陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 四年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

摘要: `

3我们班他们班Our class and their class


走进他们班Into their class



张小文的疑惑Zhang Xiaowen's doubts

张小文是个爱思考的学生,脑海里总会冒出各种各样的疑问。Zhang Xiaowen is a thoughtful student who always has all kinds of questions in his mind.他发现语文老师总在课堂上夸奖隔壁四(3),他想:(3)班同学到底做得怎么样? He found that the language teacher always praised the class next door in class.真的有值得我们班学习的地方吗? Is there really something that our class should learn from?

在校园生活中,你有过类似的困惑吗?你了解其他班级吗? Have you ever had similar confusion in your school life? Do you know other classes?

在学校里,除了自己班以外,还有很多其他班。每个班都是不同的In school, there are many other classes besides your own. Each class is different.

(2)班同学喜欢阅读,他们教室里有很多图书。Students in class 4(2) like to read, and they have many books in their classroom

(3)班同学跑步很快,几乎每次接力赛他们班都是第一名。The students in class 4(3) are very fast runners, and they are the first in almost every relay race.



班级小调查Class Survey

自由分组,选择各自想要了解的班级进行调查。The students were free to choose the class they wanted to know about to conduct a survey.



1.问问他们班的同学,调查他们班的基本信息。1. Ask their classmates and research basic information about their class

2.了解他们班获得的奖项,看看他们班擅长什么。Find out what awards their class has won and what their class is good at.

3.问问既教他们班又教我们班的老师,听听老师对两个班的评价。Ask the teacher who teaches both their class and our class, and listen to their comments about both classes.

4通过阅读他们班的板报,了解他们班的特点。Read their class posters to find out the characteristics of their classes.

根据搜集的资料讨论一下,你们所调查的班级有什么特点,哪些地方值得学习。Based on the information you have collected, discuss what the characteristics of the classes you have investigated are and what is worth learning.

我们认为,班的特点是: We think that the characteristics of the class are:

值得我们班学习的地方有: What is worth learning about our class are:


增进班级间的合作Promote inter-class cooperation

每个班都是学校大家庭中的一员。在学校生活中,大家一起合作,共同创造和分享美好的校园生活。Each class is a member of the school family. In school life, we all work together to create and share a wonderful school life

新学期的“文化月”活动中,四年级所有班级齐心协力,给全校同学奉献了一场精彩的联欢会。For the new semester's "Culture Month", all 4th grade classes worked together to put on a wonderful party for the whole school.

3班和5班成立了宣传小组,他们设计的海报非常精美。Classes 3 and 5 formed a publicity team, and they designed a very nice poster

演出小组的同学都是来自各个班的舞蹈高手。The performance group was made up of students from all classes who were great dancers.

2班的电脑兴趣小组为6班的音乐小组提供技术支持,一起负责联欢会音乐的准备与播放。The computer interest group of class 2 provided technical support to the music group of class 6, and together they were responsible for preparing and playing the music for the party.

文稿小组由各个班的文学爱好者组成,他们在老师的指导下撰写主持人讲稿。The writing team was composed of literature lovers from each class, who wrote the host speech under the guidance of the teacher.

你们班和别的班有过类似的活动吗?你们在活动中是怎样合作的? Did your class have similar activities with other classes? How did you work together during the event?



设计合作活动Designing cooperative activities

1.发挥自己的想象,设计一个班级合作活动方案。Use your imagination to design a class cooperative activity plan.

2.班内讨论,评选出可行的合作活动方案。Discuss within the class and select a feasible cooperative activity plan

3.在老师的帮助下主动邀请另一个班级,一起商议,合作开展活动。With the help of your teacher, take the initiative to invite another class to discuss and collaborate on the activity together.

我们可以组织一次班级之间的读书交流会。We can organize an inter-class reading exchange.

我们可以一起去郊游,还可以一起做游戏…We can go on a field trip together, or play games together...


针对学校生活中存在的问题,我们两个班可以共同向学校提出建议。We can make suggestions to the school about the problems in school life

我们可以一起开展校园科技节活动,展示大家的新发明。We could do a school science and technology festival together and show our new inventions.

你认为开展这类班级合作活动有什么意义?大家可以从中收获什么? What do you think is the significance of this kind of class cooperation activity? What can we gain from it?




正确对待班级间的竞争Properly deal with inter-class competition

班级与班级之间既有合作,也有竞争。竞争给我们带来成长和收获。There is both cooperation and competition between classes. Competition brings us growth and gain.

为了在合唱比赛中获得好成绩,我们班每天放学后都认真练习。In order to get good results in the chorus competition, our class practiced carefully every day after school.

上学期,5班和我们班进行了一场知识竞赛活动。活动中,双方都学到了不少知识。Last semester, Class 5 and our class had a knowledge competition. Both sides learned a lot during the event

班级之间有竞争是正常的,但是,如果使用不正当的方式获胜,那是不光彩的,甚至会产生不良后果。It is normal for classes to compete with each other, but it is dishonorable and may even have bad consequences if they use improper ways to win

摄影比赛时,为了让班级取得好成绩,有的同学用家长的作品参赛。In the photo contest, some students used their parents' works to get a good result in the class

卫生评比时,部分卫生检查员在检查本班卫生时,偷偷捡起地上的纸屑。In the sanitation contest, some sanitation inspectors secretly pick up the confetti on the ground when they check the sanitation of the class.

交流园Communication Garden

在你的生活中有类似的现象吗?这种做法可能导致什么样的不良后果? Do you have a similar phenomenon in your life? What are the possible negative consequences of this practice?



班级间的竞争必须使用正当方式。这话说起来容易,要真正做到,也不是那么简单。Competition between classes must be done in a proper manner. That's easy to say, but it's not so easy to do.

四年级将要举行“校园话剧”比赛,为了干扰其他班同学的比赛心情,有同学提议制作一条贬低其他班级的横幅。In the fourth grade, a classmate proposed to make a banner disparaging the other class in order to disturb the mood of the other class in the school play competition.对此,有同学认为这种方式不正当,也很不友善。最后,大家商定在横幅上写“班班有看头”“剧剧都精彩”。In response, some students thought that this was an inappropriate and unfriendly way of doing things. In the end, it was agreed that the banner would say "All classes have a good time" and "All dramas are exciting

假如你是赛场上的运动员,听到别人起哄,会怎么想? What would you think if you were an athlete on the field and you heard people making noise?如果你在看台上看到别的班同学跑在前边,会怎么做? What would you do if you saw another class running ahead of you in the stands?

说一说,这些做法是否合适Tell us whether these practices are appropriate.



为他班喝彩Cheers to Other Classes

每个班级都有自己的特点,都有值得尊重和欣赏的地方。Every class has its own characteristics and has something to respect and appreciate.能够为他班喝彩,就是对他们的认可和赞赏。To applaud other classes is to recognize and appreciate them



阅读角Reading Corner


为他人喝彩Cheering for Others

我曾应邀参加一所小学的运动会。那次运动会上,有一个班获得了道德风尚奖 I was invited to participate in an elementary school field day. In that field day, one class won the "moral character award".我向校长提出心中的疑惑:在整个竞赛过程中,并没有发现这个班的道德风尚比其他班高在何处。I asked the principal what I thought was wrong: I didn't see anything in the whole competition that made this class more moral than the others校长说:“其实你忽略了一个细节——在同学们都为自己班运动员取得好成绩而欢呼雀跃时,唯有那个班的学生在为自己喝彩的同时,也不忘为别人喝彩。 . The principal said, "In fact, you have overlooked one detail - when the students were cheering for their own class athletes to achieve good results, only the students in that class cheered for themselves while not forgetting to cheer for others."

由此,我还想起一次外国人为中国人喝彩的场面。2001822,在北京举行的世界大学生运动会开幕式上,当法国体育代表团走到主席台前时,人们意外地看见,法国运动员高高举起了一条横幅,上面用中文写着法国代表团祝贺北京2008年奥运会申办成功 On August 22, 2001, at the opening ceremony of the World University Games held in Beijing, when the French sports delegation came to the podium, people were surprised to see that the French athletes held up a banner with the words "Congratulations from the French delegation on the success of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games bid" written in Chinese巴黎申办奥运会败给北京,但法国人仍能大度地为竞争对手送上祝福,他们赢得了全场观众最热烈的掌声。Success". Paris lost the Olympic bid to Beijing, but the French were still generous enough to give their blessing to their rivals, and they won the loudest applause of the audience

为什么学校会给那个班颁发道德风尚奖? Why did the school give the class a "moral character award"?

巴黎申办奥运会时败给了北京,为什么法国代表团还会向北京祝贺呢?为什么全场观众给法国代表团最热烈的掌声呢? Why did the French delegation congratulate Beijing when Paris lost its bid to host the Olympic Games? Why did the entire audience give the French delegation the loudest applause?



真正懂得为他人喝彩的人,会欣赏他人在竞争过程中的卓越表现和努力拼搏的精神,而不会在意胜败的结果。People who really know how to applaud others will appreciate the excellence and hard work of others in the process of competition, and will not care about the result of winning or losing.

我只为我们班喝彩I only cheer for our class

我们班在上次运动会上输给了2,我才不会给他们班喝彩。Our class lost to Class 2 in the last field day, and I'm not going to cheer for them.

只要2班的创意节目真的很精彩,我就会为他们鼓掌喝彩。As long as the creative program of Class 2 is really good, I will applaud and cheer for them.

你如何看待上述想法?你会为他班喝彩吗,为什么? What do you think about the above idea? Would you cheer for their class and why?



为他班喝彩倡议书Cheer for Other Classes Initiative

让我们把“为他班喝彩”的倡议落实到每一次班级间的活动中吧! Let's put the "Cheer for Other Classes" initiative into practice in every inter-class activity!

运动会上,我们会…At the sports meeting, we will

合唱比赛中,我们会…In the chorus competition, we will...





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