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2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 14| 评论: 0

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8网络新世界A New World of Networking


新世界很精彩The new world is wonderful


互联网是个虚拟、神奇的世界,它能够让身在远方的人变得仿佛近在眼前。互联网让辽阔的地球变成了一个“小村庄”,“地球村”的称呼由此而来。The Internet is a virtual, magical world, which can make people who are far away become as if they are close to the eyes. The Internet has turned the vast earth into a "small village", hence the name "global village".


Internet life survey

1.你接触过互联网吗?一般每周上网多长时间?请在空白处打上“√”或填写数字。. Have you ever been in touch with the Internet? How long do you usually go online every week? Please put a tick or fill in the number in the blank.


1小时以下Less than 1 hour

1~2小时1~2 hours

3~4小时3~4 hours

5小时以上5 hours or more

我的情况My situation

2.你上网主要做什么?请在方框里打“√”,并结合自己亲身经历说一说。2. What do you mainly do online? Please put a tick in the box and tell us about your own personal experience.

收发邮件口Sending and receiving emails


玩游戏□Playing games

上网课口Go to online class

搜索资料Searching for information

看动画Watch animation




互联网让“秀才不出门,便知天下事”这句老话变成了现实。The Internet has made the old saying, "You can know everything about the world without going out" a reality.随看互联网技术的发展,“地球村”的“村民”们正在尽情地享用互联网带来的各种便捷服务。With the development of Internet technology, "villagers" in the "global village" are enjoying the various convenient services brought by the Internet.


没有柜台的商场—网上购物Shopping without a counter - online shopping

我的课外书、运动服都是妈妈从网上购买的。My mother buys all my books and sportswear from the Internet.

没有围墙的学校 远程教育A school without walls - distance learning

我在家里学习网络课程,可以和教师进行实时交流I can study online courses at home and communicate with teachers in real time.

我用手机远程操作,电饭煲就能自动开始煮饭了。I use my cell phone to operate remotely, and the rice cooker can automatically start cooking rice.

能远程控制的厨房房——智能厨房Remote controlled kitchen room - smart kitchen


Besides, what other new things do you know about the Internet? What convenience do they bring to people's lives?




新世界有规则The new world has rules

互联网虽然是一个虚拟的世界,但是它和现实世界一样有自己的规则。要想在这个新世界里快乐、安全地生活我们首先要学会遵守规则,并保护自己Although the Internet is a virtual world, it has its own rules just like the real world. To live happily and safely in this new world, we must first learn to follow the rules and protect ourselves


把你的家庭住址和姓名告诉我,我们给你邮寄一份最新游戏攻略Tell me your home address and name, and we will send you a copy of the latest game guide.

避免泄露隐私Avoid giving out your privacy


远离不良信息Stay away from bad information

如果遇到暴力等让你感到不舒服的信息时,马上远离If you encounter violent messages that make you feel uncomfortable, stay away from them immediately.

,我们这周六上午九点去人民广场见面,好吗? Hey, let's meet at People's Square at 9am this Saturday, okay?

慎重网上交友Be careful with online dating

如果遇到网友相约,未经父母同意,没有大人陪同,绝不能去。If you meet someone online, don't go without your parents' consent or an adult.

你知道还有哪些网络安全防护小技巧?请给同学们提个醒。What other online safety tips do you know? Please give your students a heads up.



互联网世界纷繁复杂,不仅要学会保护自己,同时,在网络世界里,我们还要做到不伤害别人。The world of the Internet is a complicated place, not only do we need to learn to protect ourselves, but we also need to do no harm to others in the online world.

陈博晓突然想到一个恶作剧,他决定在班级的论坛里宣布某位同学失踪的假消息。Chen Bo Xiao suddenly thought of a prank, he decided to announce in the class forum that a classmate was missing.


Chen Bo Xiao heard that there was hacking software on the Internet, so he wanted to try it out.

陈博晓的做法错在哪里?会给别人带来怎样的伤害? What is wrong with what Chen Boxiao did? What harm will it do to others?



知识窗Knowledge Window

全国青少年网络文明公约National Youth Internet Civility Convention

要善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息。Be good at online learning and do not browse undesirable information.

要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人Be honest and friendly, do not insult or cheat others.

要增强自护意识,不随意约会网友。Enhance your sense of self-protection and do not date online friends at will.

要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序。To maintain network safety and not to disrupt the network order.

要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。To be physically and mentally healthy and not to indulge in virtual time and space.


网络游戏的是与非The right and wrong of online games
有不同的看法。不少人认为玩网络游戏利大于弊。With the popularity of 
the Internet, online games have gradually entered our lives. Many
 people think that the advantages of playing online games outweigh 
the disadvantages.
网络游戏不但有趣,还有很多智力挑战。Online games are not only
 interesting, but also have many intellectual challenges.
 like to play online games and share game experience with my
 partners, which gives us more common topics.
网络游戏还有哪些益处呢?请结合你的经历说说What are the other benefits 
of online games? Please tell us about your experience
有人认为玩网络游戏弊大于利。看看下面这位同学的遭遇Some people think
 that playing online games can do more harm than good. Look at what 
happened to the following student
四年级的时候,我开始对网络游戏上瘾。In the fourth grade, I became 
addicted to online games我在网络游戏中扮演着各种角色,取得虚拟金钱来
. I played various roles in online games and got virtual money to
 buy virtual items.在游戏里赛车得了第一名,我会感到满足;游戏里养的
宠物在慢慢长大,我也会有成就感。I would feel satisfied when I won
 the first place in racing in the game;
现在,我整天都想入非非。I would also feel a sense of achievement when
 my pets in the game were growing up.上课时,总想着那虚拟的世界,无法
专心听讲。Now, I think about it all day long. In class, I always 
think about the virtual world, so I can't pay attention to the 
人和事都提不起兴趣。When I play for hours, I don't want to stop, my
 academic performance drops rapidly, and I'm not interested in 
people and things in life.
What harm has online games done to him? What do you think are the
 other harms of online games?




偶尔玩一下网络游戏,能起到休息、放松的作用,但沉迷于网络游戏就会给身心带来伤害。Occasionally playing online games can play a role of rest and relaxation, but being addicted to online games will bring harm to body and mind.

1.限定上网时间。1. Limit the time of online games.

2.寻求替代性爱好,比如运动、阅读。2. Seek alternative hobbies, such as sports and reading.


What can we do to avoid being addicted to online games? Discuss with the group

有时,光靠自己无法摆脱网络游戏的强大诱惑,这就需要一定的技术手段来限制玩网络游戏。Sometimes, you can't get rid of the powerful temptation of online games by yourself, so you need some technical means to limit playing online games.


Online game designer


If you were a designer of online games, what technical means would you design to prevent young people from being addicted to online games? Please use your imagination, draw a picture and say something.

1超过一个小时游戏自动关闭。1 The game will be closed automatically after one hour.

1.       两次游戏之间的间隔少于一天,就会自动扣除上一次游戏所得积分。2. if the interval between games is less than one day, the points from the last game will be deducted automatically.





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