
2.The Needs That Drive US All(1204)

2024-7-8 14:44| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 15| 评论: 0

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Ninth grade rewrite

The Needs That Drive US All

1All living creatures, from the smallest insect to the most complex human, share a fundamental drive to survive and reproduce. This ensures that their species continue to exist. As life has evolved, humans have developed additional needs that go beyond just staying alive and having offspring. These include the need to feel connected and loved, to gain a sense of power, to enjoy freedom, and to experience joy and fun.

2These five needs are deeply ingrained in our nature, guiding us on how to live our lives. They are all essential, and we must find a way to satisfy them to achieve our full potential. The need for power stands out because it seems to be uniquely human. We constantly strive for power in every aspect of our lives, often in ways that other animals do not.

3When our needs are not met, we feel pain. But when they are fulfilled, we feel pleasure. The more quickly and deeply our needs are met, the more pleasure we experience. Basic survival needs, like hunger and thirst, are straightforward, and we quickly learn what happens when these needs are not met. However, when it comes to psychological needs such as belonging, fun, freedom, and power, we face more challenges in satisfying them.

4The need for power is particularly challenging because many cultures discourage the open pursuit of power. Even leaders try to appear humble, emphasizing their desire to serve rather than to control. But power itself is neither good nor bad. It's how we use it that matters. When power is used to help those who are powerless, it can be a force for good.

5Throughout history, there have been few examples of people like Martin Luther King Jr., who used their power to benefit the powerless. Instead, history is filled with those who used power to harm others. This is why many people view power negatively, as they have been its victims. Even tyrants speak of power as if it's a bad thing, promoting humility to maintain and grow their own power.

6It's easy to understand that those who seek power may become more dominant and have a better chance of survival. But it's harder for us to accept that this need is part of our genetic makeup. We have been taught by those in power to be humble, and it's remarkable how widely accepted this message is, even though it's clearly self-serving.

7We are highly competitive. If we believe we have a chance to do more than just survive, we become ambitious. We worry about winning, our honor, our pride, our integrity, our desire to be heard, our need to be right, recognition, achievement, wealth, appearance, influence—the list goes on.

8We are also easily jealous, and sometimes people call us arrogant when we are just competent. We worry about status, position, and influence. We try to avoid those who would coerce, manipulate, or use us. Many of us are also concerned with seeking revenge for past wrongs. Even the humble among us compete to be seen as the most humble.

9You might wonder whether power is used more for good or evil, but as a basic need, it has no moral value. Our needs push us to seek fulfillment, and whether we do right or wrong in the process is up to each of us to decide. I spend a lot of time on this need because it is particularly important, especially for young people. If students don't feel they have any power in their academic classes, they won't be motivated to work hard. The same goes for teachers.

10There is no greater work incentive than seeing that your efforts lead to more power. Freedom, another basic need, often conflicts with power. The more power you have, even if it's used for my benefit, the less freedom I have. It seems there must be a balance to power; unchecked power could be destructive to our species' survival. Therefore, much of what is said about power can also be said about freedom.

11For example, we may be competitive by nature, but we also want the freedom to lose without losing too much. And while a child may love her parents, she also wants the freedom to become independent. So you can see that freedom can be in conflict not only with power but also with belonging. If you want me around too much, I might feel stifled, but if you don't give me enough attention, I might feel unloved.

12Most people, after some thought, can accept that love, power, and freedom are as basic as the need to survive. They might, however, question my claim that fun is a basic need. They wonder if we really need to have fun and what it is, exactly. It's hard to define, but we all know that fun is associated with laughter, play, and entertainment.

13Fun is the part of a job that you don't have to do, but doing it can be the best part of the job. It's never serious, but it's often important: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It can be frivolous, but it doesn't have to be. It can be planned, but is more often spontaneous. It can balance a lot of misery, and it acts like a catalyst that makes anything we do better and worth doing again and again.

14Not only humans have fun. My observation is that all animals that can make choices to fulfill their needs seem to have fun at times. The higher the animal, the more fun it has. Lower animals, whose behavior is mostly instinctual and who have limited learning ability, don't seem to experience fun.

15I believe we will survive in direct proportion to how much we can learn. So, driven by the need for fun, we always have a powerful genetic incentive to keep trying to learn as much as we can. Without the connection between fun and learning, we would not learn nearly as much.

16I realize that we also learn for power, love, and freedom, but to satisfy these often requires long-term dedication. It is the immediate fun of learning that keeps us going day by day, especially when we are young and have so much to learn.

17Boredom is the opposite of fun. It always occurs when we have to spend time without learning: A monotonous task is always boring unless we can find a way to learn while doing something repetitive, or make the thing we are doing competitive or social, as Tom Sawyer did when he was painting the fence.

18A prisoner who is actively planning his escape finds his confinement much less oppressive. Anytime we can introduce power, freedom, or belonging into a situation, we find it more interesting. And as we do, we also find ourselves learning along the way.



























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