陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 四年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

摘要: `

4少让父母为我操心Let my parents worry less about me

爸爸妈妈多辛苦Mom and Dad work so hard


从早到晚,父母总在忙碌,为工作努力,为生活奔波,为我们操心…让我们了解父母都在做些什么,试着体会他们的辛劳吧! From morning to night, our parents are always busy, working hard, running around, worrying about us... Let's understand what our parents are doing and try to appreciate their hard work!


阅读角Reading Corner
爸爸,您辛苦啦! Dad, you've worked hard

星期一清早,爸爸像往常一样骑车送我去上学。Early on Monday morning, my father took me to school by bike as usual一路上,自行车在坑洼不平的道路上颠簸得厉害,爸爸不停地叮嘱我:“小鹃,抓已经穿了那么久因为发现这件衣服他紧啦,当心别摔着!” On the way, the bike was bumpy on the uneven road, and my dad kept telling me, "Cuckoo, you've been wearing this shirt for so long because you found it tight, so be careful not to fall!"我拽住爸爸的衣角,猛然间发现这件衣服他已经穿了那么久,因为洗的次数太多,衣角早已发白、起毛。.  I tugged on the corner of my dad's shirt, and suddenly found that he had been wearing this shirt for so long, because it had been washed too many times, the corners of the shirt had long been white and hairy爸爸一直踩着自行车,看到他吃力的样子,我不由得鼻子一酸…. Dad has been pedaling the bicycle, see him struggling, I can not help but nose a sore ....

任就落在了爸爸的肩上。As far as I can remember, my dad was always 
busy. My mother's health was very poor, so the burden of taking care
 of me fell on my father's shoulders爸爸上班的地方离家很远,每天早上
为了赶在上班前给我做早饭,送我去上学,他总是天不亮就起床。My dad
 worked far away from home, so he always got up before dawn every
 morning in order to make breakfast for me and take me to school
 before he went to work下午放学时,他又会准时出现在学校门口,接我回家,
爸爸早已累得精疲力尽。In the afternoon, he would appear at the 
school gate on time to pick me up and take me home and help me with 
my studies. In addition, he had to cook dinner, clean, take care of
 mom... By the time he was done with all this, he was already
你从哪里感受到小鹃爸爸的辛苦? Where do you feel the hard work of
 Xiaozhu's father?
父母在家里的辛劳,我们可以看得到。他们工作时We can see how hard our
 parents work at home. When they work
征得爸爸妈妈的同意,跟着他们去上一天班吧! Ask your mom and dad for
 permission to go to work with them for a day!
的。Know the rules and requirements of the place where your mom or
 dad works beforehand, especially remember what you can't do.
2.在爸爸妈妈工作的时候仔细观察,但不要打扰他们。Watch carefully 
while your mom and dad are working, but don't disturb them
3.要注意安全,讲礼貌。Be safe and polite.
方面说一说。What is the hard work of your parents? Please tell us 
about the working hours, the distance to work and the content of
小记者访问Interviews with young reporters
进行一次小记者访问。If you can't go to work with your parents,
 there are still ways to find out how they work. For example, we
 can conduct a small reporter visit
访问实录Interview Transcript
Interviewee: Mom Occupation: Bus driver Interviewer: Yang 
Yang (daughter)
Daughter: Mom, every morning before I wake up, you go to work.
 May I ask why you go to work so early?
Mother: Mom is responsible for driving the first bus, which 
must leave the station at 6 a.m. sharp. So I have to be at the
 terminal by 5:30 to prepare for the departure.
 Woman: Do you drive all day? When do you eat and rest?
Mother: Yes, according to the rules, you have to drive five
 round trips a day. The route my mother runs goes through the 
city center, the road is crowded, the passengers are also
 particularly large, the situation is complicated, often blocking
 the traffic. In order not to delay the ride, I usually do not
 even dare to drink more water, for fear of going to the toilet
 and delaying the drive. It's hard to eat on time, and I often
 can't eat lunch until one or two o'clock in the afternoon.
Woman: Mom, your job is so hard! What is the biggest frustration 
you encounter in your work?
Mother: I am most frustrated by passengers who do not understand
 my work. Some passengers complain about me because of the long 
waiting time, and even quarrel with me over some trivial matters.
 This not only makes my mother feel very aggrieved, but also
 affects the safety of driving.
采访感受Interview feelings
? Do you think Yang Yang's mother works hard? If you were Yang
 Yang, what would you like to say and do to your mother?


少给父母添麻烦Give your parents less trouble

父母要做那么多事,很辛苦。我们都爱父母,也想为他们分担。很多事情我们帮不上忙,但起码能做到管好自己,少给父母添麻烦。Parents have to do so many things, it's hard. We all love our parents and want to share their burden. There are many things we can't help, but at least we can take care of ourselves and cause less trouble for our parents.

学校里---我把学习用品带齐,就不会麻烦家人给我送了! At school - I bring all my school supplies, so I won't bother my family to send them to me!



在家中---我不能吃这么多冰糕,不然肚子一疼,家人又得为我操心了! At home - I can't eat so much ice-cream, otherwise my stomach will hurt and my family will have to worry about me again!



小亮,别走,在我家再玩一会儿吧! Xiao Liang, don't go, stay at my house and play for a while!

不行!回家晚了,家人会担心的! I can't! My family will worry if I'm late!


你有过类似的情况吗?你认为怎样做才是管好自己呢? Have you ever been in a similar situation? What do you think is the best way to control yourself?




相信我们每个人都不想给父母添麻烦,只是有时候不能从父母的角度想问题,无意中给他们增添了麻烦…I believe that we all do not want to give our parents trouble, but sometimes we can not think from their point of view, and inadvertently give them more trouble...

你家儿子真不懂事,把新种的菜苗踩坏了! Your son is really naughty, he trampled on the newly planted vegetable seedlings!


,把菜苗踩倒了一大片…Jia Wei was playing football in the neighbor's vegetable field. He trampled over a large piece of vegetable seedlings...

嘉伟的爸爸这时可能……,如果嘉伟能就好了。Jiawei's father might ...... have been happy if Jiawei had...




楠楠的爸爸此刻心情会……,如果楠楠能…就好了。Nan Nan is sick and her dad is helping her get medicine,It's too bitter, I won't eat it!Pour the waterNan Nan's father is in a mood at the moment ......, if only Nan Nan could....

王鑫背着父母用压岁钱买了个电话手表,用后又觉得不合适Wang Xin bought a phone watch with his parents' money behind his back, but after using it, he didn't think it was suitable.

妈妈,这个电话手表不好用,您帮我退掉吧! Mom, this phone watch does not work, you help me return it

这会给妈妈带来的麻烦是……,如果王鑫能……就好了。This will bring mom trouble is ......, if Wang Xin can ...... be good.



我们不经意的一句话或一个举动,都有可能使父母徒增烦恼。A thoughtless word or gesture may add to our parents' worries

.要为父母分忧解愁,就从学做一个懂事的孩子开始吧。If you want to relieve your parents' worries, start by learning to be an understanding child

爸爸妈妈,我做完作业陪奶奶去散步,奶奶可高兴了,以后我要天天陪奶奶散步! Mom and Dad, I went for a walk with my grandmother after I finished my homework and she was so happy.

如果张小宇能坚持陪奶奶散步,父母会感到…If Zhang Xiaoyu can keep walking with his grandmother, his parents will feel...

我们已经长大了,如果我们能做得更好,父母就可以少为我们操心。We have grown up, and if we can do better, our parents can worry less about us.

如果早上我能按时起床,父母就可以If I can get up on time in the morning, my parents can….

如果我会自己洗衣服、整理房间,父母就可以If I could do my own laundry and tidy my room, my parents could

如果放学后我又快又好地把作业做完,父母就可以If I finish my homework quickly and well after school, my parents can

如果我会父母就可以If I can do my homework, my parents can

把这些设想变成实际行动吧! Turn these ideas into practical actions!





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