
6.Onwards and Upwards(878)

2024-8-20 16:21| 发布者: taixiang| 查看: 12| 评论: 0

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Ninth grade rewrite

Onwards and Upwards

1In today’s world, the idea of progress has lost some of its meaning. Many people believe that while technology and the economy are advancing, our morals and society are either staying the same or getting worse. On the political left, “progress” is often viewed with skepticism, while on the right, “progressive” is sometimes used as a negative term.

2This wasn’t always the case. During the Enlightenment and the 19th century, people were generally optimistic about the future. They believed that humanity could achieve happiness and lead meaningful lives here on Earth. They were full of ideas about how to make the world a better place.

3Different groups had different views on how progress would happen. Some believed that God, history, or evolution would bring about a better future. Others thought that people would improve naturally or that they needed to be guided or even forced into becoming better. Some put their faith in science, others in education, and still others in good laws. Back then, most people believed that progress was not just possible, but inevitable; the question was how it would be achieved.

4The idea of progress is crucial for society. Without the belief that things can get better, people might see life as a zero-sum game, where one person’s gain is another’s loss. If human behavior is seen as unchangeable, social policies would only focus on controlling negative impulses rather than improving society. This is why it’s important to keep believing in progress and think about how to restore that belief if it’s lost.

5Some might argue that there is plenty of evidence of progress around us. For example, in the past, people only lived to about 25 or 30 years old, and many parents lost their children. Today, life expectancy is much higher, with people in countries like Japan and Canada living over 80 years on average. In the past, most people were poor, but now, in richer countries, people earn much more than ever before. Literacy rates have also increased significantly, and many people enjoy rights like voting, freedom of speech, and access to healthcare.

6However, progress isn’t just about comparing the past to the present; it’s about what happens in the future. People today expect a certain level of health, wealth, and equality, and they measure progress against these expectations rather than against the harsh realities of the past.

7The idea of progress has a long history, but it really began to take shape in the 17th century with Enlightenment thinkers who believed that reason and human achievement could lead to continuous improvement. They saw various aspects of human life, like language, community, science, and government, as engines of progress. Unfortunately, not all of these engines have worked as expected.

8Some ideas about progress from the past now seem outdated. For instance, some thinkers believed that purging language of old superstitions and errors could lead to a better society. While the idea of using language for social change still exists in some forms, it’s not as powerful as it once was.

9Other sources of progress have darker histories. The idea that individual progress should serve the nation led to tragic events in history, such as those under Hitler’s rule. Similarly, the 20th century saw the rise of the belief that progress could be imposed on the masses by a few enlightened leaders, but this led to oppression and violence.

10In the modern age, material progress, driven by science and economic growth, has become the dominant form of progress. Science has given us great power to change the world, but it also raises questions about whether we can use this power wisely. History shows that technological advances can be used for both good and bad purposes, such as nuclear power, which can generate electricity or be used to create weapons.

11Economic progress, while it has brought prosperity, doesn’t always lead to greater happiness. Studies show that while wealth has increased significantly in recent decades, levels of happiness have not risen accordingly. This may be because people are often more concerned with their status relative to others than with their absolute wealth.

12Moreover, people worry that despite economic and scientific progress, the world may not be better off in the future. Environmental issues, social problems, and the fear that future generations may not enjoy the same quality of life all contribute to a sense of unease.

13The hope for a better future lies in moral progress and good governance. While governments are often criticized for being inefficient, they also represent important moral achievements, such as the protection of human rights and the rule of law. These institutions are the result of centuries of progress in moral thinking and represent our best hope for a just and fair society.

14In the end, progress, especially moral progress, is not guaranteed. It requires effort and commitment from everyone. While we may never reach perfection, it’s important to keep striving for a better world. The responsibility for progress lies with us.





















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