
17.Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four(180)

2024-7-22 12:44| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 24| 评论: 0

摘要: 。

Chapter 17: Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four

Umbridge discovers the existence of Dumbledores Army and imposes Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four, banning all student organizations that arent approved by her. This decree is a direct attack on the newly-formed group, increasing the risk and tension within Hogwarts. Despite the ban, the students are determined to continue their secret meetings. They find a hidden room, the Room of Requirement, which magically transforms to meet their needs. This secure, ever-changing room becomes their base of operations. Harry, now the groups de facto leader, starts teaching his peers practical defensive spells and techniques. The groups members are enthusiastic and grateful for the hands-on experience, and their bond strengthens through their shared defiance. The chapter also delves into the growing resistance among the students, as they navigate the increasing restrictions and surveillance imposed by Umbridge. Harrys role as a leader and teacher helps him regain some of the confidence and sense of purpose he had lost over the summer, reinforcing the importance of their clandestine efforts.





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