陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 四年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 22| 评论: 0

摘要: `

5这些事我来做I will do these things

家务擂台赛家务活有许多,买菜做饭、擦桌洗碗、洗衣叠被、买日用品…你平时都做过哪些呢? There are many household chores, such as cooking, cleaning tables and dishes, washing and folding clothes, buying daily necessities...what do you usually do?

我每天放学后负责喂羊,慢慢知道了羊的生活习性。I feed the sheep every day after school, and I have learned the habits of the sheep.

我经常扫地,既锻炼了动手能力,又为家人带来了干净的空间。I often sweep the floor, not only to exercise my hands, but also to bring a clean space for my family.

小伙伴中有这样的家务小能手吗?去采访一下吧。Are there any of you who are good at housework? Let's interview them.

我先淘米煮饭,等家人下班回来做晚饭就轻松了。cook rice first, and then it's easy to make dinner when my family comes back from work.



家务擂台赛Housework Competition


举办一次“家务擂台赛”,大家都来露一手。We'll have a "chore competition" where everyone can show off their skills.

我学做这项家务是因为……I learned to do this chore because ......

我能把这项家务做得又快又好的原因是…The reason I can do this chore quickly and well is...

我一直坚持做这项家务活的感受是…I keep doing this chore because I feel...

我们尝试着做家务,不仅能够减轻大人的负担,而且在动手做的过程中,还会有许多收获呢! We try to do the chores not only to relieve the burden of adults, but also in the process of doing it, there are many rewards!

知识窗Knowledge Window

做家务好处多Doing housework has many benefits

1.有助于形成良好的生活习惯。1. It helps to form good living habits.

2.可以形成良好的劳动态度。2. It can form a good working attitude.

3.可以增进对家人的理解,帮助我们体会家庭责任3. It can improve understanding of family members and help us appreciate family responsibilities.

4.能够提高生活技能,让人自信。4. It can improve life skills and make people confident.

5.为成年后的生活打下良好基础。5. It is a good foundation for adult life.

回想一下,自己在做家务的过程中有哪些收获。Think about what you have learned from doing housework.




愿做哪种人What kind of person do you want to be?

作为家中的小成员,我们应当做些力所能及的家务事减轻父母的负担。As small members of the family, we should do what we can to ease the burden of our parents.


夏丛艳日记Xia Cunyan's Diary

329March 29th

爸爸妈妈一直在外地工作,所以,下午放学我都要等妹妹下课,带她回家。My mom and dad have been working overseas, so I always have to wait for my sister to get out of class and take her home after school.可是,今天我只能拜托邻居姐姐接妹妹回家。因为我需要赶紧回家背水,用来煮饭、喂牛、洗衣服…However, today I had to ask my neighbor sister to take her home. Because I need to hurry home to carry water for cooking, feeding the cows, washing clothes...

我用塑料瓶装水,并且装得满满的,因为路程有点远,装少了跑一趟很不划算。I filled a plastic bottle with water, and filled it to the brim, because the distance was a bit far, and it was not cost effective to make a trip with less.一路上,我打起十二分的精神,背着沉重的水在崎岖的山路上艰难行走。Along the way, I put on twelve points of spirit, carrying heavy water in the rugged mountain road walking hard.一下午,我背了三趟,把近百斤水背到了家里。In the afternoon, I carried three trips, nearly 100 pounds of water to the home.我很骄傲,因为至少在两天之内用水不用发愁了! I was proud of myself because I didn't have to worry about water for at least two days!

背完水,爷爷奶奶还没从地里回来,我又忙着洗菜烧饭…After I finished carrying the water, my grandparents had not yet returned from the field, so I was busy washing vegetables and cooking dinner...

读了这篇日记,你有什么感受?你能从主人公的身上学到些什么呢? How do you feel after reading this diary? What can you learn from the main character?

有人愿意主动承担家务劳动,并且做得非常出色。但也有人有不同的想法,来看看他们的做法Some people are willing to take the initiative to do housework and do it very well. But some people have different ideas, let's see what they do.

妈妈,快帮我洗校服吧,下周一还要穿呢! Mom, help me wash my school uniform, I have to wear it next Monday!


Mom, help me fold my quilt, I'm in a hurry to go to school.


Dad, wipe the table, I need to start my homework.

,帮我…爸爸,帮我…Mom, help me...Dad, help me..


你们觉得这些孩子可爱吗?想想自己身上有他们的影子吗? Do you think these kids are cute? Do you think of them in yourself?


你想对下面这些观点说些什么? What do you want to say about the following opinions?

每天回家都要看书、写作业,没时间做家务I don't have time to do housework because I come home every day to read and do homework

我家都是爸爸妈妈和钟点工阿姨做家务,根本不需要我做。My mom, dad, and the bellhop do all the chores at my house, and I don't even have to do them.

天天干活,太累了! It's too tiring to work every day!


What if I don't want to do it?

有时候并不是自己不愿意做家务,而是大人不让我们做。他们总是担心这个,担心那个。Sometimes it's not that we don't want to do the housework, but that adults won't let us do it. They are always worried about this and that.

小乖乖,快别做Don't do it, little boy.

现在你还小,以后长大了再慢慢学。You are still young, you can learn later when you grow up.

别累着! Don't get tired!

家里的事不用你操心,专心学习,提高成绩最重要! Don't worry about your family, just concentrate on your studies and improve your grades!

去去去,到一边玩去,你来只会帮倒忙,添麻烦! Go, go, go, go, go play, you will only help and cause trouble!

大人为什么不让我们做家务呢?你也有过类似的烦恼吗?说给大家听听。Why do adults not let us do housework? Do you have similar worries? Tell us.



亲爱的妈妈: Dear Mom:

今天,我给您写这封信,想跟您说说心里话。I'm writing this letter to you today to tell you what's on my mind.也许在您的眼中,我一直是个长不大的孩子,但是我已经十岁了,很想尝试着做自己力所能及的事情,可您总是担心这,害怕那,什么也不让我做。Maybe in your eyes, I have always been an overgrown child, but I am already ten years old and I want to try to do what I can, but you are always worried about this and afraid of that, and you don't let me do anything.

看到您每天下班后这么疲惫,我就想在您做晚饭的时候帮帮忙,可是脚还没踏进厨房,您就冲着我说:“厨房里全是油烟,你来这里干什么?作业写好了吗?还不抓紧时间看书去!” When I saw how tired you were after work every day, I wanted to help out when you were cooking dinner, but before I even set foot in the kitchen, you said to me, "The kitchen is full of fumes, what are you doing here? Have you done your homework? Why don't you go and read your book?"我只好悻悻地走开了。星期天早上,我想陪您一起去菜场买菜,帮着拎菜,可是您却不同意,:“不用了,太重了!你把劲儿留着好好学习吧!”帮不上忙的我,心里就像压了块大石头,一句话也说不出来。  I had to go away resentfully. On Sunday morning, I wanted to go with you to the grocery store and help carry the food, but you said no, "No, it's too heavy! Save your energy for your studies!" When I couldn't help, it was like a big stone in my heart, and I couldn't say a word.


Mom, I want to say to you: "I know that everything you do is to care for me and love me, but your daughter has grown up! I want to train myself and learn to be independent so that I can adapt to life better! Please trust me and let me try, okay?


敬礼! I am grateful to you. I salute you!


您的女儿刘晓慧Your daughter Liu Xiaohui

2018920September 20, 2018

从这封信中,你学到了哪些与父母沟通的智慧呢? What wisdom have you learned about communicating with your parents from this letter?


要说服大人放心让我们做家务,不是件简单的事,那是需要智慧的。It's not easy to convince adults to let us do our chores, it takes wisdom.

如果你也遇到这样的情况,你准备写一封怎样的信与大人沟通,使他们理解你呢? If you were in a situation like this, what kind of letter would you write to communicate with adults so that they would understand you?

道理魔石The Magic Stone of Reason

送你一个《一屋不扫,何以扫天下》的故事,它可以帮助你充实说服大人的理由。The story "If you don't sweep your house, you can't sweep the whole world" will help you to enrich the reasons to convince the adults.

恒心魔石The magic stone of perseverance


Have you ever heard of the phrase "everything is always done with persistence"? If you can persist in doing your chores for a long time, this persistence will definitely impress the adults!

巧思魔石The magic stone of ingenuity

选做家务要量力而行,先从自己力所能及的事情开始,用实际行动证明自己能胜任,就可以打消大人的顾虑啦! Start with what you can do, and prove that you can do it with your actions, and you will be able to dispel your worries!

送你三块魔石,它们能帮助你实现做家务的愿望! Give you three magic stones, they can help you to achieve the desire to do housework!



与家务活“签约”Contracting" with chores

任何人都不是天生就能把家务做好的。只要我们愿意尝试,乐于学习,一定能成为“家务小能手”! No one is born with the ability to do housework well. As long as we are willing to try and learn, we can definitely become "chore masters"!


比一比Let's compare

做家务情况: Doing housework:

每天坚持做()有时间就做()偶尔做()从来不做()Do it every day () Do it when you have time () Do it occasionally () Never do it ()

我会做的家务活: Chores I can do:

我还不会做的家务活: Chores I can't do yet:

我想学做的家务活: Chores I want to learn how to do:


我们虽然不会做某些家务活,但可以学。你会向谁学?怎么学呢? There are some chores we don't know how to do, but we can learn them. Who would you learn from? How do you learn?


仔细看动嘴问爱思考多动手Look carefully, ask questions, think and do more


I learned how to choose vegetables from my grandfather

从电视节目里也能学You can learn from TV shows


做家务有很多诀窍,运用诀窍可以让做家务事半功倍There are many tricks to do housework, using the tricks can make doing housework twice as hard

知识窗Knowledge Window

家务小妙招Housekeeping tips

1扫地的时候要顺着地砖或地板的纹路扫。1 Sweep the floor with the grain of the tile or floor.

2把刷好的湿白球鞋表面用卫生纸包好后阴干,能防止白球鞋变黄。2 brush the surface of the wet white sneakers wrapped in toilet paper and dried in the shade, can prevent the white sneakers from turning yellow.

3擦玻璃时可以先用湿抹布擦去灰尘和污渍,再用废报纸擦干玻璃上的水迹,这样更干净。wipe the glass with a wet rag to wipe away the dust and stains, and then wipe the water stains on the glass with waste newspaper, which is cleaner.

4.如果桌子或白色皮具上沾有油污,尤其是圆珠笔笔迹,可以用纸巾蘸取少许风油精,轻轻擦拭即可去掉。If the table or white leather goods stained with oil, especially ballpoint pen stains, you can use a paper towel dipped in a little wind spirit, gently wipe can be removed.

你还知道哪些家务小妙招?赶紧向大家介绍一下吧! What other household chores do you know tips? Hurry up and introduce it to everyone!

“家务能手”卡"Housekeeping skills" card

我学会的家务活是The chores I learned are

家务学习交流会I've learned to do housework.

我是跟。。。学会的。I learned it from。。。。.

我的学习体会是My learning experience is

 我们已经掌握了一些做家务的本领,如何才能促使自己更积极主动地做家务呢? We have already mastered the skills of doing housework, how can we motivate ourselves to be more active in doing housework?

阳阳的家务作业Yang Yang's chores
还要经常打扫卫生……这些都是四年级学生阳阳的家务作业内容。We make 
our own beds when we wake up in the morning, serve our own food at 
dinner time, help clean up the table after dinner, wash our own 
underwear, and clean up regularly. ...... These are the chores of 
Yang Yang, a fourth grader.
馈给学校。This semester, the school held a "I can do housework" 
theme activities, specifically assigned a "diligent housework" 
homework, through the student self-assessment and parental record 
form, each student to do housework feedback to the school.
Have you ever participated in a similar activity? What other fun
 activities can you design to get people motivated to do their
家务承诺书Chore Pledge
生活贡献力量。As a young master of my family, I volunteer to do the 
following chores: ------------------ to contribute to a good family
妈的监督。Now, I solemnly promise: I will be responsible for these 
chores every day, and I promise to finish them on time and carefully,
 and accept the supervision of my parents.
签字: Signed:
年月日Month and year
第一步,能长期坚持做才是最棒的! How do you usually do your chores? 
Tell us how you do it! Taking the initiative to learn how to do 
housework is just the first step, but being able to keep doing it
 for a long time is the best!





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