
Genes Are Typically DNA Segments with Genetic Effects

2024-8-6 15:37| 发布者: admin| 查看: 52| 评论: 0

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Section 4: Genes Are Typically DNA Segments with Genetic Effects

Why must foreign genes be integrated into the DNA of the recipient cell to function? Scientists have already proven that DNA is the genetic material, so what is the relationship between genes and DNA?

Examples Illustrating the Relationship Between Genes and DNA

What exactly is the relationship between genes and DNA? The following information will provide many insights for you. Please read and discuss.

In addition to the information above, what other examples do you know that can reveal the meaning of genes and illustrate the relationship between genes and DNA?

Genetic Information in DNA Segments

It is not difficult to see that a DNA molecule contains many genes, and each gene is a specific DNA segment with a particular genetic effect. This indicates that DNA must contain a large amount of genetic information. But DNA only consists of four types of deoxyribonucleotides (each containing one of the four bases: A, T, G, or C). How can it store such a vast amount of genetic information?

Research shows that DNA can store a sufficient amount of genetic information. The genetic information is embedded in the sequence of the four bases. The vast variety of base sequences constitutes the diversity of DNA, while the specific arrangement of bases creates the uniqueness of each DNA molecule. The diversity and specificity of DNA are the material basis for the diversity and specificity of organisms. Numerous genes are distributed along the DNA, and genes are typically DNA segments that have genetic effects.

Some viruses, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the influenza virus, have RNA as their genetic material. For these viruses, genes are RNA segments with genetic effects.





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