

2024-7-22 12:46| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 23| 评论: 0

摘要: 。

Chapter 24: Occlumency

Back at Hogwarts, Harry begins Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape, a challenging and painful process designed to teach Harry to protect his mind from Voldemorts influence. Snape is harsh and unyielding, making the lessons particularly difficult for Harry. Despite the animosity between them, Harry understands the importance of learning this skill. However, the sessions are grueling, and Harry struggles to make progress. During one session, Snape glimpses one of Harrys memories, deepening the tension between them. The chapter explores the complexities of their relationship and the difficulty of overcoming personal animosities for a greater cause. Meanwhile, Dumbledores Army continues to meet in secret, growing more skilled and confident under Harrys leadership. The group provides a sense of purpose and solidarity, countering the oppressive atmosphere created by Umbridge. Harrys connection to Voldemort remains a constant source of anxiety, but the support of his friends and the D.A. strengthens his resolve. The chapter emphasizes the importance of resilience and the ongoing struggle to resist the encroaching darkness, both within and outside the mind.





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