
2.The Needs That Drive US All(537)

2024-7-8 14:02| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

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Sixth grade rewrite

The Needs That Drive US All

1Everyone has needs that make them do things. Animals, including humans, need to stay alive and have babies so their kind can keep living. As humans, we have more needs than just staying alive and having babies. We also need to feel like we belong, to love and be loved, to have power, to be free, and to have fun.

2These needs are like rules in our body that tell us how to live. They are all important, and we need to be happy with them to live a good life. The need for power is special because it seems like humans are the only animals that try so hard to get more power.

3When we can't meet our needs, we feel bad. But when we can meet them, we feel good. The more we can't meet a need, the worse we feel. The more we can meet a need, the better we feel. Some needs are easy to understand, like being hungry or thirsty. But other needs, like feeling like we belong or having fun, can be harder to meet.

4The need for power is hard to meet because many people think it's bad to want power. Even leaders try to look like they don't want power. But power is not good or bad. It's how we use power that matters. If we use power to help people, that's good. If we use it to hurt people, that's bad.

5We all want power, even if we don't admit it. We follow people who seem strong because we hope they will share some of their power with us. If they are smart, they will. We are very competitive. We want to win, to be respected, to be heard, and to be right. We worry about how others see us and if we are doing enough. We are always trying to avoid being controlled by others.

6We also want freedom. But the more power someone has, the less free we feel. So, power and freedom can be against each other. We want to be free to lose sometimes and to be able to do things on our own. Fun is another need. It's hard to explain, but we all know what fun is. It's not serious but it's important. Fun makes things better and makes us want to do them again.

7All animals that can choose what to do seem to have fun sometimes. The smarter the animal, the more fun it has. Animals that can't learn much don't have fun. We learn because we want to have fun. Fun helps us learn more. If we didn't have fun while learning, we wouldn't learn as much.

8Boredom is the opposite of fun. It happens when we have to do something without learning. If we can make a boring task fun, like Tom Sawyer did when he painted a fence, it's not so bad. When we add power, freedom, or belonging to a situation, it becomes more interesting. And when we are interested, we learn more.

















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