陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 二年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

摘要: `

I'm on class day 7 我是班级值日生

1.I'm on duty today今天我值日

2.It's my turn today今天轮到我值日了,

3.What to do要做哪些事呢?

4.I'm on duty today今天我值日,

5.To set an example for everyone要给大家做榜样。

6.I'm going to school early, Open the door foreveryone. 我要早点到校,给大家开门。

7.I'm going to sweep the floor clean,我要把地扫干净,

8.Let everyone study more comfortably in theclassroom.让大家在教室里学习得更舒服。

9.You did one less question, Won't you do it? 你少做了一道题,是不会做吗?

10.What to do about this situation这种情况怎么办

11.After reading one,看完一本,

12.Please put it back where it was and chapter two.请放回原处,再拿第二本。

13.I can't reach it,我够不着上面,

14.It's unreasonable for me to wipe the blackboard.让我擦黑板不合理。

15.How do you pile garbage in the middle of the road,你怎么把垃圾堆在路中间,

16.Almost tripped me up!差点把我绊倒!

17.I forgot to wear a red scarf.我忘戴红领巾了。

18.Don't remember my name, OK? 别记我的名字,行吗?

19.on duty I've had problems, too... 值日时我也遇到过难题。。。。。

20.Sheep on duty羊羊值日

21.Today I'm on duty,今天我值日,

22.You all have to listen to me!你们都得听我的!

23.You're wrong.你说得不对。。。。。。。

24.Hey ,You didn't sweep the floor clean嘿,你地没扫干净·......

25.Sweeping the floor is too tired,扫地太累了,

26.I'm going to clean the blackboard.我去擦黑板·....

27.I didn't do anything wrong,我没做错什么,

28.Why do you remember my name?你为什么记我的名字?

29.Do you like such a life on duty?你喜欢这样的值日生吗?

30.What can sheep do?羊羊怎样做才好呢?

31.Kwaqua on duty in my class夸夸我班的值日生

32.Yu Hao of our group was very polite on duty,我们小组的于浩同学值日的时候很有礼貌,

33.There's a way, too.也很有办法。

34.He stood at the entrance of the building on duty,他站在楼道口值日,

35.See the teacher will salute to say hello;看见老师会敬礼问好;

36.Saw the students up and down the stairs to fight,看见同学们上下楼梯打闹,

37.didn't walk to the right,He persuaded him before the meeting. 没有靠右行走,他会上前好好劝说。

38.He is a good duty student!他是一个好值日生!

39.Please don't make a fuss on the stairs!请不要在楼梯上打闹!

40.Such a danger, but also affect others.这样危险,还会影响别人。

41.Li Min's classmates in our group are very serious on duty,我们小组的李敏同学值日很认真,

42.Never forget the duty day.从来没有忘记过值日。

43.Just a lesson,只要一下课,

44.She immediately went to clean the blackboard, tidy up the podium,她就立即去擦黑板、整理讲台,

45.Let every teacher who comes to class have a clean platform.让每位来上课的老师都有整洁的讲台。

46.Teachers all boast about her!老师们都夸她呢!

47.I'll boast.我来夸夸·......





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