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2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

摘要: `

二、 我们的班规我们订Our class rules we set

1、班规的作用The role of class rules

没有规矩,不成方圆。国有国法,校有校纪,班有班规。班规是班级共同生活的规则。班规可以让班级生活健康有序,使同学们在班里能愉快、安全地学习和活动。Without rules, no square can be made. The country has national law, the school has school discipline, and the class has class rules. Class rules are the rules of the common life of the class. Class rules can make the class life healthy and orderly, so that students can study and activities happily and safely in the class.

我们的课堂学习有序又活跃。Our classroom learning is orderly and active

我们的课间活动活泼又安全。Our recess activities are lively and safe

借阅图书时,我们都会做到爱护图书,看完后放回原位。When borrowing books, we all do take care of them and put them back to their original places after reading.

你认为班规有什么用?说说你的看法。What do you think is the use of class rules? Tell us what you think.

2、班规大搜索Class Rules Search

开展一个班规大搜索活动,看看班规的内容都有哪些。Conduct a class rules search activity to see what the class rules are.


班规(一)Class rules (I)

早睡早起准时到,进出校门有礼貌。Go to bed early, get up early and arrive on time, enter and leave the school with good manners

自主学习会合作,专心听讲爱思考。The students will cooperate with each other in their own study, and listen to the lectures attentively and think

教室卫生勤打扫,诚实守信要记牢。Clean the classroom diligently, and remember to be honest and trustworthy.

排队集合快静齐,室内室外不追跑。Line up and assemble quickly and quietly, do not run after each other indoors and outdoors

用餐文明不挑食,待公物如珍宝。Eat civilized meals without picking, and treat public property as treasures.

说说这些班规都包含了哪些方面的内容。Tell us what these class rules contain.



班规(二)Class Rules (II)

1.课堂上尊重老师,认真听讲,积极发言。. Respect the teacher in class, listen carefully and speak actively.

2.同学之间相互尊重,说话文明,不打架。Respect each other among classmates, speak civilly, and do not fight.

3.主动帮助遇到困难的同学。Take the initiative to help students who are in difficulty.

4.讲究个人卫生,穿戴整齐,勤剪指甲勤洗手。Be careful about personal hygiene, dress neatly, cut nails and wash hands regularly

5.保持教室和校园干净整洁,不乱扔垃圾。Keep the classroom and campus clean and tidy, and do not litter.

6.如果违反班规,向全班道歉。Apologize to the class if you violate class rules


3、班规我们订Class rules we set

应当怎样制订班规呢?下面两种制订班规的方式,你认为哪种更合理?How should we make class rules? Which of the following two ways of making class rules do you think is more reasonable?


我们班的班规是由老师一个人制订的。Our class rules are made by the teacher alone

我们班的班规是老师带领同学们一起讨论后再确定的Our class rules are determined by the teacher after leading the students to discuss them together.



班规的制订不是一件简单的事情,我们必须掌握制订班规的程序和方法Making class rules is not a simple matter, we must master the procedures and methods of making class rules.

下面是制班规时要注意的事项,请在你赞成的事项前面画上“1,并想一想还有什么可以补充的Please draw a "1" in front of the items you agree with, and think about what else you can add.

口班规的内容不能事无巨细、面面俱到The content of the class rules should not be exhaustive or exhaustive.

口针对班级中存在的问题,提出班规的内容Suggest the content of the class rules in response to the problems in the class

口每条班规都应由大家表决通过Each class rule should be voted on and approved by the class.

口要有纠正违反班规行为的办法There should be a way to correct violations of the class rules

口要有班规修订办法There should be a method to amend the class rules.



如果你们班还没有班规,现在就动手制订吧。If your class does not have class rules, make them now

可以根据我们的目标提出相应的规则和要求You can propose rules and requirements according to our goals

有的同学课间在教室里得球,应该把不能在教室里踢球作为一条班规。Some students have a ball in the classroom during recess, so you should make it a class rule not to play ball in the classroom.

老师总是爱提问前排的同学,班规应该加一条,老师提问应该兼顾全班同学The teacher always asks questions to the students in the front row, so we should add a rule that the teacher should ask questions to the whole class.



班规重执行Class rules should be enforced


我们是班规的制订者,也应该是班规的守护者。大家一起制订的班规,是对班集体所有成员的要求,每个人都应该自觉遵守。但有时候也有下面这样的情况发生。We are the makers of the class rules, and we should also be the keepers of the class rules. The class rules we make together are the requirements for all members of the class, and everyone should abide by them consciously. However, sometimes there are cases like the following

今天是新老师上课,金东和李蔷在下面交头接耳。It was a new teacher's class today, and Jin Dong and Li Qiang were talking to each other downstairs

赵方看到别的同学随地扔废纸,他也扔了一个纸团。Zhao Fang saw other students throwing waste paper everywhere, so he threw a paper ball too.

你认为应当采取哪些措施,以督促同学们自觉遵守班规。请把你的建议写下来。What measures do you think should be taken to urge the students to follow the class rules consciously? Please write down your suggestions.

我的建议My Suggestions


我们一起来夸夸班里的“遵守班规之星”,把他们的名字写进下面的光荣榜里。Let's praise the "Stars of Class Rules" in our class and write their names in the honor roll below.

遵守班规之星Stars of Class Rules

阅读角Reading Corner

为了更好地执行班规,(1)班全体同学与班主任老师共同商定了一个“违反班规处理办法”。其中规定,如果谁违反班规,就要写检查以示惩罚。In order to better implement the class rules, all the students in class 4(1) and the class teacher have agreed on a "Rules Violation Policy". It is stipulated that if anyone violates the class rules, he/she has to write an inspection as a punishment.

一天,吴林在教室里乱跑,撞倒了一位同学。班长按照“违反班规处理办法”要吴林写一份检查,并向同学道歉。吴林觉得写检查很没面子,就向班长提出自己为班级打扫一周卫生来代替写检查。One day, Wu Lin ran around the classroom and knocked down a classmate. The class president asked Wu Lin to write an inspection and apologize to his classmates according to the "class rules violation treatment". Wu Lin felt humiliated by the inspection, so he offered to clean the class for a week instead of writing the inspection.

如果你是班长,你会怎样执行这条班规?你认为这件事应该怎么处理? If you were the class president, how would you enforce this class rule? How do you think this matter should be handled?

我的想法和建议My thoughts and suggestions



班规可改进Class rules can be improved


大家一起讨论、制订的班规,可能会有不完善的地方随着情况的变化、发展,也会有班规与实际情况不符合的地方。如果发现班规存在问题,应该怎么办呢? There may be imperfections in the class rules that we discuss and develop together, and as the situation changes and develops, there may be areas where the class rules do not match the actual situation. What should we do if we find that there are problems with the class rules?

有同学认为,新制订的班规肯定不是十全十美的,如果发现班规存在问题,就应对班规进行修改,使其不断完善。但有的同学认为,班规既然制订了,就要严格执行,不能随意更改。你的看法是什么? Some students think that the newly formulated class rules are not perfect, and if they find any problems with the class rules, they should revise them to make them perfect. However, some students think that since the class rules have been made, they should be strictly enforced and should not be changed at will. What is your opinion?


我的看法My opinion


下面这些同学对班规修订提出的意见,你赞同吗? Do you agree with the following students' opinions on the revision of the class rules?

如果情况变了,可以对班规进行修订。If the situation has changed, the class rules can be revised

班规中提了太多不准干这、不准干那的要求,应该告诉我们正确的做法是怎样的There are too many requirements in the class rules that we are not allowed to do this or that.

班规既然制订了,就应该严格执行,不能随意更改。Since the class rules are made, they should be strictly enforced and not changed at will

修订班规要遵循一定的程序。The class rules should be revised according to certain procedures.



你认为班规中哪些内容还不够合理,应该修订?以小组为单位写下修订建议。Which parts of the class rules do you think are not reasonable enough and should be revised? Write down your suggestions as a group.

修订班规的建议Suggestions for revising the class rules

修订班规前,即使有不合理的内容,也需要遵守。你能说说理由吗? Before revising the class rules, it is necessary to follow them even if they are not reasonable. Can you tell us why?





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