
5.Groundless Beliefs(699)

2024-7-13 16:01| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 19| 评论: 0

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Ninth grade rewrite

Groundless Beliefs

1In the future, we will start to classify statements based on their reasons. We will ask, "How do we know this? What evidence do we have for believing it? What is the basis for this statement?" We might be surprised at how many things we say every day that we can't really prove. They are just based on tradition or someone's word without any proof...

2Maybe we accepted a belief because of a simple suggestion, and we've kept it ever since. Maybe someone told us something when we were too young to question it. Many of our strongest beliefs were formed in childhood, and now it's hard to even question them. They seem obviously true to us. But if two people from different backgrounds were raised in opposite ways, they would likely have opposite beliefs. This is consistent with what we know about psychology.

3The same goes for many beliefs, not just religious ones. If we grew up in a place where practices like polygamy or head-hunting were normal, we would think they were natural and moral. If an English baby was raised in Germany and didn't know they were English, their beliefs would be German, not English. Many of our beliefs are just because we were raised with them.

4As we grow up, we continue to adopt new beliefs without really thinking about them. This is why newspapers and advertising have such a big impact. We often just repeat ideas without questioning them. Most people are like parrots, repeating what they hear.

5We should be careful with beliefs that are just accepted because "everyone says so." These beliefs might have been passed down for generations, but they started at a time when people knew less. So, just because a belief is old doesn't mean it's right.

6We should especially be careful with beliefs that seem obviously true. When we feel that questioning an opinion is absurd, unnecessary, or wrong, we should know that it's not a rational belief. Throughout history, many "obvious truths" have been proven wrong when we learned more.

7For example, for a long time, slavery was seen as natural and right. It was hard to imagine the planets moving in any way other than circles. It was thought that the heart, not the brain, was the center of consciousness. And it was believed that a heavier object would fall faster than a lighter one.

8We hold some beliefs because they benefit us. Modern psychology shows that we adopt and stick to beliefs that are good for us, even if we don't realize it. But it's wrong to say that all opinions are based on self-interest.

9We should be suspicious of our opinions when we realize that our happiness depends on holding them, or when we might lose something by changing our mind. We might hold an opinion because it justifies our actions or character. For example, a coward might adopt a philosophy that seems to justify cowardice.

10Many beliefs are held because of sentimental reasons. They are connected to memories of people who held similar views. For instance, someone who was against their father might always be against their father's opinions.

11Our opinions are also influenced by what is popular at the time. We tend to believe what others in our group believe. But we don't always change our beliefs with every change in fashion. Some people hold their opinions because they were popular a long time ago.

12Once we accept an opinion, it tends to stay with us. The more we think a certain way, the easier it is to keep thinking that way. Our minds can become fixed, and it's hard to change our beliefs.

13We should always be open to new ideas and willing to change our minds. Some people always want to find out the facts and think things through clearly, no matter what the truth turns out to be. For these people, this article is written.






















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