
18.Dumbledore's Army(180)

2024-7-22 12:44| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 27| 评论: 0

摘要: 。

Chapter 18: Dumbledore's Army

The students, now calling themselves Dumbledores Army (D.A.), hold regular meetings in the Room of Requirement, where Harry teaches them various defensive spells and techniques. The group thrives under Harrys instruction, with members showing remarkable progress and dedication. Hermione takes charge of organizing the meetings and ensuring security, using enchanted coins to communicate the time and place of the next gathering. The camaraderie among the group grows, and they develop a sense of unity and purpose. During one of the meetings, Cho Chang expresses her admiration for Harry, and a subtle romantic tension begins to develop between them. Outside the D.A. meetings, Umbridges grip on the school tightens. She imposes more oppressive rules and punishments, including public humiliations and painful detentions for students who defy her. The atmosphere at Hogwarts becomes increasingly repressive, but the D.A. members find solace and strength in their secret meetings. The chapter highlights the contrast between the oppressive regime of Umbridge and the growing spirit of rebellion and solidarity among the students, reinforcing the importance of their resistance.





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