
5.Soldiers Heart(614)

2024-8-20 16:17| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 13| 评论: 0

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Ninth grade rewrite

Soldiers Heart

1In June 1944, during World War II, soldiers found themselves in France. They would often lie face down on the ground as loud, terrifying noises filled the air, ending with powerful explosions. If the sounds continued, the soldiers would quickly dig into the earth, trying to bury themselves for safety, almost like animals disappearing underground.

2Other times, the soldiers walked in two lines along roads, carrying heavy equipment like rifles, machine guns, and mortars. When they heard the shrieking sounds from the sky, they would immediately dive to the ground. If they were in an open field, they would run to the nearest cover, such as a railroad embankment.

3This was the daily life of an infantry soldier in France during the summer of 1944. They moved from one battlefield to another, passing through small fields, flat landscapes with windmills, forests covered in snow, and even rivers that they crossed in rubber boats. Eventually, they reached the mountains.

4After the war ended in 1945, I was discharged from the army and returned home. I went back to university, but everything felt different. I was reading and writing a lot, trying to get back to a normal life, but it was clear that the war had left a deep mark on me.

5I ended up in a hospital, not an army hospital, but one for civilians, because the veterans' hospitals were overcrowded. The doctors called my condition "combat fatigue," which is now known as "post-traumatic stress disorder" or PTSD. During the Civil War, it was referred to as "soldier's heart." My heart would race uncontrollably, I would tremble, sweat, and sometimes even faint.

6In the hospital, I saw very little of the doctors. There were nurses and a few guards, but one of the guards was particularly cruel. He enjoyed hurting the patients and even boasted about knocking out my front teeth when I first arrived.

7I received shock treatments in the hospital, which were controversial, but they helped me emerge from the fog I had been living in. Before the treatments, I had been hearing voices, but afterwards, I started to regain my sense of reality.

8When I was finally discharged from the hospital, most of my symptoms had subsided, but I still experienced sudden episodes where my heart would race, and I would relive moments from the war. I couldn’t stand being in confined spaces and always felt on edge, as if I were still on the battlefield.

9For years, I had vivid nightmares about the war. I would dream about battles, including ones I never fought in, and would relive the horrors of walking through fields filled with the dead. I used to feel ashamed of these dreams because I survived while others suffered much worse.

10But over time, I realized the importance of remembering these experiences. War is a part of human history, and it’s crucial to understand how people faced it. This knowledge can help others in the future.

11The war changed me profoundly. It gave me a deep respect for ordinary people, the so-called "common man." The soldiers I fought with weren’t exceptionally strong or highly educated, but they were courageous and did their duty.

12After the war, I developed a strong need to write. Writing became my way of making sense of the world, even if others didn’t always understand or appreciate it. It didn’t matter to me because I was alive and doing what I loved.



















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