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2021-6-10 15:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 17| 评论: 0

摘要: `
2 The different you and me
2 不一样的你我他
Find out our "differences"
We are about the same age, study in the same school and class, and have a lot of common interests, so we can talk and play together. But we are different from each other, can you believe it?
Compare and contrast
1. Each of you pick up a leaf in the campus. Compare with your tablemates, do you have the same leaves? What are the characteristics of each of your leaves?
1. 每个人在校园里捡一片树叶。和同桌比一比,你们的树叶一样吗?前后四位同学比一比,你们的树叶各有什么特点?
2. Even the leaves on the same tree are not exactly the same!
1. 即使是同一棵树上的树叶,也不完全相同呢!
3. If the class is a big tree, then each student is like a leaf on the tree. There are many similarities among students, but they are all different.
1. 如果说班级是棵大树,那么每一位同学就像树上的一片叶子。同学之间有很多相同点,可又各有不同。
Find the differences
1. Please find two students in the class who look alike and look at them carefully to find the differences between them.
1. 请在班上找两个看起来相像的同学,仔细观察一下,找一找它们之间有哪些不同。
2. Their personalities are different
1. 她们的性格不一样
3. They have different specialties
1. 她们的特长不一样
Expand your imagination
1. There is a circle below, what would you imagine it to be? Draw and color your imagination. Then introduce your ideas to each other.
1. 下面有一个圆,你会把它想象成什么呢?把你的想象画出来,并涂上颜色。然后互相介绍一下自己的创意。
2. Why does everyone draw differently when they are also drawing on a circle?
1. 为什么同样是在圆上作画,每个人画得各不相同呢?
Be friendly with "different"
1. We like to make friends with people we like, and this is a common feeling. But what will happen if we put too much emphasis on this point?
1. 我们喜欢和自己情投意合的人交朋友,这是人之常情。但是,如果过于强调这一点,会怎么样呢?
Zhou Tongtong's Diary
March 3rd Sunny
3月3日 晴
1. I want to make some good friends who share the same interests when I move to a new school.
1. 转到新学校,我一定要交几个志同道合的好朋友。
2.It's better if we have the same personality, the same habits, the same interests and the same ideas, so that we won't have conflicts.
1. 最好我们性格一样,习惯一样,兴趣爱好相同,想法也完全相同,这样我们就不会闹矛盾啦。
3. I do not want to deal with those "different" people, no common language.
1. 我才不要和那些“不同”的人打交道,没有共同语言。
4. Do you think Zhou Tong Tong can find good friends? Why?
1. 你觉得周同同能找到好朋友吗?为什么?
5. Everyone around us is different, and learning to get along with "different" people is a skill we must have.
1. 我们身边的每个人都是不同的,学会和“不同”的人相处是我们必须具备的本领。
6. Some students may have small bumps in their hearts when they get along with "different" classmates. How can we get rid of these little bumps? Let's learn to think differently.
6. Some students may have small bumps in their hearts when they get along with "different" classmates. How can we get rid of these little bumps? Let's learn to think differently.
1. 有些同学和“不同”的同学相处,心里会有一些小疙瘩。怎样才能解开这些小疙瘩呢?让我们学会换个思路想一想。
7. Hu Xiaodong likes to play with girls, so I don't want to care about him.
1. 胡小东就喜欢和女生一起玩,我才不想理他呢。
8. Think about it, is it bad for boys to play with girls? On the contrary, what about girls like to play with boys?
1. 想一想,男生和女生一起玩就不好吗?反过来,女生喜欢与男生一起玩呢?
9. I am an acute person and Chen Yan is a chronic person who does everything slowly. I hate to be in the same group with her during activities.
9. 我是个急性子,陈燕是个慢性子,做什么都慢吞吞的,活动时我最讨厌和她分在同一小组。
10. Think about it, is it good to be an acute person? What is the benefit of making friends with a chronic person?
11. I know how to use the Internet, but Li Yu doesn't know much about computers, so I can't talk with him.
11. 我都会上网了,可是李雨对电脑还不太懂,太土了,觉得没法跟他谈到一起去。
12. Think about it, is not knowing much about computers corny? Will Li Yu have other advantages?
11. 想一想,不太懂电脑就土吗?李雨会不会有其他方面的优点呢?
13. By looking at others with an understanding eye and accepting their differences, we will make more friends.
11. 用理解的眼光看待他人,接纳他人与自己的不同,我“不们将会交到更多的朋友。
14. I think "different" students can share the work together. When cleaning, I am strong enough to carry the water, and Wang Yan, who is weak enough, is responsible for mopping the floor.
11. 我认为“不同”的同学可以分工合作。打扫卫生时,我的力气大,负责拎水,力气小的王艳就负责拖地,我俩配合得可好了。
15. I think "different" students can learn from each other. I am very talkative, and after I made friends with the quiet Zhao Wen, I learned to listen quietly, which made me more popular with everyone.
11. 我认为“不同”的同学可以相互学习。我特别爱说话,和沉默少语的赵文交朋友后,我学会了安静地倾听,这让我更受大家欢迎了。
12. I think "different" classmates can find common ground. I like to play table tennis, and my best friend Zhang Liang likes to play soccer. We both like to read science fiction stories, so we don't argue about playing ball.
11. Do you have good experiences with "different" classmates? Share it with us.
18. Different leaves on the same tree reflect each other and decorate a beautiful landscape together. We have different friendships in the same group and spend good time together.
11. 不同的树叶在同一棵大树上互相映衬,共同装点出美丽的风景。不同的我们在同一个集体中友好交往,共同度过美好的时光。
"Different" makes life more exciting
1. Life is full of different kinds of "differences", when these "differences" live together in harmony, what is the scene?
1. 生活中充满了各种“不同”,当这些“不同”和谐相处时,是什么样的情景呢?
2. Different musical instruments, different tones, different melodies, intertwined together to make beautiful music.
3. Athletes from different countries, different colors, different dresses and different languages gathered together, not only offering us a feast of sports, but also spreading peace and friendship.
4. What do you feel and think when you see these scenes? What other examples can you find of how "different" brings excitement to life?
5. We like this world full of differences, and we are willing to interact with different kinds of people. Learning to accept differences and appreciate others will make our lives richer and more exciting.





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