
16.In the Hog's Head(180)

2024-7-22 12:44| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 27| 评论: 0

摘要: 。

Chapter 16: In the Hog's Head

Harry, Hermione, and Ron organize a meeting at the Hogs Head, a dingy pub in Hogsmeade, to discuss forming a secret Defense Against the Dark Arts group. Despite their initial fears, a significant number of students show up, eager for practical training. Harry is reluctant to take on the leadership role, but Hermione and Ron support him, highlighting his experience and knowledge. The group agrees on the necessity of learning defensive spells and strategies, naming themselves "Dumbledores Army" in defiance of the Ministrys stance. They decide to hold their meetings in secret, aware of the risks if they are discovered. The chapter emphasizes the unity and determination among the students, who are ready to defy Umbridges oppressive regime and prepare for the looming threat of Voldemort. Harrys leadership is solidified, and the sense of camaraderie and purpose strengthens his resolve. The formation of Dumbledores Army marks a pivotal moment in the studentsresistance, setting the stage for their covert battle against Umbridges control.





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