陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 三年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 16| 评论: 0

摘要: `
10 Carriers of Love
10 爱心的传递者
We all have love
1. There is love everywhere in life. We have all received care and help from others, and we should care and help others too.
1. 生活中处处有爱心。我们都得到过别人的关心、帮助,我们也应该关心、帮助别人。
2. Let's walk together.
1. 我们一起走吧。
3. Let me open the door for you.
1. 我来帮您开门。
4. Oh no, I forgot my colored pencils.
1. 糟了,我忘带彩笔了。
5. Use mine.
1. 用我的吧。
6. Old grandpa, please sit down!
1. 老爷爷,您请坐!
7. Tell me, what care or help have you received from others? How did you feel at that time?
1. 说一说,你得到过别人什么关心或帮助?你当时有何感受呢?
8. Thinking back, what care or help have you ever given to others?
1. 回想一下,你曾经给过别人什么关心或帮助?
9. There are always students around us who are willing to care for or help others, and they have others in their hearts.
1. 在我们身边总有一些同学乐于关心或帮助别人,他们的心中有他人。
Reading Corner
1. Because his home is close to the school, Yang Fan can get to class early every morning.
1. 因为家离学校比较近,杨帆每天早上都能很早到教室。
2. He opens all the doors and windows when he enters the classroom, so that the air in the classroom can fully circulate, and sweeps up the paper scraps on the floor.
1. 他进教室后会把门窗都打开,让教室里的空气充分流通,并把地上的纸屑扫干净。
3.In winter, Yangfan turns on the water fountain in the hallway early so that students can drink hot water when they come.
1. 到了冬天,杨帆会早早打开楼道里的饮水机,等同学们来后就可以喝上热水。
4. After school, Yangfan often stays behind to help the students on duty to clean up and then goes home happily with everyone else.
1. 放学后,杨帆经常主动留下来帮助值日生打扫卫生,再和大家一起开心地回家。
5.As time goes by, students call Yang Fan the "class little thunderbolt" and are very willing to make friends with him.
1. 时间长了,同学们都称杨帆是“班级小雷锋”,也很愿意和他交朋友。
6. In the morning, Zhang Lu would fill up a big bottle of pure water and bring it to school.
1. 早上,张路会灌上满满一大瓶纯净水带到学校去。
7. His mother asked him, "You brought so much water, so heavy, can you drink it all?"
1. 妈妈问他:“你带这么多水,那么沉,能喝完吗?”
8. Zhang Lu said, "Recently, our class is preparing for the soccer match, in the afternoon, the boys are especially thirsty after playing soccer, always buy mineral water is a bit wasteful, I saw several students drinking water from the tap, very unhygienic.
1. 张路说:“最近,我们班正为足球赛做准备,到了下午,男生们踢过足球后特别渴,总是买矿泉水有点浪费,我看见好几个同学就着水龙头喝水,很不卫生。
9. I want to bring more water from home so that we can all drink together." Do you have such students around you who are willing to care or help others?
1. 我想从家多带点水,大家一起喝。”在你的身边有这样乐于关心或帮助别人的同学吗?
10. Once there was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army named Lei Feng, who was a caring person.
1. 曾经有一名叫雷锋的解放军战士,他是一个充满爱心的人。
11. Sending a mother and son in the rain
1. 雨中送母子
12. Why is it raining so hard all of a sudden?
1. 怎么突然下这么大的雨啊!
13. Sister-in-law, quickly put on the child! Don't let the child get cold.
1. 大嫂,赶快给孩子披上吧!别让孩子受凉了。
14. What other stories do you know about Lei Feng's willingness to help others?
1. 你还知道雷锋叔叔哪些乐于助人的故事?
2. There are many people around us who need help, so let's turn our love into action!
Activity Park
1. Combine with the local situation, carry out a donation activity.
1. 结合本地的情况,开展一次献爱心活动。
2. You can start a "flea market" to sell your unused items at school and donate the money to local orphanages or people in need.
1. 可以开办“跳蚤市场”活动,把自己闲置的物品拿到学校里义卖,将得到的钱捐给当地的孤儿院或需要救助的人。
Be good at helping others
1. Relationships and helping others is a discipline that we need to learn constantly.
1. 关系和帮助他人是一门学问,需要我们不断地学习。
2. Hey, you're too short to hold it, let me help you!
1. 嘿嘿,个子矮拿不着吧,我来帮你吧!
3. Nosy, I can solve my own things.
1. 多管闲事,我自己的事情自己能解决。
4. look at you walking really hard, I look at it is difficult, I go to help you buy food!
1. 瞧你走路真费劲儿,我看着就难受,我去帮你买饭吧!
5. Don't worry about it, I can do it myself!
1. 不用你管,我自己能行!
6. Why are these two students unwilling to accept others' help?
1. 为什么这两位同学不愿接受别人的帮助?
7. What do you think is the right thing to do? Please act it out.
1. 你认为正确的做法是什么?请演一演。
8. When we care and help others, we should understand their needs by heart.
1. 我们在关心和帮助他人时,要用心了解他人的需要。
Related Links
Give "love" on the Day of the Heavy Sun
1. In some places, nursing homes usually receive little attention, but when it comes to the Chung Yeung Festival, various groups come to offer their love and care, and people come to the nursing homes one after another.
1. 一些地方,养老院平时很少得到关注,但一到重阳节,各种团体纷纷前来献爱心,一拨又一拨的人来到养老院。
2. The old people are both happy and tired.
1. 老人们既高兴,又劳累。
3. They were happy because the volunteers were very nice and provided them with all kinds of services; they were tired because their bodies could not bear to receive the volunteers in such a concentrated manner.
1. 高兴的是,志愿者都很好,给他们提供了各种服务;劳累的是,这么集中接待志愿者,身体吃不消。
4. a grandmother said with great emotion, "Originally it was an activity to care for us, why can't we do a little better?"
1. 一位老奶奶很有感慨地说:“原本是关爱我们的活动,为什么不能做得更好一点呢?”
5. Do you think the grandmother's request is reasonable? How can we meet the grandmother's request?
1. 你觉得老奶奶的要求合理吗?如何才能达到老奶奶的要求呢?
6. Have you heard of stories about helping others but not in the right way? What else do you think you should pay attention to when helping others?
1. 你听说过帮助他人却不讲方法的故事吗?你认为在帮助他人时,还要注意什么呢?
1. Treat people in need of help as equals.
1. 以平等的态度对待需要帮助的人。
2. Respect their privacy and wishes.
1. 尊重他们的隐私和意愿。
3. Understand their needs empathetically.
1. 感同身受地了解他们的需要。
4. Help them in a friendly and enthusiastic manner.
Reading Corner
Special Post
1. When Fang Ming was just a freshman in high school, a car accident took his father's life, adding to the already poor family's situation.
1. 方明刚上高一时,一场车祸夺去了他父亲的生命,使本来就贫寒的家境雪上加霜。
2. Fang Ming held back his tears and asked his homeroom teacher to withdraw from school, who said to him, "I was just about to find you.
1. 方明强忍着眼泪向班主任提出退学,班主任对他说:“我正要找你。
3. The school is looking for an attendance volunteer, responsible for cleaning the high school building at noon every day, with a monthly salary of 300 yuan.
1. 学校正在招一名勤工助学志愿者,每天中午负责打扫高中教学楼,月工资300元。
4. Are you willing to do it?" He nodded, and tears came to his eyes.
1. 你愿意做吗?”他点点头,泪水夺眶而出。
5. So Fang Ming became a part-time volunteer at the school, cleaning the high school building every day at noon, and occasionally missed the cleaning due to homework tension, no one blamed him, and the class teacher still received 300 yuan subsidy for him every month.
1. 于是,方明成了学校的一名兼职勤工助学志愿者,每天中午打扫高中教学楼,偶尔因功课紧张误了打扫,也没有人怪他,班主任仍按月代领300元补助给他。
6. He always felt lucky to have such a good opportunity. Three years of high school life passed, and Fang Ming got into university with excellent grades.
1. 他一直觉得有这么好的机会很幸运。三年的高中生活一晃过去了,方明以优异的成绩考上了大学。
7. But he never knew that the 300 yuan a month for these three years was not paid by the school, but by the teachers in his class, who shared it equally from their salaries.
1. 但他始终不知道,这三年中每月的300元钱并非学校所发,而是班上的任课老师从工资中均摊给他的。
8. He didn't know that the volunteer positions for work-study were specially created for him.
1. 他更不知道,勤工助学志愿者的岗位是为他专门设立的。
9. Why didn't the class teacher tell Fang Ming the truth?
1. 班主任为什么不把真相告诉方明呢?





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