from other people.


Let's now talk about clothes. Do you wear the same style of clothes on the weekends and on the weekdays?


I mean, I want to be honest. I would say yes, but I'm a person that is constantly trying to change and, you know, innovate the clothes, like the style itself. So let's say that in the morning I'm one, and then I should go home and I change my clothes. So, you know, I'm not like a picture to people. And that's it for the weekend because I like to go out with friends, so it will be the same.


What kind of clothes do you never wear?


Wow, now that you asked me, I never thought about it, but I think I don't really like to use formal clothes. I would just use formal clothes whenever I work, for example. The time I was a teacher, I would be using different clothes, like really formal clothes, but now, on the contrary, I'm not using them anymore since, you know, in my job they don't really ask for formal clothes.


Did you have any special clothes when you were a child?


Well, I wouldn't say my... I would say my special clothes, you know, like something that was special and meaningful to me, was a sweater that my grandmother gave me because she passed away. So for a long time, this sweater was really significant in my life, and it was something that I was really using, you know, like from Monday to Friday.


Now let's talk about making a list. Do you make a list before going shopping?


Um, yeah, we can say that, you know, because it's not a list that I write with my hands, but it's in my mind. So I like to schedule everything, like even going shopping. You know, a way to schedule is like to plan beforehand. So I like to make this mental list in my mind which is like from one to ten items, and with this at least I have an idea of what to buy so I don't overspend my money.


Why is it important to make a shopping list?


From my perspective, and to be honest, making a list helps you not only to save money but also to save your time because I think time is really valuable. Since, for example, I'm working, so I cannot be all the time shopping. So what I do, for example, I go shopping and I try to have a chronometer, so I don't spend that much time, like 20 minutes, and that's not a lot.


Do you prefer using a piece of paper or making a list on your phone?


As I said, for example, I like to do it mentally. Maybe I'm not that good at memorizing things, but at least I can remember the one, three, four items that I really need to use, like I'm really in need to use.


Thank you very much. Now we can move on to the second part of the exam. In the second part, I will give you a card with a topic, and you should talk about this topic for two minutes. Before that, you have one minute to think about what you're going to say, and you can make some notes to help you if you wish. Do you understand?




Good. So now I'm giving you the cue card and a piece of paper and a pencil for you to make notes. You should talk about a group project that you worked on. Here's the paper, and you have now one minute to think about this topic, and I will let you know once your one minute is over. So your time starts now.


Your two minutes start now.


Okay, so I was asked to tell you about a group project that I have, and I would like to start by mentioning the last project that I did actually with my classmates. It was a project about immigration, but a specific immigration that we have here in Germany because of the current situation with the war in Ukraine. We were speaking about a group of people that is called gypsies, which I think is not correct to call them like that. They have their own name, which is Romani. Well, the project was about this, and I was asked to work with two classmates from my master's program. They are Penelope and I think her name is Lorena. So it was the three of us working on this project. We really enjoyed it, and it consisted of a podcast of three episodes actually. So in these three episodes, we had the opportunity to tell and explain to different people about the current situation, and it was really, really nice. The result was amazing, but to be honest, we were a bit lost. We couldn't find our feet at the beginning, we were really lost, but once we put all our ideas together, we came up with this really amazing idea about making three episodes because we thought at the beginning about making just one episode and instead of a podcast, it would be a video. Thanks to the organization we had and after certain feedback from different people, including the teacher, we came up with this good opportunity to make this project. Just to mention something that I really, really loved about this project was the fact that we had a special guest, someone that came and was there to speak and clarify the situation. So with that, we not only had the chance to get a good grade, but we also got the chance to face the reality of the happenings.


Thank you very much, your time is over. Thank you so much. Very well, so now we can move on to the third part of the exam. In the second part, you described a group project that you worked on, and now in part three, I would like to ask you some questions related to this topic.


What kinds of qualities does a leader need to have in your idea?


Well, as a teacher and from my perspective, like I can really be honest with you, I think as a teacher I was a leader, and I was in charge of helping students to improve. So a leader, in this case, a teacher, is there to instruct people, to teach them, and to make things difficult easy for them to understand.


Okay, and what are the reasons for the failure of teamwork?


Failure in teamwork is normally because it's not planned. So we need to schedule everything, to book everything. So if we need to gather because we need to organize our ideas, that is a must. In order to achieve our goals, we need to organize ourselves, and that's how we can stave off failure.


Okay, and would you work in a team if you had the chance to?


Yeah, definitely, because I've been developing my skills working with different people all around the world, not only in Mexico but also here in Germany, not only in the university but also at work. So I think I'm ready, and I'm still developing.


And do you consider working with a team more difficult than working alone?


In my opinion, it could be both because, you know, you have advantages and disadvantages. So I think one advantage of working with people is that you can organize the work in different stages. So for example, one person is in charge of one stage, then we could pass it on to the next person, so everything is completed on time. When you are working alone, you need to adjust to yourself, and maybe that's more comfortable for certain people, but for me, I think I prefer to organize and to instruct others on how to do a task.


Don't you think that this can result in negative competition among the people who work together?


I think competition is really healthy, but it depends on how we aim to cover the necessities of people. So for example, what I do is we gather in a circle, and I ask people, "Okay, we have these different tasks, what would you like to do?" So I'm always giving the work according to the necessities and the lives of people. If someone there tells me, "Okay, I would like to do this," of course, go ahead, you can take it. This is the way we step up and overcome these bad feelings towards working in teams.


Do you also think that children need to know more about teamwork from an early age?


I do think so. I couldn't agree more with you because I think it is important to teach children about the benefits of working together. Society was built together, and it will be in the next years, so I think children need to


 learn that from now on.


Okay, thank you very much. Now this is the end of the speaking test.




好的,从这里开始口语测试。这是国际英语语言测试系统的模拟口语测试,地点在Ross雅思学院。考生是Carlos Samudio Ortega,考生编号是0143251。考官是Miracle Shafi,考官编号是443533























































































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