
6.The Damned Human Race(507)

2024-7-13 15:59| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

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Sixth grade rewrite

The Damned Human Race

1Mark Twain, a famous American writer, once thought about how humans behave compared to animals. He felt a bit sad when he saw that animals might be better than humans in some ways. He thought that maybe humans didn't evolve from animals, but animals got better by becoming different from humans.

2Twain used a scientific method to test his ideas. He did experiments at the London Zoo over many months. One of his experiments was about a buffalo hunt. Hunters killed many buffaloes but only ate a little bit and left the rest to rot. Twain wondered if an anaconda would do the same.

3He put young calves in the anaconda's cage. The snake ate one calf and then seemed happy, not bothering the others. Twain did this with other anacondas and got the same result. He thought that anacondas were not cruel like humans.

4Twain also noticed that rich people who have more money than they need still want more and sometimes cheat to get it. He gave animals the chance to store food, but they only took what they needed for winter. This made him think that humans are greedy, but animals are not.

5During his experiments, Twain realized that humans are the only animals that hold onto insults and seek revenge. Other animals don't do this. He also noticed that animals don't have the same bad behaviors that humans do, like indecency and vulgarity.

6Twain thought that humans are the only animals that laugh, but he found out that monkeys and a bird called the laughing jackass also laugh. He realized that humans are the only animals that blush.

7He talked about how humans have done terrible things throughout history, like hurting prisoners and starting wars. He said that humans are the only animals that fight in wars and take land from others by force.

8Twain thought that humans are the only animals that call themselves patriots and divide themselves into countries. They are also the only animals that have religions and say they love their neighbors but hurt them if their beliefs are different.

9He said that humans claim to be reasoning animals, but his experiments showed that they are not. He thought that humans are foolish and can't learn simple things that animals can.

10Twain did an experiment with animals and humans. He put different animals together and they lived peacefully. But when he put different humans together, they argued over a small religious detail and fought until none were alive.

11In the end, Twain thought that humans might have become worse from some far ancestor, like a tiny creature in a drop of water, through many stages of life, until they became humans. He thought that humans are at the bottom stage of development and that there is nothing below us.




















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