

2024-8-15 15:22| 发布者: 亚元| 查看: 13| 评论: 0

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Chapter 17: A Sluggish Memory

Harry accompanies Dumbledore to retrieve a crucial memory from Professor Slughorn. Dumbledore believes this memory holds vital information about Horcruxes and Voldemort's quest for immortality. However, Slughorn has been reluctant to share it because he fears revealing too much about Voldemort.

During their visit to Slughorn’s home, Dumbledore’s charismatic demeanor shines as he engages Slughorn in conversation and attempts to charm him into revealing the memory. However, while Harry observes, it becomes clear that Slughorn is still hesitant. Harry realizes that the memory is essential for their mission, and he pushes Dumbledore to act.

When they finally confront Slughorn, Dumbledore uses his persuasive tactics to obtain the memory. After some emotional resistance, Slughorn relents, and they finally acquire the memory for analysis. Once back at Hogwarts, Harry and Dumbledore view the memory, revealing a conversation between Slughorn and a young Voldemort, in which Voldemort inquires about Horcruxes. This pivotal moment sheds light on Voldemort's intentions and sets the stage for Harry's understanding of the dark magic he must confront.





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