
2.Silent Spring(339)

2024-7-4 14:14| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 23| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Sixth grade rewrite

Silent Spring

Rachel Carson

1Once upon a time, in the heart of America, there was a town where everything seemed to live in peace with its surroundings. The town was surrounded by beautiful farms, where in spring, white flowers bloomed, and in autumn, the trees turned into a beautiful mix of colors. Animals like foxes and deer lived happily in the hills and fields.

2The roadsides were full of beautiful plants and flowers, and even in winter, birds would come to eat the berries and seeds. The town was famous for its many birds, and people would come from far away to see them during their migrations in spring and fall. The streams were clear and cold, and full of fish.

3But then, something bad happened. The animals started to get sick and die. The birds disappeared, and the streams became empty. The trees and plants turned brown and died. It was like a spell had been cast on the town.

4The reason for this was that people had been using chemicals to kill insects and weeds. These chemicals were so strong that they not only killed the pests but also harmed other animals and plants. The chemicals stayed in the soil and water, and even in the air, making it hard for anything to live.

5Rachel Carson, a scientist, wrote a book called "Silent Spring" to tell people about this problem. She said that we need to be careful with the chemicals we use because they can harm the whole world. We need to find better ways to live with nature, not against it.

6Rachel Carson's message is important for everyone, especially for children who will grow up in a world that needs to be protected. We should learn to live in harmony with nature, so that we can keep our world beautiful and healthy for ourselves and for all the creatures that share it with us.
















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