陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 三年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 11| 评论: 0

摘要: `
Unit 2 I grew up here
第二单元 我在这里长大
5 My home is here
5 我的家在这里
Love every plant and tree here
1. We live here, we have our footprints growing up here, and we have our laughter here.
1. 我们生活在这里,这里有我们成长的足迹,这里有我们的欢声笑语。
2. I was born in a small village in Anhui province, where my ancestors have lived for generations. In front of the village is a small river, and behind the village is a patch of crops and woods.
1. 我出生在安徽的一个小村庄,我的祖祖辈辈都生活在这里。村前是一条小河,村后是片片庄稼和树林。
3. Where does your family live? What do you have there?
1. 你的家住在哪里?那里都有什么?
4. Our community is very big, with more than 20 buildings. In the evening, many people chat and walk in the garden in the center of the neighborhood.
1. 我们小区很大,有二十多栋楼房。到了傍晚,很多人在小区中心花园聊天、散步。
5. Where do you like the most where you live? Tell us about it and share it with everyone.
1. 在你生活的地方,你最喜欢哪里?说出来与大家交流一下吧。
6. My favorite place is the small bamboo forest behind the village, where I often watch ants and play hide-and-seek with my friends.
1. 我最喜欢村后的小竹林,我常和伙伴们在这里看蚂蚁、捉迷藏。
7. I like the children's playground in the community most, where I often play with my partners.
1. 我最喜欢小区里的儿童乐园,我常和伙伴们在这里玩耍。
8. We not only like this place, but also are familiar with the people and things here.
1. 我们不仅喜欢这里,还熟悉这里的人和事。
9. My grandmother often tells me the legends of my hometown.
1. 奶奶经常给我讲家乡的传说。
10. I often see the cleaning aunts, whether it is raining or windy, or the sun is shining, maintaining environmental hygiene in the neighborhood.
10 我常看到保洁阿姨,无论刮风下雨,还是烈日当头,都在小区里维护环境卫生。
11. Do you know where the neighborhood committee, village committee and community property are?
12. What are they responsible for? Other than that, what other people and things are you familiar with here?
13. Even though we are familiar with this place, some students raised some confusing questions.
1. 尽管我们熟悉这里,但也有同学提出一些令人困惑的问题。
14. Why is our village called Wangjia Village?
1. 为什么我们村叫王家村呢?
15. What is the name of the village or community you live in? Do you know the origin of the name?
1. 你居住的村庄或社区叫什么名字?你知道这个名字的来历吗?
Activity Park
1. What activities have been carried out in your village or community? You can simulate the performance in the class.
1. 你们村或社区开展过哪些活动?可以在班里模拟表演。
2. What kind of activities would you like to design for your village or community?你想为村里或社区设计什么样的活动?
Reading Corner
The Well is Deeper
1. In our village, there is an old octagonal well, which is eight or nine meters deep and the water is crystal clear.
1. 我们村里有一口古老的八角形古井,井深足有八九米,井水清澈见底。
2.Although every household has installed running water, people still use the well water to pluck rice, wash vegetables and clothes.
1. 尽管家家户户都安装了自来水,可人们还是习惯用井水淘米、洗菜、洗衣服。
3.After dinner, people would gather around the well platform, leaning against the fence, and exchange news of the day.
1. 晚饭过后,人们会不约而同地聚集在井台四周,倚栏而坐,交流一天的新闻。
4. Children use the well platform as a gathering place to play together.
1. 小孩们则以井台为集合场地,一起玩耍嬉戏。
5. If it is a holiday, the well is even more lively, people come to the well and chat happily while they are busy with their work.
1. 如果碰到节假日,井边更是热闹,人们来到井边,一边忙着手里的活,一边快乐地聊天。
6. If someone needs help at the well, they will stop their work and go to the well to help.
1. 如果谁家需要帮手,到井边招呼一声,就有村民主动停下手里的活去帮忙。
7. This well has become the "living room" of the whole village.
1. 这口井,成了全村人的“大客厅”。
8. I remember two years ago, due to years of disrepair, the well rim has been broken, the well platform is also potholes.
1. 记得两年前,由于年久失修,井沿已经破损,井台也坑坑洼洼的。
9. Villagers took it upon themselves to buy cement, sand and gravel to repair the well, and soon gave it a new look, not only by adding a well cover, but also by building a concrete guardrail around the wellhead.
1. 村民们自发买来水泥、沙石修补水井,很快让水井的面貌焕然一新,不仅添做了井盖,还在井口四周砌起了水泥护栏。
10. A small well can gather the hearts of the whole village.
1. 小小的水井,能聚集全村人的心。
11. The clear water of the well flows with the affectionate feelings among the villagers.
1. 清清的井水,流淌着村民之间亲切的情意。
12. Why do people still like to come to the well when there is running water in every house in the village?
1. 村里家家户户有了自来水,人们为什么还喜欢到井边来呢?
What can I do?
1. Because I know the place well, I know what it needs to be improved.
1. 因为我很熟悉这里,所以它有待改进的地方了如指掌。
2. There is no warning sign by the creek, so it will be dangerous if people go swimming in the river.
1. 小河边没有警示牌,如果有人下河游泳会很危险。
3. The fitness equipment in the community is broken ......
1. 小区里的健身器械坏了……
4. Alas! This lawn has been planted with vegetables by people in the community.
1. 唉!这片草坪被小区里的人种上菜了。
5. What needs to be improved in your place? What can you do about it?
1. 你们那里有哪些地方需要改进?你能做点什么呢?
6. I love this place, of course I want it to become better. Let's think of a solution to the problem!
1. 我热爱这里,当然希望这里变得更美好。让我们一起来想想解决问题的办法吧!
7. I'll adopt this green space.
1. 这块绿地我领养。
8. Let's scrape off the small ads here.
1. 我们刮掉这里的小广告。
9. Uncle, the road is crushed by a big truck, can the Choi Committee organize people to refurbish it?
1. 叔叔,路被大卡车压坏了,崔委会能组织人去整修吗?





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