陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 四年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

摘要: `
9   Life is inseparable from them 生活离不开他们
1) They cannot leave their labor without the离不开他们的劳动
2) Our life cannot be separated from the efforts of workers from all walks of life. 我们的生活离不开各行各业劳动者的付出。
3) Workers from all walks of life provide people with different services to make the society operate in an orderly way. 各行各业的劳动者给人们提供了不同的服务,才使这个社会有序地运转起来。
4) The food and vegetables we eat daily are inseparable from the farmers ' work. 我们每天吃的粮食和蔬菜离不开农民的劳作。
5) The clothes we wear cannot be separated from the labor of the textile workers. 我们所穿的衣物离不开纺织工人的劳动。
6) The house we live in is inseparable from the hard work of construction designers and construction workers. 我们住的房子离不开建筑设计师和建筑工人的辛勤劳动。
7) Passenger trains from north to south cannot be separated from the labor of drivers, conductors, and railway maintenance workers. 南来北往运送旅客的列车离不开驾驶员、列车员和铁路养护工人的劳动。
8) Say the specific labor content of workers in different industries that you know, what does their labor have to do with our daily life? 说说你所知道的不同行业劳动者的具体劳动内容,他们的劳动与我们日常生活有什么关系呢?
9) Members of our family receive services from workers from all walks of life. 我们家庭中的成员每天都会接受来自各行各业劳动者的服务。
10) Let 's see what workers provide services and convenience for Li Dong and his family in the day' s life. 让我们看看在一天的生活中,哪些劳动者为李东和他的家人提供了服务与方便。
11) The bus driver provided convenient transportation for Li Dong's school. 公交车驾驶员为李东的上学提供了交通方便。
12) The mall staff provided convenience for Li Dong 's mother' s shopping. 商场工作人员为李东妈妈的购物提供了方便。
13) The restaurant chef and waiter provided convenience for Li Dong 's father' s dining. 餐馆厨师和服务员为李东爸爸的就餐提供了方便。
14) Think about what services you and your family have received in your life. 想一想,生活中你和家人都接受过哪些劳动者提供的服务。
15) If the lack of these services, what will be the impact on life? 如果缺少了这些服务,会给生活带来什么影响?
 They are all laborers who are他们都是劳动者
1. Although the people engage in different labours, they all have a common term called "laborer" .  尽管人们从事着不同的劳动,但他们都有一个共同的称“劳动者”。
2. Our parents and other loved ones are also part of them. 我们的父母和其他亲人也是其中的一员。
Reading angle阅读角
1) Mother is also a laborer and  妈妈也是劳动者
2) One day, Liao Qianqian of my class fell in the school long jump competition, and the teacher immediately sent her to the hospital where my mother worked. 一天,我班的廖倩倩在学校参加跳远比赛时摔伤了,老师立即送她去我妈妈工作的医院。
3) Mother carefully for her treatment, dressing, to relieve Liao Qianqian's pain, her injury soon recovered.  妈妈细心地为她诊治、包扎,缓解了廖倩倩的疼痛,她的伤很快就痊愈了。
4) I think, without the profession of doctor, how many patients would suffer from the pain of illness. .我想,如果没有医生这个职业,不知会有多少病人饱受疾病带来的痛苦。
5) My mother is one of thousands of ordinary workers, and our society is inseparable from the work of ordinary workers我的妈妈是千千万万个普通劳动者中的一员,我们的社会离不开普通劳动者的劳动。
6) Now, I know that my mother is not only my mother, but also a doctor, a laborer.  现在,我知道了妈妈不仅是我的妈妈,还是一名医生、一位劳动者。
7) As a doctor, my mother should not only take care of me, but also the patients and serve the patients with her labor. 作为一名医生,妈妈不仅要照顾我,还要照顾病人,用她的劳动为病人服务。
8) Who would like to introduce the careers of my parents or other loved ones? What kind of service do they offer for you? 谁愿意介绍一下爸爸妈妈或其他亲人从事的职业?他们为大家提供了什么样的服务?
People  人物 
Career Name  职业名称
Work content  工作内容
Dad   爸爸
Mom   妈妈
1. The good operation of society requires the labor of different professions. 社会的良好运转需要不同职业人们的劳动。
2. Although different professions are different in ways of labor, they is equal among workers. 尽管不同的职业在劳动方式上存在着差别,但劳动者之间是平等的。
Exchange Park交流园
1) Wang Fang told Li Yang, " My father is a senior manager of a big company. Many people listen to his command! Zhang Hua's father could not compare with it. He is just a migrant worker in the city."王方对李洋说:“我的爸爸是大公司的高级管理人员,好多人都听他的指挥!章华的爸爸没法比,他只是进城务工的人。”
2) Do you agree with what Wang Fang said? If not, how should he refute his views? 你赞同王方说的话吗?如果不赞成,该如何反驳他的观点呢?
Reading angle阅读角
1. Mason Wang Chengfu泥瓦匠王承福
2. Wang Chengfu was an ordinary mason in ancient China.王承福是我国古代一个平凡的泥瓦匠。
3. He said some very reasonable things about his understanding of labor. 关于对劳动的理解,他说了一些很在理的话。
4. He said that their duties are big and small, but they are doing their best, with their own use as living utensils. 他说,每个人职责有大有小,但都在各尽其能,就像生活用具一样各有各的用处。So, for the work of a bricklayer, I dare not slack off for a moment.所以,对于泥瓦工的工作,我一刻不敢懈怠。 It is not difficult to learn, and you can do it well with strength. Although tired, I will not feel ashamed, and the heart is very at ease. 泥瓦工不难学,可以凭力气做好,虽然劳累一些,但不会感到惭愧,心里很踏实。
5. —— Excerpt from w Wang   ——摘编自《圬(w)者王承福传》
6. What does Wang Chengfu know of labor and workers? What is your opinion?  王承福对劳动和劳动者有哪些认识?你的看法是什么?
7. No matter what profession people are engaged in, but the division of labor is different, there is no distinction between high and low. 人们无论从事什么职业,只是分工不同,没有高低贵贱之分。
Thank them for their labor感谢他们的劳动
1) Many workers may look very ordinary and simple, but it's not as easy as we think. 很多劳动者从事的工作看起来也许非常普通和简单,但其实并不是我们想象的那么容易。
2) Let's learn about them together. 让我们一起去了解一下他们吧。
3) Cleaners sweeping streets early morning 清晨,清洁工人在清扫街道
4) At night, the train dispatching command hall, in order to ensure the train safety, positive point, orderly operation, the dispatcher is still busy. 夜晚,列车调度指挥大厅内,为保证列车安全、正点、有序开行,调度员还在忙碌着。
5) Traffic police are directing the traffic. 交通警察在指挥交通。
6) In order to guard our security, the security uncle in the community watches for 24 hours a day uninterrupted. 小区里的保安叔叔为了守护我们的安全,每天要二十四小时不间断地值班。
7) On the operating table, the doctor was highly focused and completed a six - hour operation. 手术台上,医生注意力高度集中,完成了一台长达六个小时的手术。
8) Researchers conducted eight hours of experiments beside the experiment bench.  科研工作者在实验台旁连续进行了八个小时的实验。
Reading angle阅读角
1. Can you say something about the hardships of their labor? 你能说一说他们劳动的艰辛吗?
2. Keeping the oath of "health and life support" is the quality that every medical worker needs to have. 信守“健康所系,性命相托”的誓言,是每位医务工作者需要具备的素养。
3. Countless medical workers work conscientiously and tirelessly, and some people even give their precious lives. 无数的医务工作者兢兢业业、不辞辛劳地工作,有些人甚至献出了自己宝贵的生命。
4. Dr. Jiang Xueqing, who won the Chinese Medical Doctor Award, has fulfilled his oath with his own life.获得“中国医师奖”的江学庆医生就是这样用自己的生命践行了这句誓言。
5. His daughter once said, " My father had little time with me. He always had outpatient visits, surgery, and devoted most of his time to work and patients."他的女儿曾说:“从小,爸爸就很少有时间陪我。他总是在坐门诊、做手术,把大部分的时间都奉献给了工作和患者。”
6. Dr. Jiang Xueqing is patient, meticulous and conscientious at work, and always pays attention to controlling the volume when talking with patients, a move that makes patients feel Warm heart. 江学庆医生在工作中耐心细致、尽职尽责,与患者对话时总是注意控制音量,这一举动让患者感到暖心。
7. During the novel coronavirus epidemic in 2020, Dr. Jiang Xueqing lost his life by unfortunately contracting the virus during his work in fighting the epidemic.  在2020年新型冠状病毒流行期间,江学庆医生在抗击疫情的工作中因不幸感染了病毒而失去了生命。
1) May Day International Labor Day on May 1, it is a national festival for more than 80 countries in the world. 五一国际劳动节在每年的5月1日,它是世界上八十多个国家的全国性节日。
2) The Government of December 1949 of the People's Republic of China designated May 1 as statutory Labor Day.1949年12月中华人民共和国政府将5月1日定为法定的劳动节。
3) On this day every year, the country celebrates, people participate in various celebration gatherings, recreational and recreational activities, and commend workers who have made outstanding contributions. 每年的这一天,举国欢庆,人们参加各种庆祝集会或文体娱乐活动,并对有突出贡献的劳动者进行表彰。
Experience activities 体验活动
1. Let's also experience the labor of different professions! 我们也来体验一下不同职业人们的劳动吧!
2. In order to let everyone eat delicious food, chefs often stir fry the pot, this seemingly simple companion, they repeat at least a thousand times a day. 厨师为了让大家吃上美味的饭菜,常常持锅翻炒,这个看似简单的动伴,他们每天至少要重复上千次。
3. Please simulate this action for more than two minutes. 请你模拟这个动作,持续两分钟以上。
4. The Courier needs to constantly contact the recipient every day to sign for the items.快递员每天需要不停地联系收件人,请对方签收物品。
5. Please deliver two deliveries to two recipients on campus within ten minutes and ask them to sign. 请在十分钟内将两件快递送到校内两个收件人手中,并请收件人签字。
6. Talk about how you feel after participating in the experience activity. 谈谈你参与体验活动后的感受。
7. Experience activities only simulate a small part of the labor of the Chef and Courier. 体验活动只是模拟了厨师和快递员劳动中的很小一部分。
8. If we expand this experience again …如果我们把这个体验再拓展一下…
9. If I were a chef, I was still cooking food for customers late at night, what is the feeling? 假如我是厨师,到了深夜还在给顾客做饭菜,那又是一种什么感受?
10. If I were a Courier, in the scorching sun is still delivering express, what is the feeling? 假如我是快递员,在烈日炎炎下还在送快递,那又是一种什么感受?
11. Workers from all walks of life work hard every day to provide services for our lives. 各行各业的劳动者每天辛勤地劳动,为我们的生活提供服务。
12. We can thank their labor for their own practical actions. 我们可以用自己的实际行动来感谢他们的劳动。
See how the children do it below. 看看下面的小朋友是怎么做的。
Think about how you should respect and thank the workers in your life. 想一想自己在生活中应该怎么去尊重和感谢劳动者。
1) During lunch in the school canteen, I try not to drop the food to the table and ground to keep the table and ground clean. 在学校食堂吃午餐时,我尽量不把饭菜掉到餐桌和地面上,保持餐桌和地面的整洁
2) So the canteen aunt cleaning is much easier. 。这样食堂阿姨打扫卫生时就轻松多了。
3) I will put the bubble gum bag on paper and throw it into the dustbin, the cleaner will be more convenient. 我会把吃完的泡泡糖包上纸后再扔进垃圾箱,清洁工打扫起来会方便一些。
4) When the waiter serves us, Dad and I often give them a smile and say thank you. 服务员为我们提供服务时,爸爸和我常给他们一个微笑,道一声谢谢。





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