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2024-6-25 19:02| 发布者: admin| 查看: 225| 评论: 0

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Alright, we are ready to begin. This is the speaking test of the International English Language Testing System taking place on the 11th of February. Center number DDE120. The candidate is Harvey. The candidate's number is 01313458. The examiner is Samson Sees. Examiner number 443533.


Good afternoon. My name is Samson. Could you please tell me your full name?


Yes, I'm Marina Zafi.


Great, and can I see your identification, please?


Here you are.


Thank you very much. Alright, now in the first part of the test, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself. First, I'd like to ask you some questions about your free time. Describe a place in your city or town where you like to go in your free time.


Well, there is this huge shopping mall right in the western part of my city called Bumland. I really like it there, and it has a great number of stores of all kinds. I usually go there in my leisure time with my sister, and I enjoy window shopping there. Although there are so many other things to do, people can go there to do their shopping, spend time together, and just have fun in their leisure time.


Wonderful. And why do you like to go there in particular?


I think it's because there are so many different activities that you can do there. Whatever I need to buy, I can find it there. Or if I want to get together with my friends, it's a great place for us to hang out for a while. In summary, to just have a conclusion, I can say that it's like a little city under one roof. It's amazing.


Great. And is there anything you don't like about it?


Yes, the only thing that I can think of is the parking situation. The parking garage is so crowded, and sometimes I have to spend a lot of time just driving around to find an empty spot. Besides, I have just obtained my driving license, so it's kind of annoying and it annoys me even more. So I think that they should have a system to show us where the empty spots are so that we can just go right to the spots without driving around and around for a long time.


Great. And is it a popular place for people in your city?


Absolutely, yes. It's a well-known place among Iranians, especially people who live in Tehran. I think one of the reasons is because you can do many different activities there, as I mentioned before, and there are so many things that you can purchase. The other reason that I can think of is that you can find whatever you need, and people can buy different stuff without needing to go anywhere else afterwards.


Wonderful. And let's now move on to talk about the internet. How often do you use the internet?


To be honest, I'm almost always online since my work and my studies both can be undertaken through the internet, especially since this coronavirus situation happened. We don't have any other choice than to use the internet. I usually use the internet to find information both for my work and some personal reasons. So I can say that I'm using the internet several times a day.


Wow. And do you like shopping online?


Yeah, I'm a huge fan of online shopping because it's so easy, and it's kind of my thing. I can say it that way. The shipping costs are kind of high, but it's worth it, and I really enjoy searching the net and finding information before I make a big purchase. That is one of the big benefits that online shopping has.


Okay, thank you very much. Alright, now I'm going to give you a topic, and I'd like you to talk about it for up to two minutes. Before you talk, you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say, and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?


Yes, I understand.


Okay, wonderful. So here's a piece of paper and a pencil to make notes. Here is the topic: Describe a hobby you enjoy doing. You have one minute to make notes. You may start now.


Oh, okay, I think I'm ready.


Okay, yeah, one minute is up as well, so you may start speaking now.


One of the hobbies that I really enjoy doing is painting. I cannot say that I'm an artistic person, but I really like it. The materials that I usually use are watercolor brushes and special watercolor papers. I started learning how to paint a couple of years ago. Frankly, I can't remember why I decided to do that, but as soon as I knew that's what I wanted to do, I started looking for classes near my workplace, and that was when I was an architecture student. I've learned a lot through these years, and now I enjoy painting a lot. And that's because it's really relaxing, and it just gives me a satisfying feeling. It makes me feel great about myself and my work. One of the other reasons that I can think of is that I find it so challenging. I see it as a challenge. Making a painting look the way I want it to look has always been a challenge, and I've had some frustrations through these years. But whenever I feel like I've finally made my painting look the way I imagined it or pictured it in my mind, it's just great. It makes me feel thrilled and so proud of myself. So these are the reasons that I really enjoy painting. Also, I really like that I have something to hang on the walls, but of course, I only hang up the successful ones. But I love all of my works equally. So this relaxing hobby that I have is great and so useful.


Thank you very much. Okay, that's the end of the two minutes. May I have the papers back, please?


Sure, thank you. Here you are.


Thanks very much. Okay, so we've been talking about a hobby you enjoy doing, and now I'd like to ask you some questions related to this. What hobbies are common in your culture?


Well, Iranians have always been so interested in having different entertainments. One of the hobbies that is popular among my friends is collecting comic books. I know some people might say that it's not that commonly done among Iranians, but it is. People like collecting different comic books, including comics from other countries. However, people like collecting other things like coins or stamps, or some artistic people or creative people might like paintings and drawings. Although I think it can be an expensive collection.


Okay, and are there any hobbies that you think are not worthwhile?


To be honest, some hobbies can be a real waste of time. For me, for example, collecting baseball cards is not one of my favorites because I'm so uninterested in baseball. But of course, I cannot say that it can't be worthwhile for someone who enjoys baseball and likes this hobby. So I think that having a hobby is fine as long as it's not harmful to yourself and other people, and as long as you're having fun with it. So it's okay, and it's worth doing.


Okay, and why do you think people have hobbies?


I think people have different entertainments in their free time because they want to relax after a whole week of working or studying. We all need some time to relax and enjoy ourselves. Also, people might have hobbies to learn some new skills like drawing, knitting, or even learning a new language. And the other thing that I can think of is finding new people and new friends. You can join groups of like-minded people that have the same hobbies as you do, and that can be so great and fun. So I think these are the reasons why people allocate time to hobbies.


Right, and how important is it to encourage children to take up hobbies?


It's great. I think it's so good to motivate children to take up hobbies for themselves. That's how they can use their free time instead of just wandering around, watching TV, or just playing with their phones. It can be great; it can be a good experience, and they can learn some new skills too. I mean, even if their hobby is to just draw something simple, they can learn some useful skills too, like organizing, like setting up their mind, like choosing a goal and reaching it. So I think it can be useful in their daily life too.


Oh, great. And do you think it's also important for older people, like retired people, to take up maybe a few hobbies?


Yes, obviously. Hobbies, as I said before, can help you relax and enjoy your free time. It can also be useful to take your mind off some of the problems that you might have, work problems, personal problems, and you can just enjoy what you're doing and have fun as long as you want and you can. So it can be a great idea to have hobbies no matter how old you are or how many problems you have in your life.


Thank you very much. That's the end of the speaking test. Take a deep breath now.


I was a little bit stressed.


No, that's natural. That happens in every test. Actually, I think it happens more in the mock tests, so don't worry about that. First, we'll have a look at the four criteria, you know, just a quick round-up to get your band score. So you know what we're looking at here is easily an eight, which congratulations.


Thank you very much.


You earned it because basically, you're ticking all the boxes that the speaking tests and IELTS require. You know, we'll go through them one by one, and you know, easily you can increase that eight to a nine. I don't think you have any particular problem with what we're looking at here. So we'll start with fluency and coherence. This is the first thing we're going to look at. Again, perfect. You know, all the sentences that you're producing, the fluency sounded naturally. I thought you sounded very natural to me, very, very natural and relaxed. You had maybe a few self-repetitions


, but very little. You had a few "um"s, you know, these are just minor things you could just cross off from your list, you know, to get the nine band score rather than the eight. But, you know, you seemed very relaxed to me altogether. And your speed as a whole was good. Maybe sometimes here and there, you rushed just a tiny bit, and you could easily kill off some more time by just slowing down just a tiny bit. But again, because you were producing amazing ideas with all the answers that you were answering correctly, I don't think you had a problem with time in particular. But maybe just as a precaution, you could slow down a little bit. Vocabulary, again, was amazing. A wide range of vocabulary, using them in the correct spots, and maybe producing the same words or the same meaning but again using a wide range of vocabulary, which is very good for IELTS criteria, IELTS speaking criteria. Maybe you repeated words here and there. That happens. I mean, what do you call it? Native speakers would do the same. We all repeat our words, and that's another natural part of the language. Maybe you could just polish that up for your IELTS speaking test, again, just if you want to get that nine band score. Grammar and accuracy, again, you were using complex structures, and I don't think you had any problem with that either because you seemed very relaxed. You were using them at the correct time and one after the other. I don't think maybe at some point you were a little bit hesitant, but I think that's more about the idea that you were talking about, to continue talking about your idea.


Maybe it's a little bit sometimes hard to extend my ideas.


That's right. I think it's hard for anyone to extend their ideas, particularly if they're not prepared for the sort of questions they're going to be asked. That again could happen for a native speaker. A native speaker could fall into that trap. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Again, if you were slightly maybe hesitant thinking about your idea, maybe just a tiny bit slow down. I would say just slow down in your answers in part two and part three because it is a little bit complex when you're trying to think about multiple ideas to have a conversation with the examiner, especially in part three. But again, I don't think you had any problems with your ideas, and the complex structures that you were using, again, fantastic stuff. Pronunciation, I don't think you had any problem with pronunciation. I wouldn't look at that at all. I mean, you sounded very comfortable with all the words that you're pronouncing, whether they were the simple words or some certain tongue twisters. I felt that your tongue wasn't twisted at all. It was very good. So definitely, the pronunciation, I wouldn't concentrate on that at all. Altogether, just a bit of timing with spreading out your ideas a little bit with the answers and all that is just taking down the pace. Maybe if you're in gear five, reduce it to gear four.


Yeah, so many thoughts in my head that I need to think of, so yes, you're right.


That's right. No, that's absolutely fine. Are there any questions you'd like to ask me?


Actually, I was just worried about the time managing, and that's one of the reasons why I was trying to talk as much as I can, as fast as I can. Yeah, it was a great feedback for me to just slow down a little bit and concentrate more.


Oh, it's my pleasure. No, you did a great job, and you actually managed to control it in most of the occasions, especially part two. Even you went on to elaborate even more just to make sure the, like you were talking about time management, to make sure I'm getting over.


That's right, to keep making sure the time is over. Try not to think too much about that. If I was in your position, just, you know, stick to your ideas, just what you were doing. And yeah, again, it plays in the back of your mind, "Okay, I do have to talk for up to two minutes." But you know how it works, the examiner stops you after the two minutes. So don't worry. I mean, if you just focus on that with controlling the speed, and if you control the speed and stop that slight hesitant side with the "um"s, because we all do it. Native speakers, we always have the "um"s and the pauses. So you just polish it. It's just basically polishing up what you have, and you'd easily get that nine band score. I don't see any problem.


Yeah, I hope so.


No, I know so. So I wish you the best of luck, and well done.


Thank you. Thank you very much. It was great, and I can really use the feedback you gave me.


Oh, it's my pleasure. Anytime.




好的,我们准备开始。这是国际英语语言测试系统的口语测试,时间是211日。中心编号是DDE120。考生是Harvey,考生编号是01313458。考官是Samson Sees,考官编号是443533




是的,我叫Marina Zafi










































































































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