
5.Soldiers Heart(2178)

2024-8-20 16:07| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 19| 评论: 0

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Passage Five

Louis Simpson (1923- ) was bom in Jamaica, West Indies. The son of a lawyer of Scottish descent and a Russian mother, he emigrated to the United States when he was 17 and went to study at Columbia University. He served in the Second World War on active duty in France, Holland, Belgium and Germany. When the war was over, he returned to Columbia University to finish his studies. After that he became a teacher of that school and later the University of California at Berkeley and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Louis Simpson has published 17 books of original poetry and is widely acclaimed as a literary critic. The present text is an abridged version from his novel Soldier's Heart.




Soldiers Heart

Louis Simpson

1It begins in France in June of 1944. Men are lying face down on the earth. The air is filled with sounds, shrieks that came out of the sky and terminate with an explosion. This may be a matter of seconds. If the sounds continue, the men will be seen scraping the surface of the earth with shovels and burying themselves in it until, like a species of animal, they vanish from sight.

2Or the men are walking up a road in two parallel lines. They are heavily burdened, carrying rifles, machine guns, and mortars. If the shrieking from the sky begins, they will turn quickly out of the road and lie face down. Or they have spread out and are walking in an open field. An embankment runs across itthe railroad. There is a brief purring sound, then a rhythmic drumming. If you should happen to be with these men, it would sound as though the air were being tom. One of them falls. The others run forward and crouch in the shelter of the embankment.

3Such is the life or death of an infantry soldier in France in the summer of 1944. These actions will be repeated many times... the scenery will change, from small fields separated by hedgerows to a flat landscape with windmills to a forest covered with snow. The soldiers will pass through villages. Now they are on the banks of a river, and rowing across in rubber boats. Finally they are among mountains.

4I was discharged from the US Army in 1945 and went home. I returned to the university. I have a vague recollection of sitting with other students in a roomnly a few around a long table. Some great book was being discussed; it was the course for upper division students known as the Colloquium. I was reading furiously about... everything. When I was not reading I was writing stories, essays, poems...

5What followed I do not know. One person had it that I lost my key to the apartment I was sharing, and was found lying unconscious outside the door. A friend would inform me in a letter that I had been wandering in the streets and picked up by the police, and that I resisted violently.

6I was in a hospital ward. It wasn't an army hospital, but Kings Park on Long Island. I suppose that was because after the war the veterans' hospitals were too crowded, and the rest had to be put in other places.

7What name have they given it now, the illness I had as a result of being shot at and shelled for months on end? I don't suppose many of our soldiers in the Gulf War have suffered from itthey were spared a long engagement. After Vietnam it was called "post-traumatic stress disorder." In World War II it was called combat fatigue.,, In the Great War (I prefer that name, for the Great War was what people at the time thought it was) it was called shell shock.,, In the Civil War it was "soldier's heart.,, The name strikes me as the best, for it describes an illness that involved my heart as much as my head. My heart would beat faster, I would tremble and sweat and, on occasion, pass out.

8The patients in this hospital saw very little of the doctors. There was one who would come now and then, but I don't recall any conversation with him that lasted more than a minute. There were two womenone was a nurse, the other seemed to have some training in psychology. Their main duty was to see that the patients were quiet or harmlessly busy playing cards or board games or reading a magazine. There were also three guards. Much of the time, especially during the evening and night hours, they ran the ward.

9Two of the guards were the kind Chekhov describes in Ward No. 6. One was a skinny man with a dull face. The trigger finger of his right hand was missing. Once he waggled the stump under my face with a sly smile. This, he gave me to understand, was why he had been excused from military service. The other was stocky and muscular, with a bullet head. He was dangeroushe liked to beat up the patients. He informed me that he was the one who had knocked out my front teeth when I was first brought to the ward. He seemed to think it was a joke I would like to share.

10I received shock treatments, and later I was assigned to help the doctor, lifting each patient onto the table. I watched as the current passed through and the body convulsed. There has been much controversy over shock treatmentswhether or not they did irremediable harm. Speaking only for myself I think they brought me out of the fog in which I had been walking.

11One of the symptoms of my illness had been hearing voices. But one dayand this was after I came out of the fog and I was quite calm and rationallooking out of the cage, the barred windows behind which we lived, at grass and trees and clouds, I heard a voice say "Praise God, they resist, they resist!" Who was it who was resisting? Others like myself I suppose. I believe with Shakespeare that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in the philosophy of those who serve the world, and who administer its institutions, and grow rich.

12When I was finally discharged from Kings Parks, the more evident symptoms of my illness had disappeared so that I was thought of as a reasonable and level-headed man. But the cure would take time.

13For some years I was subject to the sudden onsets I have mentioned: a heart that beat faster, and shaking, and sweating. I would imagine shells falling and hear the sound of guns. I could not stand being confined. And I had the habits that remain with soldiers. One in particular: when I went walking I would keep an eye peeled for an enemy position. If there was an open field I would think, how are we going to get across that?

14I imagined lying again on a railroad embankment in Normandy, waiting to be told to go over it in spite of the bullets that were sweeping to and fro directly above me. That day I was sure I would be killed. Or I was in a graveyard in Holland with shells falling and the living getting mixed in with the dead. I was in the Ardennes, standing in a fbx-hole among trees covered with snow and stamping my feet. They were freezing.

15The university informed me that before I could return I had to be cleared by their doctor. He picked up a folder and said, "You aren't going to be so taken up with your music, are you?, The question was probably one of their tricks, to test my sanity. He spoke again, saying that I ought to go out in the world and "meet the common man, I was silent. I had seen the common man... his guts spilled in a road, his limbs strewn in a field. The doctor told me that he could not recommend my returning to the college. It was only on the way home that I realized that he had been looking at the wrong folder.

16So I looked for work and found it as a copyboy on a newspaper. If I stayed with it, I might someday be a reporter. But this didn't appeal to me. I didn't have the fascination with gossip that a reporter needs to havewhether it is about a quarrel between nations or about a politician and his mistress. Then I worked fbr an import-export firm. But this too did not appeal to me; to succeed in this kind of business you have to think about the money you can make, and I preferred to think about other things.

17I went back to the university, but not by the front entrance. I slipped in by a side door, the School of General Studies, which wasn't so particular about whom they let in. I took courses in the evening and I worked at writing, I relived the war almost every night in my dreams. This continued fbr years. After Miriam and I were married, she woke one night to sounds that were coming from different parts of the room: sounds of battle, shelling and gunfire. They were coming from me!

18I dreamed of encounters with the Germans that I never had. But I had anticipated such meetings as I walked alone among trees or over fields, carrying a message from G Company to Battalion. Or I dreamed about horrors... the field in Holland I had to walk through night after night. It was strewn with the dead bodies of German infantry and American paratroopers who had shot each other at close range.

19I used to think that having such dreams was a thing to be ashamed of. For what had I suffered in comparison with others? When I thought of them, the dead, and those who were in wheel-chairs, or blinded, or insane, had I really known war at all? What have we to complain of who have only known "soldier's heart”? Nothing, sir, nothing at all.

20Why write about such things? Are they not better forgotten? After a war, the millions who have been through it want to forget. It was terrible, and sordid, and boring. Besides, everyone knows the things you do. But time passes and the number of those who remember is suddenly diminished. Who remembers the Great War?

21When I was a teacher and the subject of war came up, I would write a name on the blackboard: Somme. Who, I would ask, had heard of it? None of the students would answer. Only one or two knew anything at all about the Great War. I would tell them that The Somme was a battle in that war, a terrible battle in which thousands were killed or woundedsixty thousand casualties in the British army on the first morning alone. It was hell on earth, but the men who went through it consoled themselves with a thought: Generations will remember what we did here, it will never be forgotten. Yet not one of the young people in front of me had ever heard of it.

22I have not forgotten the men I knew in the 101st Airborne Division. The men and women I worked with in universities were pale and unreal in comparison. They were hollow and filled with words.

23What was I to think of the new breed of university professors, structuralists, poststructuralists, deconstructionists, who taught that experience had no meaning, that the only reality was language, one word referring to another, one "sign" to another, with no stop in any kind of truth?

24It is right to remember such things as I have describedin the first place, because those who have lived and died before us should be remembered, insofar as it is possible. Otherwise our own lives seem worthless. In the second place, war is a permanent human condition, and men and women will have to face it. It may help them to know how people no stronger physically or mentally than they have faced it.

25The war and its aftermath changed me. It gave me a respect and affection for the so-called common man that I have never lost. As if any life were common! The men I knew in the 101st, most of them, had no education beyond high school. And they weren't stunning physical specimens either, though they could carry a pack, trench tool, rifle or carbine, machine gun, tripod or ammunition boxes, for miles at a good pace.

26So the war gave me poetry. I had a driving need to write... a few lines for a poem, a paragraph of prose... anything! Even at the university there were very few who felt about things as I did. What did that matter? What if the only thing I could do was held in contempt by others, or met with indifference? Most people cared nothing about the kind of writing that mattered to me more than anything else. They were deaf to the music. So what! I was alive and doing what I liked.


































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