
4.Clearing in the Sky(472)

2024-6-29 12:04| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 62| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Sixth grade rewrite

Clearing in the Sky

1Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jesse who lived with his father in a beautiful countryside. His father was a strong and wise man who loved the land. One day, Jesse's father said, "Come with me, Jesse. I want to show you something special."

2Jesse was a bit tired from walking up a hill to his father's house, but he knew he couldn't say no to his father. They walked through a field of green grass and trees, and his father stopped to pick a piece of grass. "Look at this, Jesse! Isn't it beautiful?" he said proudly.

3Jesse's father told him how he had worked hard to make the land grow good crops. He had cleared the land of trees and bushes and had planted seeds that grew into corn, wheat, and potatoes. Jesse remembered helping his father when he was younger, but he didn't understand why his father was showing him this now.

4They walked up a steep path to the top of a mountain. Jesse's father was breathing heavily, but he kept going. "I want to show you something," he said. They reached a small clearing in the middle of the woods. "This is my special place," his father said.

5Jesse looked around and saw a small garden with tomatoes, yams, and potatoes. "This is where I grow my vegetables," his father explained. "They taste better because they are grown in new soil."

6Jesse was surprised. "But why did you make this garden here?" he asked. His father smiled and said, "I wanted to come back to the place where your mother and I started our life together. I wanted to feel young again."

7Jesse's father had been sick, and the doctors had told him to rest. But he couldn't sit still. He needed to work and feel the soil under his hands. He had made different paths up the mountain, each one a bit steeper than the last. "It was a way for me to know I was getting better," he said.

8Jesse understood that his father's garden was more than just a place to grow vegetables. It was a place of memories and love. It was a place where his father could feel alive and strong. Jesse was proud of his father and the legacy he was leaving behind.

9As they walked back down the mountain, Jesse knew that he would always remember this special day with his father. It was a day filled with love, hard work, and the beauty of nature. And he knew that no matter what happened, he would always carry his father's spirit with him.
















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