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2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 13| 评论: 0

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12低碳生活每一天Low Carbon Living Every Day

地球“发烧”了The earth is "feverish"

气候在悄悄地发生着变化,你感受到了吗? The climate is quietly changing, do you feel it?

最近晚上怎么总停电啊? Why is there always a power outage at night lately?

天气持续高温,近几年一到夏天就闹电荒The weather continues to be hot, and in recent years there has been a power shortage in the summer.

气象台又发布高温橙色预警了The weather station has issued another orange warning for high temperatures

因连续40摄氏度高温天气,高速路旁的一块广告牌发生了自燃。A billboard next to the highway has spontaneously combusted due to continuous 40 degree Celsius heat.


What other symptoms do you know about the Earth's "fever"?


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n September 2013, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report that shows that the global climate is warming, the average global surface temperature has increased by 0.85°C from 1880 to 2012, and the Arctic sea ice area has been decreasing at a rate of 3.5% to 4.1% per decade from 1979 to 2012.


气候变暖导致了全球范围内气候混乱异常,加剧了洪涝、干旱、高温等气象灾害,进而对环境和人类造成一系列的影响和伤害Global warming has led to chaotic climate anomalies on a global scale, exacerbating meteorological disasters such as floods, droughts, and high temperatures, which in turn have caused a series of impacts and harm to the environment and human beings.


Global warming will lead to the melting of icebergs

全球气候变暖会导致一部分地区干旱程度加剧。Global warming will lead to increased drought in some areas.

全球气候变暖会导致海平面上升,带来沿海陆地面积缩小等问题Global warming will lead to a rise in sea level, resulting in a reduction in coastal land area, and other problems.

你还知道哪些因气候变暖而带来的灾害吗? Do you know of any other disasters caused by warming?


想一想Think about it.


Nowadays, many places have a high temperature of about 40 for dozens of days in a row in summer. What will happen if in the near future, the summer is 45°C for 30 days in a row?




What does the "fever" of the earth have to do with it? Scientific

 observations have found that the Earth "fever" and the 

atmosphere is increasing year by year in the "greenhouse gases"

 such as carbon dioxide. But the "greenhouse gases" are quite

 aggrieved, listen to what they have to say.



Hello everyone! We are "greenhouse gases", we are together with many other brothers to form the Earth's atmosphere, the sunlight through the atmosphere is absorbed by the surface, the surface also to the atmosphere radiation heat这些热量能被我们吸收,留在大气层里,保持大气的温度。适宜的温度给人类和其他生命提供了良好的生存环境。

. This heat is absorbed by us and remains in the atmosphere to maintain the temperature of the atmosphere. The right temperature provides a good living environment for humans and other life.


但是,现代人不断制造我们的同伴,打破了大气系统的平衡。However, modern man is constantly creating our companions and upsetting the balance of the atmospheric system.


As we have more and more companions, we absorb more and more heat from the surface, just like the glass cover of a heated house, and it is difficult to dissipate the heat, thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere, and the climate gradually warms up.


原来,地球变暖是人类活动产生的过量温室气体导致的。It turns out that the warming of the Earth is caused by the excessive "greenhouse gases" produced by human activities在生活中,你见过哪里在大量制造温室气体? Where in your life have you seen a lot of "greenhouse gases" being produced?

我家附近电厂的大烟囱每天都在制造温室气体 The big 
smokestack of the power plant near my home is producing "
greenhouse gases" every day.
我们村这几年摩托车、拖拉机的数量在不断增加。The number of
 motorcycles and tractors in our village has been increasing in 
the past few years.
它们只要一发动,就会制造温室气体” Whenever they start, they
 produce "greenhouse gases".
过度砍伐有关。The warming of the earth is not only related to 
these massive emissions of "greenhouse gases", but also to the
 excessive cutting down of trees by humans.
因为森林遭到大量砍伐,减少了对二氧化碳的吸收。Because of the
 massive deforestation, the absorption of carbon dioxide is 
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变暖的主要原因。In November 2014, the United Nations
 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a 
report stating that "greenhouse gas" emissions and other 
anthropogenic factors have become the main cause of climate
 warming since the mid-20th century.
In 2016, Nicholas Stern, the "father of climate economics," noted
 that if global "greenhouse gas" emissions continue "as usual," 
then By the end of the 21st century, it is possible that 
temperatures will rise by more than 4°C.

If the temperature does rise by another 4°C, what will

be the consequences for the earth's ecology and human life?





Reducing our carbon footprint



People often refer to the emission of "greenhouse gases" as "carbon emissions". There are many unexpected "carbon emissions" around us, so let's explore them together.


算一算Do the math

问一下父母,家里一个月要用多少度电,计算一下产生了多少碳排放。全班每家每月所用电的碳排放量又是多少呢?我们来算一算吧! Ask your parents how many kilowatt-hours of electricity your family uses in a month, and calculate how much carbon is emitted. What is the monthly carbon footprint of each family in the class? Let's do the math!


How many kilowatts of electricity are used in a month, how much carbon emissions are generated?

一月份用了350度电,制造了大约275千克的碳排放。In January, we used 350 kilowatt hours of electricity, which produced about 275 kilograms of carbon emissions.

家里的电器一开,就会耗电,产生碳排放。When you turn on the electrical appliances in your house, they consume electricity and produce carbon emissions.


Carbon emission calculation

家居用电二氧化碳排放量(千克)=耗电度数×0.785 Carbon dioxide emissions from household electricity consumption (kg) = kWh of electricity consumption × 0.785

通过计算你有什么发现?What do you find from the calculation?



很多碳排放容易被人们忽略。Many "carbon emissions" are
 easily overlooked.
Many items produce "carbon emissions" at various stages of
请大家看看下面这个小组搜集的资料。Please take a look at the
 information collected by the following group.
生产一件衣服的碳排放 The "carbon emissions" of producing 
a piece of clothing
 amount of "carbon emissions" in the production of a piece of
 clothing varies by material
喷洒农药等环节。For a piece of clothing made of natural 
materials, the production of raw materials requires planting, 
irrigation, fertilization, pesticide spraying, etc.
宰杀等环节。A piece of leather clothing, the production of raw
 materials need to go through the animal feeding, disease
 prevention, slaughter and other links.
A piece of chemical fiber material clothes, raw material 
production needs to go through the chemical reaction process
 of petroleum and other raw materials, to refine the chemical 
fiber material. It turns out that the raw material is made into
 clothes, then transported to different shopping malls, and
 then laundered clothes need to consume water and electricity
 and other resources一件衣服一生碳排放积累起来,也是
相当惊人! a piece of clothing "lifetime" of "carbon emissions" 
accumulate, is also quite amazing!
请在班级中汇报一下你们搜集的资料。Please report back to 
the class on the information you have collected.
我们小组搜集了生产一个饮料瓶的碳排放资料…Our group
 collected information on the "carbon emissions" of 
producing a beverage bottle...
说说我的“低碳经” Talking about my "low-carbon experience"



为了减少碳排放,我们已经在行动。请围绕家庭生活,在小组中交流你的低碳生活经验。In order to reduce carbon emissions, we are already taking action. Please share your experiences of low carbon living in a group around your family life.



I will put a mineral water bottle filled with water in the toilet tank. This can save water.


看电视时,我会调暗电视的亮度。既能省电又能保护视力,还可以延长电视机的寿命。When watching TV, I will dim the brightness of the TV. It can save electricity and protect your eyesight, and also extend the life of the TV.


原来一些不经意的生活小事中都藏着绿色低碳的生活方式。It turns out that some small things in life are hidden in the green low-carbon lifestyle.

你能选择一个方面制订一份家庭低碳生活新规范吗? Can you choose an area to create a new low-carbon lifestyle for your family?


家庭低碳生活新规范New low-carbon lifestyle for families


1.周末去奶奶家,妈妈建议乘公交车,让家里的汽车也休假。1. When I go to my grandmother's house on the weekend, my mother suggests taking the bus and letting the family car go on vacation.

2 .

3 .


1 .

2 .

9 4




除了通过绿色低碳的生活来给地球降温外,还可以参与碳补偿的活动。In addition to cooling the planet by living a green, low-carbon lifestyle, you can also participate in carbon offsetting activities.

什么是碳补偿呢?人们计算自己日常活动直接或间接制造的二氧化碳排放量,然后通过植树等方式把这些碳排放吸收掉,以达到环保的目的。What is carbon offsetting? People calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions they produce directly or indirectly through their daily activities, and then absorb these emissions by planting trees, etc., in order to protect the environment.


说一说你曾经参加过的为地球降温的绿化活动吧! Tell us about a greening activity you have participated in to help cool the planet!


In spring, we planted trees to cool down the earth.

这是我们认养的树木。These are the trees we adopted.

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The photosynthesis of green plants can absorb a lot of carbon dioxide.

我们可以通过大力种草植树,爱护花草树木,来减少大气中的二氧化碳。We can reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by planting grass and trees and taking care of flowers and trees.


 Only if everyone voluntarily lives a green and low-carbon life can we form an ecological civilization in which humans and nature live in harmony.





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