
6.Onwards and Upwards(677)

2024-8-20 16:13| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 12| 评论: 0

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Sixth grade rewrite

Onwards and Upwards

1In the world today, the idea of progress has changed. Some people think technology and the economy are getting better, but that our morals and society are not improving, or even getting worse. Some people on the left side of politics are skeptical about progress, while those on the right often use "progressive" as a negative term.

2It wasn’t always this way. In the past, especially during the Enlightenment and the 19th century, people were hopeful that the world could become a better place. They had many ideas on how to make life happier and more meaningful on Earth.

3Some believed that God or history would bring about a better future. Others thought that people would improve naturally or that they needed to be guided. Some believed in the power of nations, while others wanted to get rid of them. There were also those who trusted science, education, or wise laws to bring progress. Back then, most people believed that progress was possible; the question was how it would happen.

4The idea of progress is important because it helps society aim for better ideals like equality and freedom. If people stop believing in progress, it’s worth thinking about how to bring back that belief.

5You might wonder, "Isn’t there proof of progress all around us?" Indeed, in many ways, life has improved. For example, people now live much longer than they used to. In the past, most people lived only until they were 25 or 30 years old, and many parents lost their children. Today, people live to 65 or even over 80 years old in countries like Japan and Canada. Poverty was common, but now, people in rich countries can earn much more in a single day than people used to earn in a whole year.

6More people can read today, and many enjoy rights like voting and free speech. If they get sick, they receive medical care. However, some still worry that future dangers, like nuclear war or environmental disasters, could undo this progress.

7Progress isn’t just about comparing the past to the present; it’s about what happens next. People today expect a certain level of health, wealth, and equality. They measure progress against these expectations.

8The idea of progress has a long history, but it really began to grow in the 17th century during the Enlightenment. Thinkers back then believed that humans could achieve great things through reason and that progress would come from science, community, and good government. However, not all of these sources of progress have worked out as expected.

9Some ideas from the past seem old-fashioned now. For example, people once believed that changing language could change society. Others thought that individual progress should be part of a nation's destiny, but this idea led to tragic events like those under Hitler.

10In the 20th century, many believed that progress could be forced on people by a few enlightened leaders. But the fall of the Berlin Wall and other events showed that people didn’t want to be controlled this way. Today, material progress mostly comes from science and economic growth, but these also raise questions. Science gives us great power, but can we be trusted to use it wisely? Economic growth has improved living standards, but it doesn’t always lead to happiness.

11Despite these challenges, people still want to believe in moral progress—the idea that society can become fairer and more just. This is why things like free speech, equality before the law, and human rights are so important. They represent the progress of our morals and values.

12Moral progress isn’t guaranteed, and we may never fully reach our ideals. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. Progress is about moving forward, even if we never reach perfection. It’s up to us to keep striving for a better world.



















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