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10我们所了解的环境污染What we know about environmental pollution

从“白色污染”说起From "White Pollution"

在日常生活中,塑料制品随处可见。你见过哪些塑料制品呢? Plastic products can be found everywhere in our daily life. What plastic products have you seen?

塑料制品为什么会被广泛使用呢?让我们一起来探究一下塑料有哪些性能吧! Why are plastic products so widely used? Let's explore the properties of plastic!


Here are some plastic candy papers I collected. By touching it with my hands, smelling it with my nose, and soaking it in water, I found that plastic is soft, odorless, and has a good water barrier.

这是我搜集的一段电线。通过观察和请教爸爸,我知道了塑料有很好的隔电效果。This is a piece of wire that I collected. By observing and asking my father, I learned that plastic has a very good insulation effect


 Plastic products bring a lot of convenience to people's lives,
 but plastic waste also brings a lot of trouble to people, and 
is even called "white pollution", understand the mountain do you
 understand the reason for it?
阅读角Reading Corner
塑料袋漂流记Plastic bag drifting story
我是一个白色的塑料袋,被人丢在小区的垃圾桶旁。I am a white plastic 
bag, thrown by the garbage can in the neighborhood.一阵大风吹来,
和几个同伴被吹上了天空。A big wind blew, and I was blown up to the
 sky with some companions.
里。”I slowly floated over the field, and when the farmer saw me,
 he got angry and said, "Don't fall into my crop field."我正感到委
 I was feeling aggrieved, thin corn brother sighed and said: "
plastic bag, many of your companions accumulated in the field under
 my feet, affecting my absorption of nutrients and water, my
 stomach hungry rumbling ...
I blushed and left the field in a panic. I floated and floated to 
the sea and saw a dying whale stranded on the beach这是怎么回事?人们
死了What was that? People checked and found that it had eaten too 
many plastic bags by mistake, and the garbage blocked the 
intestines and led to malnutrition, and eventually died of 
多塑料制品被烧掉,我的爸爸妈妈和小弟都深受其害,过早地离开了我! I 
was so shocked that I left the sea and drifted over the landfill. 
The air was filled with a choking odor, and the magpies standing 
on the branches saw me and coughed and said, "Look, people are
 burning the garbage, and a lot of plastic products are being 
我没有想到自己会带来这么多危害,我该怎么办呢? I didn't think I would
 cause so much harm, what should I do?
Read the story and tell us what problems plastic waste brings to 
people in your own life.



制品,我们的生活会变成怎样呢? Plastic waste is so harmful, can we
 completely eliminate the use of plastic products? What will 
our life be like if we don't use plastic products at all?
如果学校里没有塑料制品If there were no plastic products in school
如果医院里没有塑料制品, If there were no plastic products in hospitals,
If there were no plastic products at home
危害。We can't live without plastic, but plastic waste brings
 so much harm to the environment for so long.我们必须合理地、
We must use plastic products in a reasonable and controlled way,
 and only in this way can we reduce plastic waste.
相关链接Related links
Germany in 1991 to implement the "Packaging Ordinance", for the 
first time on the reuse of waste packaging and the use of the rate
 of comprehensive provisions, and mandatory manufacturers must be
 responsible for the recycling and disposal of their products 
每个塑料袋征税,从而减少了塑料袋的使用量。In 2002, the Irish government
 implemented a plastic bag tax, to consumers in retail shopping each
 plastic bag tax, thereby reducing the use of plastic bags.
限塑令正式生效。China in order to limit and reduce the use of
 plastic bags, to curb "white pollution", December 31, 2007, the 
General Office of the State Council issued a "notice on limiting
 the production and sale of plastic shopping bags". June 1, 2008, "
plastic restrictions" June 1, 2008, the "Plastic Restriction Order"
 officially came into effect.



为了解决这个才盾,人们找到了很多塑料制品的替代。这些替代品的推广可以有效地减少“白色污染”。 In order to solve this shield, people have found many alternatives to plastic products. The promotion of these alternatives can effectively reduce "white pollution".

在你的生活中有哪些塑料制品的替代品呢? What are the alternatives to plastic products in your life?

我们也可以为减少“白色污染”作出贡献。与父母商议,拟订一个家庭“减塑”方案吧。如果执行得好,还可以将这个方案在亲朋好友中推广。We can also contribute to reducing "white pollution". Talk to your parents about developing a family "plastic reduction" plan. If you do a good job, you can spread the program among your friends and family.


My family's "plastic reduction" plan





环境污染大搜索Environmental Pollution Search


In our life, besides "white pollution", what other environmental pollution is there? Please choose one of them and complete the questionnaire.




我们的发现:农药污染就在我们的日常生活中,家里每天吃的瓜果蔬菜等不同程度地受过农药污染。What we found: Pesticide contamination is in our daily life, the fruits and vegetables we eat every day are contaminated by pesticides to varying degrees.

我们小组做了农药污染的调查,下面是我们的调查结果Our group did a survey on pesticide contamination, and here are our findings


我发现奶奶每次买回来的蔬菜都要用水泡很久。I found that my grandmother always soaked the vegetables she bought in water for a long time.

妈妈说吃水果要削皮,以免吃到果皮上的残留农药。My mother said that we should peel the fruit to avoid eating the pesticide residues on the peel.

我发现农田打过农药之后,附近池塘中的鱼都死了I found that the fish in the nearby pond died after the pesticides were applied to the farmland.


产生的原因:没有科学地使用农药,例如过量、过度使用农药是造成农药污染的重要原因。Causes: The lack of scientific use of pesticides, such as excessive use of pesticides, excessive use of pesticides is an important cause of pesticide pollution.



Uncle Wang, the village agricultural technician, told us that many people can not catch the best control period, the usual pesticide is not timely, do not see the pests do not apply drugs, see the pests before the pesticide, when the pests spread a large number of drugs. This is not only poor insecticide effect, but also caused a lot of pollution.


造成的危害:请看我们画的农药污染危害图Harm caused:Please see our drawing of the harm of pesticide pollution

水体Water bodies




我们的建议:怎样才能减少农药污染呢?我们组形成了这样的共识。Our suggestion:How can we reduce pesticide pollution? Our group has formed this consensus.


1. Minimize the use of pesticides and use green methods to control pests and diseases.

2.使用农药时,必须用国家认可的合格产品。2. When using pesticides, we must use qualified products approved by the state.

3.严格按照说明书的要求使用农药。3. Use pesticides in strict accordance with the instructions.

可喜的是生态农业在我家乡已经兴起。Happily, ecological agriculture has emerged in my hometown.

阅读角Reading Corner

稻花香里闻蛙声The sound of frogs in the fragrance of rice blossoms

每到初夏时节,我就能听到附近稻田里传来犹如田园交响乐的蛙声。这些演奏家就是被称为吃虫冠军的虎纹蛙。In early summer, I can hear the sound of frogs like a symphony in the paddy fields nearby. These performers are the tiger frogs, known as the "champion insect eaters".

我家附近有大片的农田,由于连年大量使用农药、化肥,本地青蛙几乎绝种。There is a large area of farmland near my home, and due to the massive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers over the years, the local frogs are almost extinct.近几年,农业专家们引进了虎纹蛙。每亩稻田里投放500只左右,基本上就可以避免虫害。In recent years, agricultural experts have introduced tiger frogs. By putting about 500 frogs in each mu of rice field, we can basically avoid pest infestation.虎纹蛙吃到肚子里的害虫化作粪便排出后,成为肥料,还能增加土壤养分呢! The pests that the frogs eat in their stomachs are turned into feces and excreted as fertilizer, which also increases soil nutrients!



你们组进行的是哪方面的调查,拿出来与大家分享一下吧!通过调查活动,你有什么收获? What kind of research did your group do? Share it with us! What did you learn from your investigation?

我们组调查的是农村秸秆焚烧污染。Our group investigated the pollution of straw burning in rural areas.


Our group investigated noise pollution from construction sites.


知识窗Knowledge Window


Enterprises, institutions and other production operators that emit pollutants, shall take measures to prevent and control the pollution and hazards to the environment caused by exhaust gas, wastewater, sludge, medical waste, dust, odorous gases, radioactive substances, as well as noise, vibration, light radiation, electromagnetic radiation and other activities generated in the production and construction or other activities.

《中华人民共和国环境保护法》第四十二条Article 42 of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China

活动园Activity Park

谈谈你对“绿水青山就是金山银山”这句话的理解Talk about your understanding of the phrase "green water and green mountains are the silver mountain of gold"





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