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摘要: `
Unit 1  My Companion and I
第一单元 我和我的同伴
1 I am unique
1 我是独特的
I have my own characteristics
1. Everyone has his or her own characteristics. In the mirror, in activities, at least, you can find your own characteristics.
1. 每个人都有自己的特点。在镜子中、活动中,起码都可以找到自己的特点。
2. In the mirror, I have a small round face with a ponytail II. I am more careful in what I do.
1. 镜子中的我,一张小圆脸,扎着马尾辫二。我做事比较细心。
3. I like to read. Reading is my concentration, others can not hear.
1. 我喜欢阅读。看书是的我聚精会神,别人说话都听不见。
4. I'm tall and like to play basketball. I am good at attacking and going forward.
1. 我的个子高高的,喜欢打篮球。我打球擅长进攻,勇往直前。
5. Can you tell us about your characteristics in the context of school, playing and sports activities?
6. Besides finding our own characteristics in the mirror and in activities, we can also learn about our own characteristics from others' perceptions like Zhao Xing did.
6. 除了在镜子中、活动中找到自己的特点,我们还可以像赵兴那样从他人的看法中了解自己的特点。
Zhao Xing's findings
1. His parents think Zhao Xing is a bit naughty, his teacher says he is tough, and his classmates say he is good at soccer.
1. 父母认为赵兴有点儿调皮,老师说他很有韧劲,同学说他足球踢得好。
2. Zhao Xing agreed with his teachers and classmates that he did manage to keep practicing calligraphy and improving his soccer skills.
1. 赵兴认同老师和同学的看法,自己确实能一直坚持练习书法、提高球技。
3. But Zhao Xing does not agree with his parents' opinion, he feels that he is not really naughty, and the naughty behaviors in front of his parents are actually to make them happy.
1. 但赵兴并不认同父母的看法,他觉得自己并不是真调皮,在父母面前的那些调皮行为,其实是想逗父母开心。
4. If you do not agree with some people's view of you, in what way would you communicate with them?
1. 假如你并不认同某些人对你的看法,你会以什么方式与他们沟通呢?
5. In life, we often have special expectations of ourselves. If you had the magic to turn yourself into something you wanted to be, what would you want to be?
6. If I could become a plant, I would like to be a rose and have the beauty of a rose.
7. Can you find yourself in these self-expectations?
8. Everyone has a rich inner world, in which one's unique inner world stores one's favorite things, beautiful experiences, special feelings, and will have various thoughts and questions.
8. 每个人都有丰富的内心世界,在个人独特的内心世界中存放着自己喜爱的事物、美好的经历、特别的感受,还会有各种想法和疑问。
Reading Corner
My unique inner world
1. My heart is like a "story bag", in which there are happiness, peace, surprise and sadness ----
1. 我的内心像一个“故事袋”,在“故事袋”中有快乐、有宁静、有惊喜、有悲伤····
2. I have a beautiful little box, filled with my favorite things, including beautiful candy paper, colorful knitting thread, beautiful bookmarks of fallen leaves.
1. 我有一个精美的小盒子,里面装着我喜欢的东西,有漂亮的糖纸、五彩的编织线、美丽的落叶书签。
3. I often open the little box and admire my collection. After playing with it, I will carefully close the lid and put it away on the bookshelf.
1. 我经常打开小盒子,欣赏自己的收藏,玩完后,会小心合上盖子,放在书架上收好。
2. I still remember that I once made a beautiful "home" for a beetle. I dug a hole under a tree, set up a small shed with branches and leaves, and then built a layer of soil on top of the shed. I think the beetle will like this "home" and it will come to live in this "home" often.
5. I still have a lot of little questions in my mind, and I want to find out the answers.
1. 我心里还有好多小问号,想去探究答案。
6. For example, why are there seven colors in the rainbow instead of eight?
1. 比如,为什么彩虹是七种颜色而不是八种呢?
7. Do you have your own "story bag"? Silently think about what you have in your "story bag". If you want, you can share it with the group.
1. 你有自己的“故事袋”吗?默默地想一想你的“故事袋”中都装着哪些事情。如果愿意,可以跟大家分享。
I can become better
1. We all have our own characteristics and imperfections. We can constantly improve ourselves to become better.
1. 我们每个人都有自己的特点,也有不完美的地方。我们可以不断地改进自己,使自己变得更好。
Am I bad at it?
1. Recently, I have been troubled by a lot of things.
1. 最近,我烦心事不断。
2. The other day during recess, we were playing soccer in front of the school building, and unexpectedly kicked the ball away and broke a window glass of the school building, so you can imagine the next scenario of being disciplined.
1. 那天课间休息时,我们在教学楼前踢足球,不料一脚把球踢飞,将教学楼的一块窗户玻璃打碎了,接下来的挨训情景可想而知。
3. The subsequent language test was not good, and it was the worst test I ever took.
1. 随后的语文考试,成绩不理想,是我考得最差的一次。
4. Was I bad at it? In the eyes of my teachers and classmates, was I a failure?
1. 我是不是很差劲呢?在老师和同学眼里,我是不是比较失败呢?
5. It made me feel humiliated and I started to hate myself.
1. 这让我感到很没面子,我开始讨厌自己了。
6. Are you like Jian, you feel that you have such and such shortcomings, and sometimes even think you are bad? If you want, you can talk to the following "forced to Mr. Weng".
1. 你是不是和小健一样,会感到自己有这样那样的缺点,有时候甚至认为自己很差劲呢? 如果你愿意,可以跟下面的“逼到翁先生”说一说。
7.Do you want to know the rest of Jian's story? Please continue reading Ken's story "Actually, you are great too! .
1. 你想知道小健的后续故事吗?请继续读小健的故事《其实,你也很棒!》。
Reading Corner
In fact, you are great too!
1. Xiao Jian went home, depressed, and his teacher assigned the essay topic "Actually, I'm great too".
1. 小健回家后,心情沮丧,老师布置的作文题是“其实,我也很棒”,该怎么写呢?
2. He thought about it and fell asleep in his worries, dreaming of "Mr. Invincible". . . . . .
1. 他想着想着,在烦恼中睡着了,梦到了“不倒翁先生”。 . . . . .
3. "Jian, what's with the sad face?" Mr. Inverted asked him.
1. “小健,怎么愁眉苦脸的?”不倒翁先生问他。
4. "Mr. Inverted, I don't know how to write the essay assigned by the teacher, where is my stick? I am so upset!"
1. “不倒翁先生,老师布置的作文不知道怎么写,我棒在哪里呢?心里好烦呀!”
5. Mr. Invincible thought about it and said, "Jian, you are great in many ways. For example, you are lively and cute, and you are good at sports, is that great?"
1. 不倒翁先生想了想,说:“小健,你棒的地方很多啊!比如你活泼可爱,运动能力强,这算不算很棒呢?”
6.Mr. Invincible thought about it and said, "Jian, you are great in many ways. For example, you are lively and cute, and you are good at sports, is that great?"
1. “可我在不应该踢足球的地方踢球,把教室玻璃打碎了。”
7. "It's a lesson, even the best people make mistakes, just correct them in the future."
1. “这是一个教训,再棒的人都会犯错误,以后改正就行了。”
8. "What if I'm careless on a test and get a bad grade?"
1. “如果我考试粗心大意,成绩不理想呢?”
9. "It's great to realize that you're careless!
1. “能意识到自己粗心大意,这不是很棒嘛!
10. Speaking of learning, you can memorize many Chinese poems and songs, is that great?
1. 说到学习,你会背很多唐诗宋词,这算不算很棒呢?
11. Although you are a bit naughty, but you have a rich imagination, is this not great?
1. 虽然你有些调皮,但你想象力丰富,这算不算很棒呢?
12. Jian, if you are confident enough, you will find a lot of great things about yourself.
1. 小健,如果你足够自信,还会发现自己有很多很棒的地方。
13. It's important that you always believe you're great, and only then can you get better and better!"
1. 重要的是你要始终相信自己是很棒的,只有这样,你才能越来越棒!”
14. Think about it, is there any truth in the words of "Mr. Invincible"? If you were Jian's classmate, what would you say to him if you knew that Jian denied himself completely and could not see his own merits?
1. 想一想,“不倒翁先生”的话有道理吗?假如你是小健的同学,知道小健完全否定自己,看不到自己的优点,你会对他说什么呢?
2. If you told "Mr. Inverted" about your troubles, what do you think he would say to you? After listening to Mr. Inverted's encouragement, can you find your own good points?如果你把自己的烦恼告诉了“不倒翁先生”,你觉得他会对你说什么呢?听了“不倒翁先生”的鼓励,你能找到自己棒的地方吗?
16. We always have one or another shortcomings, but they are not enough to completely deny ourselves. Learn to improve ourselves, accept ourselves, make ourselves better, and we can be better ourselves ......
1. 我们总有这样或那样的缺点,但是,这些缺点都不足以完全否定自己。学会改进自己、接纳自己,让自己变得更好,我们就能做更好的自己……
Praise yourself
1. Let's find something great about ourselves and praise ourselves!
1. 让我们找到梓棒的地方,赞赞自己吧!
2. I do the cleanest job every time I clean the classroom sanitary room.
1. 我每次打扫教室卫生室,做得最干净。
3. I can make some scraps into useful things.
1. 我会将一些废品制作成有用的东西。





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