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摘要: `
3 I am honest
3 我很诚实
Honesty and lying
1. Honesty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people and is the basis of being a human being.
1. 诚实是中华民族的传统美德,是做人之本。
2. Li Dong accidentally wet his classmate's book. Although the other person did not know that he did it, he took the initiative to apologize to the other person.
1. 李东不小心把同学的本子弄湿了,虽然对方并不知道是他弄的,他还是主动向对方道了歉。
3. Zhang Min forgot to finish the homework assigned by the teacher. When the class representative reminded her to turn in her homework, she lied that she had finished it and forgot it.
1. 张敏忘记完成老师布置的作业。课代表催交作业时,她谎称作业已完成,忘带了。
4. Do you agree with what the student in the picture did? Why? Which behaviors do you think reflect the quality of a person's honesty? Write the behaviors you think of in the space below.
1. 你赞成图中同学的做法吗?为什么?你认为哪些行为体现了一个人诚实的品质?把你想到的行为写在下面空格里。
5. The teacher praised Deng Bin for his good drawing of the board. Deng Bin said, "Chen Mingming drew this, I just colored it."
1. 老师表扬邓彬板报画得好。邓彬说:“这是陈明明画的,我只是涂了颜色。”
Story House
Ming Shanbin Sells a Cow
1. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was a man named Ming Shanbin.
1. 在我国南北朝时,有一个人叫明山宾。
2. His family was very poor and the only thing of value was a yellow cow.
1. 他家里很穷,唯一值点钱的东西是一头黄牛。
3. One spring, when there was a shortage of green and yellow, the family could not afford to buy a pot, so Ming Shanbin had to take the cow to the market to sell it.
1. 一年春天,正值青黄不接,家里揭不开锅,明山宾只好把牛牵到集市上去卖。
4. When he arrived at the market, he found that other people's cows were fat and strong, while his own cows were thin and small.
1. 到了集市上,他发现人家的牛又肥又壮,而自己的牛却又瘦又小。
5. After waiting for half a day, there was no one to ask for a price.
1. 等了半天,连个问价的人都没有。
6. Later, there was a buyer who saw that Ming Shanbin was not asking too much and bought the cow.
1. 后来,总算有了个买主,见明山宾要价不高,就把牛买走了。
7. Ming Shanbin took the money and went home, just a short distance out of the market, when he suddenly thought that the cow had a hoof disease and forgot to tell the buyer.
1. 明山宾拿着钱往家走,刚走出集市不远,忽然想到这头牛从前害过蹄病,忘记告诉买主了。
8. So he hurried back to the buyer and told him everything about the situation.
1. 于是,他急忙跑回去找到那个买主,把情况一五一十地说了。
9. Unexpectedly, the buyer asked Ming Shanbin to refund his money.
1. 不料,买主听后却要求明山宾退钱。
10. Ming Shanbin did not argue with the buyer and returned the money.
1. 明山宾没有与买主争执,退还了钱。
11. Some people think that Mingshanbin is too foolish, while more people think that his honest and deceitful character is admirable.
1. 有人认为明山宾太傻了,更多的人认为他这种诚实无欺的品德令人敬佩。
12. Which view do you agree with? Why?
1. 你同意哪种观点?为什么?
Activity Park
1. Hold an honest story time and tell a story about honesty.
1. 召开一个诚实故事会,讲一讲有关诚实的故事。
2. Sometimes we lie, and that may be due to fear, cowardice or vanity, etc.
1. 有时我们会说谎,那可能是由于恐惧、胆怯或虚荣等。
3. My family has some very nice goldfish!
1. 我家养了几条非常好看的金鱼!
4. Let's go to your house after school!
1. 放学后我们到你家去看看吧!
5. Xiao Wen is an enthusiastic child. One day, all the students were talking about the small animals they kept at home. Xiaowen's family doesn't keep goldfish at all, but he- . . . . .
1. 小文是个热情的孩子。一天,同学们都在谈自己家里养的小动物。小文家根本没有养金鱼,但他·. . . . .
6. Xiaowen regrets that he made a fool of himself because he loved to save face and didn't tell the truth. 
1. 小文很后悔,因为自己爱面子,没说实话,结果出了丑。
2. He is determined to change this problem, but then his classmates no longer believe his words and do not want to play with him anymore. 
1. Xiao Wen is very distressed. Can you help Xiao Wen solve this problem?
1. Why did Xiao Wen say he had goldfish at home?
2. Imagine what will happen later.
3. What will the classmates think of Xiaowen?
4. What has this incident taught you?
1. Please tell me why each of the following two students did not tell the truth. Can you help them get out of the situation?
1. 请你判断一下,下面两位同学各是因为什么原因没有说实话。你能帮他们摆脱困境吗?
2. Li Hong didn't do well in the unit test and was afraid that his parents would blame him, so he asked his cousin to sign the test paper on behalf of his father.
1. 李宏单元考试没考好,害怕父母责怪,就让表哥在试卷上代爸爸签字。
3. The school is going to hold a handicraft competition. Zhang Fang was not satisfied with the flower basket she made, so she took her mother's work to compete ......
1. 学校要举办手工作品竞赛。张芳对自己做的花篮不满意,便拿妈妈的作品去参赛……
4. Have you ever told a lie for some reason? How did you feel after telling a lie? What were the bad consequences? What lessons should you learn?
1. 你是否也因为某种原因而说过谎?说谎以后你的心情怎样?有什么不好的后果?你应该吸取什么教训?
Let honesty grow up with me
1. We need the quality of honesty to accompany us in our growth, and we should become an honest and trustworthy person.
1. 我们的成长需要诚实的品质来陪伴,我们应该成为一个诚实守信的人。
2. One day at noon, Zhang Qiang accidentally broke the rearview mirror of an expensive car on his way to school.
1. 一天中午,张强在上学路上无意中撞坏一辆名贵轿车的后视镜。
3.The owner was not there, so he waited in place for about half an hour, and the owner had not come.
4.As he was in a hurry to get to class, he had to leave a note which read: "Dear owner, I am Zhang Qiang, a student of the First Middle School, and I accidentally broke your car at noon today.
5. I can not compensate in time, please contact me, my contact information is XXXXXXXXXXX. sorry!"
6. When people asked him: "The car owner did not see, you quietly left and no one knows, why did you leave a note?" But he replied, "He did something wrong, he should be responsible."
7. What do you think of Zhang Qiang's behavior?
What should you do?
If you encounter the following situations, what should you do? Please act it out.
1. After buying something from the store and going home, I found that the salesman had found a few extra dollars, I should ......
1. 从商店买东西回家后,发现售货员多找了几元钱,我该......
2. I was stuck on a question on a quiz, and I could see the answer of my tablemate, I should ......
1. 测验时一道题难住了我,正好可以看到同桌的答案,我该......
3. I accidentally broke a relative's vase, I should ......
1. 不小心打碎了亲戚家的花瓶,我该......
Let's say
The students in the picture below both told lies to others. Do you think there is a difference between their "lies"? Tell us what you think.
1. Bobo suddenly thought of a prank. He ran to the village head and said to Wen, panting, "You have a guest at your house, go back quickly."
1. 波波突然想到一个恶作剧。他跑到村头,气喘吁吁地对雯雯说:“你家来客人了,你快回去。”
2.Grandpa was seriously ill. In order not to affect his mood and avoid aggravating his condition, Fang Fang and Dad decided to hide his illness from Grandpa and reassured him that he would soon get better.
1. 爷爷得了重病。为了不影响他的心情,避免加重病情,芳芳和爸爸决定向爷爷隐瞒病情,并安慰他说,他的病很快会好起来的。
Famous saying
It is better to be deceitful than to be honest.
-Han Fei Zi -Say Lin Shang
Life cannot blossom brilliantly from a lie.
-[Germany] Heine





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