
10.Luna Lovegood(380)

2024-7-22 13:10| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 21| 评论: 0

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Chapter 10: Luna Lovegood

The time comes for Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny to return to Hogwarts. They travel to King's Cross Station and board the Hogwarts Express. On the train, they struggle to find a compartment but eventually sit with Neville Longbottom and a peculiar girl named Luna Lovegood. Luna is a fourth-year Ravenclaw known for her odd beliefs and eccentric behavior. She introduces them to "The Quibbler," a magazine edited by her father, which publishes strange and often unbelievable stories. During the journey, Harry shares his experiences from the summer and learns about the Ministrys smear campaign against him and Dumbledore. Lunas unorthodox perspective and belief in Harrys story are a breath of fresh air. The chapter also highlights the growing rift between students influenced by the Ministrys propaganda and those who believe Harry. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, the group is greeted by Hagrid, who seems distracted and preoccupied. They also notice a new addition to the staff: Dolores Umbridge, the Ministry-appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who makes a terrible first impression with her smug and condescending demeanor.







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