陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 六年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 34| 评论: 0

摘要: `
1感受生活中的法律Feel the law in your life. 
2法律是什么What is the law? 
3鸟儿在蓝天上飞翔,Birds are flying in the blue sky. 
4花儿在阳光下绽放。The flowers bloomed in the sun. 
5我们生活在蓝天和阳光下,We live in the blue sky and the sun.
6也生活在法律中。Living in the law, too. 
7法律规范着我们的行为,The law governs our behavior. 
8保护着我们的权利,To protect our rights. 
9协调着人与人之间的关系。Coordinate the relationship between people. 
10法律就在我们的身边,The law is all around us.
11时常与我们相伴。Always with us. 
12学生乘坐大巴去秋游The students took the bus for an autumn outing. 
13爸爸妈妈带孩子到医院看病Mom and Dad took the child to the hospital to see a doctor. 
14这些事情都和法律有关吗?Are these things related to the law? 
16这些活动都要受法律的约束,These activities are subject to the law. 
17也会受法律的保护。Will also be protected by law. 
18法律保护了我们的权利。The law protects our rights. 
19在法律的规定下,Under the provisions of the law, 
20我们享有人身权、财产权、受教育权等权利,We enjoy the rights of human body, property, education and so on. 
21学习知识、快乐成长。 Learn knowledge and grow up happily. 
22我有财产权I have the right to property. 
23我有受教育权I have the right to education. 
24说一说,Say it. 
25作为一名小学生,As a primary school student, 
26我们在家庭、学校和社会中有哪些权利。What rights do we have in the family, school and society? 
27法律规定了我们的义务。Our obligations are laid down by law. 
28过马路,要遵守交通法规;Observe the traffic laws when crossing the street. 
29在公共场所,要爱护公物、保护环境;In public places to take good care of public property, protect the environment. 
30借了别人的东西,要及时归还。If you borrow something from someone else, you should return it in time. 
31等到我们成年后,When we're adults, 
32要努力工作,You have to work hard. 
33为国家和社会作出自己的贡献。Make your own contribution to the country and society. 
34我要遵守交通法规I have to obey the traffic laws. 
35我要保护野生动物I want to protect wild animals. 
36纪律、道德与法律规范着我们的行为。Discipline, morality and law govern our behavior. 
34与纪律、道德不同,It is different from discipline and morality. 
38法律由国家制定和颁布,Laws are enacted and promulgated by the state. 
39具有强制力和权威性。With coercive power and authority. 
40所有社会成员都要遵守法律,All members of society must abide by the law. 
41依法行使自己的权利,Exercise one's rights according to law. 
42依法履行自己的义务。Fulfill one's obligations in accordance with the law. 
活动园Activity Park
1违反法律和违反学校纪律是一样的。Breaking the law is the same as breaking school discipline. 
2不对,它们可不是一回事。No, they're not the same thing. 
3你认为违反法律的后果和违反学校纪律的后果是一样的吗?Do you think the consequences of breaking the law are the same as those of breaking school discipline? 
阅读角Reading Corner. 
1道德与法律Morality and law. 
2道德与法律,是基本的社会规则。Morality and law are basic social rules. 
3对社会而言,For society, 
4它们如同鸟之双翼、车之两轮,缺一不可。They are like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a chariot. Be short of one cannot. 
5以孝敬老年人为例,Take filial piety for the elderly as an example. 
6它是中华民族的传统美德。It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. 
7.1996年,In 1996. 
8为了保障老年人合法权益,In ord to protect that legitimate rights and interest of the elderly, 
9发展老龄事业,Develop the cause of aging. 
10弘扬中华民族敬老、养老、助老的传统,Carry forward the Chinese nation's tradition of respecting, supporting and helping the elderly. 
11根据宪法,According to the Constitution, 
12我国制定了《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》,China has enacted the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly. 
13把孝道正式写入法律,Formally write filial piety into law. 
15赡养人应当履行对老年人经济上供养、生活上照料和精神上慰藉的义务,The dependents shall fulfill their obligations of economic support, life care and spiritual comfort to the elderly. 
16照顾老年人的特殊需要。Taking care of the special needs of the elderly. 
17.2012年修订这部法律时,When the law was amended in 2012, 
18明确规定:Make it clear. 
19“每年农历九月初九为老年节。”The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Old Age Festival. 
20尊老敬老不只关系道德,更是法定义务。Respecting the elderly and respecting the elderly is not only a matter of morality, but also a legal obligation. 
1生活与法律Life and the law. 
2法律调整社会关系,Adjustment of social relations by law. 
3保护合法权益,Protect legitimate rights and interests. 
4维护公共秩序。Maintain public order. 
5大到国家的政治生活,To the political life of the country. 
6小到个人的家庭生活,As small as an individual's family life. 
7处处都有法律的身影。There are laws everywhere. 
8《中华人民共和国劳动法》Labor Law of the People's Republic of China. 
9工厂里In the factory. 
10《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety. 
11道路上On the road. 
12《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests. 
13超市内In the supermarket. 
14《中华人民共和国义务教育法》Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China. 
15学校中In the school. 
16采访家人或亲戚,Interview a family member or relative. 
17了解他们的工作和生活中都涉及哪些法律。 Find out what laws are involved in their work and life. 
18刑法是规定犯罪和刑罚的法律。Criminal law is the law that stipulates crime and punishment. 
19刑法规定了什么样的行为是犯罪,The criminal law stipulates what kind of behavior is a crime? 
20对于犯罪应该给予什么样的惩罚。What kind of punishment should be given for crimes? 
21刑法惩罚犯罪,Criminal law punishes a crime. 
22保障人权,The protection of human rights. 
23保卫国家安全,Safeguard national security. 
24维护社会秩序和经济秩序。Maintain social and economic order. 
阅读角Reading Corner. 
1我国西汉史学家司马迁的《史记》记载:The Records in "Shi Ji" by Sima Qian, a Western Han historian in my country
2刘邦反抗秦的暴政,Liu Bang rebelled against the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty. 
3率军攻入咸阳后,After the rate of the army into Xianyang. 
4首先“与父老约,法三章耳:杀人者死,伤人及盗抵罪”。firstCovenant with the elders, the third chapter of the ear: the murderer dies, wounds and steals Sin". 
5这句话的意思是:The meaning of this sentence is:
6刘邦与大家约法三章, Liu Bang has three chapters about the law with everyone,
7禁止杀人、伤害和盗窃,Murder, injury and theft are forbidden,
8否则要严厉惩罚。otherwise severe punishment will be required. 
9杀人者会被处死,kill Everyone will be put to death, 
10伤害他人和盗窃要处以相应的惩罚。hurt others and theft will be punished accordinglypunishment.
12我国的刑法规定了四百多种犯罪,our country’s criminal law provides for more than 400 crimes.
13包括盗窃罪、抢劫罪、绑架罪、贪污罪、交通肇事罪等。Including theft, robbery, kidnapping, corruption, traffic Crimes of causing accidents and so on.
1民法是维护人们日常生活秩序的主要法律。Civil law is the main law to maintain the order of people's daily life.
2民法保护我们的生命、健康、名誉, Civil law protects our lives,health, reputation,
3保护我们的房屋、用具、储蓄; and protect our houses, appliances, and savings; 4民法指导人们签订和履行合同,civil law instructs people to sign and perform contracts, 
5调整生产、贸易、消费等社会关系。adjust social relations such as production, trade, and consumption.
相关链接Related links. 
1一家奶粉公司要向一家养殖场购买鲜牛奶,A milk powder company wants to buy fresh milk from a farm, 
2双方为此签订了一份买卖合同。The two sides signed a sales contract for this purpose. 
3合同主要条款包括:The main terms of the contract include:
4买方和卖方的名称, the name of the buyer and the seller,
5买卖商品的数量、质量,The quantity, quality of goods bought and sold. 
6商品的价款,The price of the goods. 
7交货的日期,The date of delivery. 
8支付货款的方式,Method of payment for goods. 
9违反合同的责任,Liability for breach of contract. 
10争议的解决方式等。The way to resolve the dispute, etc. 
11签订平等、互利的合同,Sign a contract of equality and mutual benefit. 
12有助于明确双方的权利和义务,Helps to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. 
13保障买卖行为的顺利进行。Guarantee the smooth progress of buying and selling. 
14小丽,妈妈要给你买一份人身保险。Xiaoli's mother wants to buy you a life insurance. 
15小丽的妈妈与保险公司签订保险合同Xiaoli's mother signed an insurance contract with the insurance company. 
16强强,咱们家要跟村委会签订土地承包合同了。Qiangqiang, our family has to sign a land contract with the village committee. 
17强强的爸爸与村委会签订土地承包合同The strong father signed a land contract with the village committee. 
18除了刑法和民法,In addition to criminal and civil law, 
19与我们生活密切相关的还有行政法等法律。Closely related to our lives are laws such as administrative law. 
20行政法约束行政机关的权力,Administrative law restricts the rights of administrative organs. 
21督促其履行自己的职责,Supervise the performance of their duties. 
22管理公共事务,Manage public affairs. 
23为公众提供服务。To provide services to the public. 
24市场监督管理部门颁发企业营业执照The market supervision and administration department shall issue the business license of the enterprise. 
25税务部门工作人员解释税收政策The tax department staff explained the tax policy. 
26在法律的大家庭里,In the big family of laws,
27这些不同的法律调整不同领域的社会关系, these different laws adjust social relations in different fields 
28发挥不同的功能。and give play to different Features.
29它们规范着人们的行为,They regulate people's behavior
30保障着社会的生产、生活秩序。and guarantee the order of production and life in society.
活动园Activity park
1阅读下面的情景描述,把与情景对应的法律用线连起来。Read the description of the scenario below and connect the legal lines corresponding to the scenario.
Tobacco advertisements were plastered on the walls of the school entrance and the wires on the side of the street.
3张叔叔和吴阿姨在谈恋爱,他们准备结婚。Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wu are in love, and they are getting married.
4张兰大学毕业,取得了教师资格证书,被聘为一所学校的数学老师。Zhang Lan graduated from University, obtained a teacher qualification certificate, and was hired as a math teacher in a school.
5一家工厂向河里排放污水,导致大量鱼虾死亡。A factory discharged sewage into the river, causing a large number of fish and shrimp deaths.
6新学期开学典礼,校长带领师生全体肃立,一起唱《义勇军进行曲》。At the opening ceremony of the new semester, the principal led all the teachers and students to stand up and sing the March of Volunteers
7《中华人民共和国教师法》"The Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China"
8《中华人民共和国广告法》"Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China"
9《中华人民共和国国歌法》"The National Anthem Law of the People's Republic of China"
10《中华人民共和国环境保护法》"Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China"
11《中华人民共和国婚姻法》"Marriage Law of People's Republic of China"
12通过采访同学和老师,Through interviews with classmates and teachers,
13了解一下我们的学校生活会涉及哪些法律,这些法律发挥了什么样的作用。 learn about the laws that our school life will involve, these laws what role did it play.
1法律作用大Great legal effect
2没有语言,人和人就无法顺畅地沟通;Without language, people cannot communicate smoothly; 
3没有规则,人和人便无法正常地交往。without rules, people cannot communicate normally.
4作为社会生活中的基本规则,As a basic rule in social life, 
5法律为我们设定了行为准则,the law sets a code of conduct for us 
6提供了外部保障,and provides external guarantees.
7维护着我们的正常生活。Maintain our normal life.
8下象棋play chess
9踢足球play football
10游戏和比赛如果没有规则,就无法正常进行。If there are no rules for games and competitions, they cannot proceed normally. 
11如果没有法律,社会交往会变成什么样?If there is no law, social interaction will change what kind of
12法律如同指南针,告诉我们行为的方向。The law is like a compass, telling us the direction of our actions.
13法律保障我们可以选择自己的生活。 The law guarantees that we can choose our lives.
14法律督促我们积极承担起对他人、社会和国家的责任。The law urges us to actively assume our responsibilities to others, society and the country.
15玲玲在儿童刊物上发表了一篇小说,她有著作权Lingling published a novel in a children's journal, she has the copyright
16公共场所禁止吸烟No smoking in public places
17法律如同尺子,衡量我们行为的对错。The law is like a ruler to measure the right and wrong of our actions. 
18合法的行为受到保护,违法的行为受到制裁。Lawful behavior is protected, illegal behavior is protected sanctions. 
19当争议和冲突发生时,When disputes and conflicts occur, 
20国家行政、司法机关依据法律,作出公正的处理。the state administrative and judicial organs will make fair handling in accordance with the law.
♧阅读角Reading corner
1管仲是我国春秋时期伟大的政治家、思想家,Guan Zhong is a great politician and thinker in the Spring and Autumn Period in my country,
2《管子》是管仲及其学派的著作总集。 Guan Zi is the work of Guan Zhong and his school total set. 
3《管子》中有一句话:There is a sentence in Guan Zi:
4“夫法者,所以兴功惧暴也;Confucianists, so they are afraid of violence; 
5律者,所以定分止争也;therefore, teachers of law decide to divide and stop disputes;
6令者,所以令人知事也。Linger is so informative. 
7法律政令者,吏民规矩绳墨也。”Laws and decree officials also follow the rules of the people. "
8大意是:The main idea is:
9法是用来预防和惩罚犯罪的,Law is used to prevent and punish crime. 
10律是用来解决争端、化解纠纷的。Law is used to resolve disputes
11法律政令,就是治理社会的规矩绳墨。Laws and decrees are the governance of society Rules Shengmo.
12爸爸喝了酒之后,一定不开车。Dad must not drive after drinking. 
13他告诉我,法律禁止酒后驾车。He told me that the law prohibits drunk driving. 14我觉得,法律让我们更安全。I think the law let us be safer.
15我看到残疾人受到法律的特殊保护,I see that the disabled people are protected by the law,
16法律让大家的生活更有保障。 so that everyone’s lives are more secure.
17我家邻居在路上遭遇了交通事故,My neighbor encountered a traffic accident on the road. 
18法院判决肇事司机承担了全部赔偿责任。The court ruled that the driver who caused the accident should bear all the liability for compensation.
19我觉得,法律让生活更公平。I feel that the law makes life fairer。
20法律如同武器,是保护我们的坚强盾牌。The law, like a weapon, is a strong shield to protect us.
21当我们的合法权益遭受侵害时,When our legitimate rights and interests are infringed, 
22要善于运用法律武器,依法维护自己的权利。we must be good to use legal weapons to protect their rights in accordance with the law.
23如果经济困难,可以通过法律援助,If you have financial difficulties, you can get legal aid 
24获得政府提供的免费法律服务。Get free legal services provided by the government.
25如果有人欺负我弟弟,我就找人去教训他If someone bullies my brother, I will find someone to teach him
26如果有人偷摘我家果园的葡萄,我就去摘他们家的。If someone steals the grapes from my orchard, I will pick them.
27如果我被别人家的狗咬伤了,那我也没有办法,只能认倒霉。If I am bitten by someone else’s dog, I have no choice but to admit that I am unlucky.
28你认同他们的观点吗,为什么?Do you agree with them? Why?
29如果爸爸就职的公司拖欠爸爸工资,你认为爸爸应该怎么办?What do you think Dad should do if the company where Dad works defaults on Dad’s salary?
♧相关链接Related links. 
1法律援助是现代社会的一种法律保障制度,Legal aid is a legal guarantee system in modern society, 
2由政府设立的法律援助机构组织实施,organized by legal aid agencies established by the government
3为经济困难或特殊案件中的当事人,如盲、聋、哑及未成年人无偿提供法律服务。Implemented for parties in financial difficulties or special cases, such as blind, deaf, dumb, and minors legal service.
4法律援助在保障公民合法权益、推进司法公正等方面发挥着重要作用,Legal aid plays an important role in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and promoting judicial justice
5为符合条件的公民提供法律援助是政府的责任。It is the responsibility of the government to provide legal aid to eligible citizens.
6人人依法享有权利,人人依法履行义务。Everyone enjoys rights in accordance with the law and everyone performs their obligations in accordance with the law.
7在法律的指引和保护下,Under the guidance and protection of the law,
8个人和家庭快乐、幸福,社会与国家公正、和谐。Individual and family happiness, social and national justice and harmony.
9组织一次“法律故事会”,讲一讲自己知道的或经历过的与法律有关的故事,Organize a "legal story meeting" to tell stories about the law that you know or have experienced
10说说它带给我们什么样的启示。Tell us what kind of enlightenment it brings us.





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