
14.Percy and Padfoot(150)

2024-7-22 12:43| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 21| 评论: 0

摘要: 。

Chapter 14: Percy and Padfoot

Harry receives a letter from Percy Weasley, who has sided with the Ministry and estranged himself from his family. Percy warns Harry to distance himself from Dumbledore and to align with the Ministry, further angering Harry and highlighting the deep divisions within the wizarding community. Harry also communicates with Sirius Black, using the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. Sirius warns Harry about Umbridges increasing power and advises caution. He hints at the possibility of meeting in person, despite the dangers. The chapter underscores the isolation Harry feels, as he is caught between the Ministrys propaganda and the genuine threat of Voldemort. Despite the pressures, Harry remains resolute in his belief in Dumbledore and the need to resist the Ministrys oppressive measures. The support of his friends and the connection with Sirius provide much-needed encouragement, reinforcing Harrys determination to fight back.





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